Yeah man good games! I didn't think I was going to win the second one (I had 4 4-drops in my hand by turn 2 I think) but it worked out! Had a hand full of answers in the third game and took to much damage heh.
There were a few times I think you would have been better off using Rockbiter on a minion (or just trading minions) vs using face weapon to clear minions, and taking too much damage in the process.
Perfect example was last game, right before the end where you could have used your Air totem to take out my Argent Commander, which would have forced me to deal with your Unbound Elemental and totems. But you hit it w/ face instead ... leaving you with 9HP and lethal in my hand.
edit: confirmed.BigO won 2-1 against me. (Hunter-Shaman)
Great games Hydranockz. Third game was really close as well. I was literally saved by my last card in the deck. =)
Supersonic over Cystm 2 - 0
Mage - Priest.
Secret counter :/
I feel bad. I had exactly the cards I needed at the right times.
These are the matches left to go.
I'm not sure he has been around at all lately. He didn't seem to be last round either. I'll give it till just before the deadline before making a judgement call.I've added Yondy on Hearthstone and sent him a PM but no word back yet.
-____- lolOh shit it started already LOL
Cosmic defeated me 2-0 on thursday or friday for the round 2 match. Figured he would have posted the result.TOP DECK!
These are the matches left to go.
He sent me a PM. I updated the bracket, but I don't think he posted in the thread. Thanks for confirming though.
bunbun777 defeats Mobius and pet octopus 2-0, good matches with the double druid action.
Still waiting on Ryaaaaaaan
I'm on RIGHT NOW but about to go out.
Dude. This is not how this works. I don't sit at home waiting on Hearthstone for you refreshing this thread.
I'm at work until 9 if you read my PM, if you can make the game then fine, if not I guess I'm DQ'd.
No sight of Ashodin and no PMs from him.