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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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#swelfie time!

Starting to see some progress, have been lifting just over a month, 4x a week.





Before I met my fiancee (when she was in high school), she had similar issues. Completely destroyed her will to do anything because it happened so often and so randomly that she was literally afraid to be out in public if it acted up. It more or less just went away on its own despite her trying many different things. She had such shitty treatment from so many people and it sounds almost exactly like what you said; that kind of shit treatment actually was partially her motivation for becoming a dietitian, because she had met with a lot of awful healthcare workers (form nurses to doctors to specialists to dietitians) and she wanted to try and pick-up where they had failed. GI issues are really just the worst and can be so difficult to treat and diagnose, the last thing anyone needs is "lol gluten!" as the go-to excuse, as if suddenly the entire world became allergic to gluten in the last 5 years.

This is my number 1 fear. I'll just be told eh I dunno what's wrong

Meanwhile I can't eat anything outside of like 3-5 foods for fear of debilitating pain


I don't know why it's taboo. I'm pretty sure incorporating CrossFit would be a lot of people in here closer to their goals think strictly lifting.

...Just a thought.

Chiefly because of the thousands of terrible coaches out there produced by the CrossFit licensing mill and the seemingly strange culture of celebrating pushing people beyond their capacity towards injury.

CrossFit games? Nothing wrong with it, really, those people are legit strong and fit.

CrossFit gyms? I don't trust them.


If by "without outside help" you mean went to the gym alone, yeah, definitely. I would bet most of us went to the gym on our own when we started and most of us continue to do so now.

The important part is to go in with a good plan based on your specific goals, current physical condition, etc. What're you looking to gain from going to the gym?

Thanks for the tip! I'm going for strength and hypertrophy. I kept my current physique for so long because I enjoy(ed) my "skinny hipster" physique for the longest time, but was still self conscious taking off my shirt at the beach.

I'm getting older and to the point where I want to more confident in more areas of my life and this is one of them.

Welcome. I joined in March '14. This community is really supportive.

What are your goals for going to the gym?
With your diet, how do you plan to incorporate enough protein to meet your macros?
How do you plan to attain your goals?


Goals are strength and hypertrophy. Looking into Ice Cream Fitness routine as it combines the best of SS with visible gains.

Lots of protein powder, peanut butter, nuts, legumes, beans and grains. I've been reading a lot about diet so I think I have this under control. I'm just going to have to eat a lot more than I do now.


From September '13 until May '14, I've been lifting by myself; I occasionally bump into my friends because I was using the university gym. Before I stopped going to the gym ~5 weeks ago, I was going with my friend because he needed a gym to go to and I am still had access to the university gym so I signed him in.

As for lifting by yourself, it's important to know these:

Thanks! I'll look into those. I really do want to get everything right and not half-ass it to prevent injury and get the most out of the workout.
Thanks for the tip! I'm going for strength and hypertrophy. I kept my current physique for so long because I enjoy(ed) my "skinny hipster" physique for the longest time, but was still self conscious taking off my shirt at the beach.

I'm getting older and to the point where I want to more confident in more areas of my life and this is one of them.


Goals are strength and hypertrophy. Looking into Ice Cream Fitness routine as it combines the best of SS with visible gains.

Lots of protein powder, peanut butter, nuts, legumes, beans and grains. I've been reading a lot about diet so I think I have this under control. I'm just going to have to eat a lot more than I do now.

Thanks! I'll look into those. I really do want to get everything right and not half-ass it to prevent injury and get the most out of the workout.

If you plan to bulk, GOMAD will be your friend. Since you're a vegetarian and not a vegan, milk is a very good option.
Weird, don't most of the regulars in here poo poo GOMAD?

GOMAD is kind of the extreme end of people wanting to gain weight. In my opinion, it's excessive and I don't personally know anyone that used it for any real length of time.

So, I don't want to speak for others, but unless someone has a ridiculous timeframe or is on 'roids, I can't personally recommend GOMAD. Years ago I thought it was a great idea, but I'm just not onboard anymore.

But to be fair, I first started barbell training about 6 years ago and am relatively weak considering how long I've been training, though I blame that more on my I consistent lifting schedule than my diet.
Whoo, despite my wrist issue mentioned above, I am only about 10 lbs shy of a bench plus squat plus deadlift total of 800 lbs weighing about 170 lbs. That's not much compared to a lot of FitGAF, but I'm happy with where I'm at and more importantly where I think I'll be in the next few months/years.

Just successfully completed my 1s week without failing any lifts... Yeah suck it mild caloric deficit, this train rolls on.

God damn. I've lost a bit under 8 lbs in the roughly 8 weeks I've been cutting and dips have never been easier. It's like I'm in reduced gravity.


#swelfie time!

Starting to see some progress, have been lifting just over a month, 4x a week.
Yay! Good for you! Stick with it! :D

Hands down the most useful community on GAF.

Saving people countless time, money along with saving people from likely injury. Not to forget the added Gainz, support and keep each other motivated.

FitGAF is bestGAF.
<3 I heartily agree with you.

I would be so lost without you!

This is my number 1 fear. I'll just be told eh I dunno what's wrong

Meanwhile I can't eat anything outside of like 3-5 foods for fear of debilitating pain
I have for couple years followed one of my colleagues to struggle with her tummy - sometimes it is fine and sometimes she needs to take a week or two sick leave because of it. She has gone through every test possible and they yet don't know what is causing it. I so hope you will soon know what is wrong so you could fix it. I can only imagine how frustrating it is for you. I am truly hoping for fast recovery!

Probably going to be joining the Neogaf Fitness Family soon. Been putting it off for so long as the gym intimidates me (though I'm confident in other areas of my life? odd).

Has anyone joined and just started doing lifts by themselves without outside help? My main concerns are if my forms are correct (there's only so much youtube videos I can watch) and what happens if I add too much weight and can't lift, or if I do, get stuck.

Oh and I'm also a vegetarian.

Hey sweetie, you are very welcome in here!

When I started to go to gym (first time this year) I went with my physiotherapist who did my programms and checked that I did everything correctly, but after that one I have been just going alone. I have actually noticed that I enjoy going alone, since in that way I can fully concentrade on what I am doing and actually also do it right. :p I have twice went with a friend and I can say I must have been pretty horrid company when only doing my own thing no matter what they were doing. Well, we stretched together if that counts... So no need to be afraid of going alone that is. Just figure beforehand what you are planning to go and just stick with it.
Decided to stop my haphazard bodyweight + bench press and start a proper program at a gym. Wanted to do the program on page 1 but I looked up power cleans and there is no way I am attempting that as a relative beginner. So I decided to do Stronglifts 5x5 since they have a nifty app which works everything out for you. Is this a good idea? Is there anything about stronglifts that I should need to know?

P.S How do you work out the weight of the bar? Right now I am just assuming they are 20Kg since they accept Olympic size plates but I'm not sure.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Decided to stop my haphazard bodyweight + bench press and start a proper program at a gym. Wanted to do the program on page 1 but I looked up power cleans and there is no way I am attempting that as a relative beginner. So I decided to do Stronglifts 5x5 since they have a nifty app which works everything out for you. Is this a good idea? Is there anything about stronglifts that I should need to know?

P.S How do you work out the weight of the bar? Right now I am just assuming they are 20Kg since they accept Olympic size plates but I'm not sure.

Stronglifts is great! The app really does make things easy.

Definitely read the material on the website: http://stronglifts.com/5x5/

If it's not a shorter bar made for curling and such, then it's almost certainly a full Olympic bar which would be 20 kg.


GOMAD is really extreme imo. If you wanna go the milk route (as it is mega quick and easy to consume) just add like 1 litre of milk to your regular diet.

With full milk that's roughly 650 additional calories, 32g of protein, 47g carbs and 36g of fat.

Just down 3 even glasses a day between meals and healthier than consuming a gallon (4.5litres).
Decided to stop my haphazard bodyweight + bench press and start a proper program at a gym. Wanted to do the program on page 1 but I looked up power cleans and there is no way I am attempting that as a relative beginner. So I decided to do Stronglifts 5x5 since they have a nifty app which works everything out for you. Is this a good idea? Is there anything about stronglifts that I should need to know?

P.S How do you work out the weight of the bar? Right now I am just assuming they are 20Kg since they accept Olympic size plates but I'm not sure.

I haven't used SL, but I hear good things. Read up on it very thoroughly before starting and watch videos for each lift so you don't go in blind. You can record yourself and then post videos up here for us to help improve your form if you'd like.

Finally, as Zefah said, they're probably 45 lbs I'd they're standard Olympic length... But if you aren't sure, just ask an attendant at your gym or if all else fails just set the damn thing on a scale (if there is one in your gym).
I don't know why it's taboo. I'm pretty sure incorporating CrossFit would bring a lot of people in here closer to their goals than strictly lifting.

...Just a thought.
Ehhh, but it's not needed though. I assume you're talking physique which is what most people want around here. I've never seen the need to do crossfit to attain any of the goals I've met.

J. Bravo

Skipping smolov today in favor of playing basketball. Should I push the workout back a day or just stay on schedule and skip it completely?
Skipping smolov today in favor of playing basketball. Should I push the workout back a day or just stay on schedule and skip it completely?

I know nothing about Smolov, but in general I think the recommendation is to push the workout back a day and to never skip entire days. That's how I operate anyway.

J. Bravo

I know nothing about Smolov, but in general I think the recommendation is to push the workout back a day and to never skip entire days. That's how I operate anyway.
Squats 4x a week. I'm thinking I will do today's workout on my break tomorrow and Fridays workout late Friday to give myself ample rest.
Damn. I've had some of the best workouts the past few days but I had to skip the gym yesterday. I was getting going about 5 hours of sleep within a 48 hour period thanks to my summer courses, shit ain't healthy. Body pretty much was telling me to get to bed.

Got a decent night's rest in and I'm feeling better. Hope to demolish my shoulders tonight.


Junior Member
If this is a get what you pay for analogy, I have to remind you a gym like Iron Sport is 40/month and has incredible equipment.

Wish I lived close to a gym that was weightlifting friendly and $40 a month but even if I did, I wouldn't know what the hell I was doing if I didn't get coaching from USAW club coaches at the CF gym I go to--so it's well worth the money for me. Blanket statements like "LOL $200 a month" are silly without considering the gym and the people that run it.


Wish I lived close to a gym that was weightlifting friendly and $40 a month but even if I did, I wouldn't know what the hell I was doing if I didn't get coaching from USAW club coaches at the CF gym I go to--so it's well worth the money for me. Blanket statements like "LOL $200 a month" are silly without considering the gym and the people that run it.

What does is take to be a USAW Club Coach. Like what are the pre-requisites?

Iron Sport has Stevie P

The point wasn't to say lol 200.00, but maybe something is up with their pricing if a professional powerlifting gym ran by a nationally known lifter is only a fraction of the price.


Junior Member
What does is take to be a USAW Club Coach. Like what are the pre-requisites?

Iron Sport has Stevie P

The point wasn't to say lol 200.00, but maybe something is up with their pricing if a professional powerlifting gym ran by a nationally known lifter is only a fraction of the price.

I believe club coach requires having coached two lifters to a national championship (qualify and lift not necessarily medal).

And I doubt Stevie P is coaching you for $40 a month.


I believe club coach requires having coached two lifters to a national championship (qualify and lift not necessarily medal).

And I doubt Stevie P is coaching you for $40 a month.

He's there pretty much every day helping out. And has made it known in many blogs that when he sees young guys fucking up he'd gladly help if they'd just ask. Extremely nice guy too the couple times I briefly talked to him.


Junior Member
He's there pretty much every day helping out. And has made it known in many blogs that when he sees young guys fucking up he'd gladly help if they'd just ask. Extremely nice guy too the couple times I briefly talked to him.

See that's awesome and anyone who actually cares about lifting would do the same I'm sure but if shitty personal trainers at globo gyms can charge 50+ an hour, his time should be worth way more than that.

J. Bravo

My gym is 75/month and in one of the richest cities in the state, and right next to the richest city. You better believe the bitties are hot and most of them are down haha.


See that's awesome and anyone who actually cares about lifting would do the same I'm sure but if shitty personal trainers at globo gyms can charge 50+ an hour, his time should be worth way more than that.

When people love something they tend to not think in dollar signs. It's obvious he's passionate about his job. He would post on his Facebook the gym was open in every major snow storm that hit Philly. Even the times there was a state of emergency.
Had some struggle with my bench and my squats today. Got my 3 plates on DL though. FYI, rolling the bar doesn't help lol.

I really hate the fact my bench press lags behind my squats and my DL. Anyone have any good advice to improve? I can barely get 145 up, 135 is easier by a noticeable amount.


Junior Member
When people love something they tend to not think in dollar signs. It's obvious he's passionate about his job. He would post on his Facebook the gym was open in every major snow storm that hit Philly. Even the times there was a state of emergency.

Since you mentioned it, I read a few articles about the gym and it sounds amazing. Really wish I lived in Philly. And I wasn't trying to say he needs to bleed people dry or think $$ first but I think people that are the best at what they do deserve to be compensated as such.


Any good links on how to manage my nutrition? I'm about to start real weight lifting tomorrow and am still a bit clueless on how to split my meals and stuff like that. Also, what's the consensus on Mike Chang aka Sixpackshortcuts? Do people find him to be legit?
Any good links on how to manage my nutrition? I'm about to start real weight lifting tomorrow and am still a bit clueless on how to split my meals and stuff like that. Also, what's the consensus on Mike Chang aka Sixpackshortcuts? Do people find him to be legit?

No idea what to say about Mike Chang.

About the nutrition, it depends on your goals, current weight, height, age, etc. We gotta know more about you before we can really suggest much about your nutrition.

Although, you may find this site useful:


So I'm also going to be trying to do Stronglifts. Seems like an interesting program though the thought of only doing it three times a week kinda sucks. I know it starts to get more difficult as the weight keeps piling up every week. I also have to start working on my form for Deadlifts. I seriously feel like I'm doing it wrong.

Also figure I have to get my eating into check. I don't really count anything except my protein intake and think I have to eat a bit more.

Question about Barbell Rows: I've seen a couple of videos and articles about the proper way to doing it and some seem to vary. For example, some videos have you aim for a 90 degree angle while making sure your lower back doesn't round while others have you at about a 45 degree angle. It's somewhat confusing. But yes, is there a correct way of doing them or do either work?
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