Went to the event. Security was tight - two bag checks and electronic wands. They even confiscated my deodorant
The static cars was a bloody mess - just a cram of people not moving at all. They should have arranged it more like a moving queue. Gave up after about 10 mins.
Saw JB and Max/Lance/Fernando which was cool, then headed down to try and see the cars. Basically impossible as it was four deep all along the strip - if they'd have gone all the way down Whitehall there would have been more space. Or put some terracing at the end. RedBull was crazy loud - I guess pre-hybrid? I don't know if there was any commentary but they didn't have any PA down at the Whitehall end - would have been nice to know what the cars were and who was driving
Eventually got to the front just as everything stopped - kiss after Bottas stalled I think and an ambulance came onto the track. Not sure what was going on - member of the public got hurt?
Could have stayed to see if the cars came back on but I have a long trip home so I called it a night. Will post some vids/pics tomorrow. Is there a way to post Iphone slow motion videos? I tried uploading to youtube but they seem to be full speed