Angry Fork
I love how certain part of gaf suddenly think the government is some benevolent being incapable of corruption and greed.
This perfect entity able to give out fairly.
That everyone working their current jobs are because they love it not because they are doing it for the money.
That someone working their butt off is not going to resent some sitting on their butt while both received the same reward.
The craziest thing is many of these are atheist gaf too. That stuff sounds crazier than any religion I've heard of.
1. If they don't give it out fairly the people responsible will be removed by the people by force.
2. There are people that do jobs they don't like for money because that's the society we currently live in, where money is king. And many people who do this turn out miserable because they realize they're wasting 8 hours of their day doing something they don't care about. If you've ever made a lot of money to the point where you can feel content and comfortable you soon feel as though you don't want to work in such an environment anymore because you're already comfortable. That's why there are so many stories and cliche's about middle class depression and 'average' mediocre families where they're scared of doing what they like because of the potential financial failure but if they don't do what they like they're destined to live for the weekend. Where their only free time and enjoyment out of life comes from 2 days a week. What's the point of making 300k a year if you can only enjoy it 2 days a week? Unless you have a family and you give your money to your children, but that's not really the same. Eventually the money would be so overflowing you wouldn't know what to do with it. There can be such a cheap standard of living that making 300k a year becomes unnecessary.
3. Very few people would sit on their ass and do nothing, if any at all. When people are able to forget about the stress of surviving, they become bored and think about what they should do with their lives. (btw they may not be given a TV, computer, etc. things like this, just basic shelter and the necessary utilities to survive). Poor people aren't stupid because they're lazy, many are stupid because they don't have the time or motivation to learn more. If they didn't have to worry about survival they would go to the library because they heard about a certain book and they would have the time to read it because they wouldn't be selling their labour 5 days a week in order to pay rent. Their creative instincts would come to the surface and eventually become interested in something that would benefit society. There is nobody that wants to do nothing with their lives. They say they do and such people exist in America only because the alternative is working 5 days a week to survive. What if that wasn't the alternative? Then people wouldn't be so scared of work and producing, because it wouldn't be for something they don't care about any longer.