It's "us versus them", it seems.
I sympathize with a lot of what's being said here - really, I do. But I simply can't endorse government-sanctioned thievery. Paying one's due to society is one thing, but statements such as "there's no way anyone could ever earn that much" or "no one deserves to earn that much off of labor" some sort of limbo between childish naivitee and hard-boiled cynicism.
You might say "society determines what these people are worth", and you'd be right on some level. Just stop and realize that society has already decided what they're worth. Some stand to be taken down a peg, to be sure, but to have their monetary incentive chopped clean? I'm sorry, but no. That's too extreme. Workers are not slaves to capitol and capitol isn't a slave to workers. It's a mutually beneficial relationship, one that should involve some modicum of respect. There is no respect here. Just taking. "You have done something wrong by earning this much money, so we'll take it". Do you realize how insane that stance is? It's entirely devoid of logic and common sense. It's the "class warefare" that pundits on the left and right have been moaning about in the USA for years, a veritable act of war.
What you're essentially telling these people is that you don't trust them to properly contribute to society - that you're going to take a portion of their income to ensure their cooperation. I'm no great lover of capitalism, but this is akin to holding the producers by the short-hairs, hostages for christsake. It's barbaric and petty. Simple as that.
I don't know what else to say. Madness has overtaken this thread. There are too few voices for moderation.