This season has been great so far and really enjoyed this episode!
As my earlier comments stated I was hoping for some acknowledgment on Myrcella's death and Tyrion did not disappoint! Love his line on it though my only complaints is it was so sudden and I'm wondering how/when he found out about her death. Love Danny's speech to Varys but it does make me worry a little bit for her, she's shown no real signs of being like the Mad King but I feel some of it might come to bite her later on.
Had to look away during the Sam/Jorah scenes as too much for my weak stomach but I love how Sam is doing what's right and breaking all the "Rules" and truly hope the treatment works for Jorah and neither are caught/punished for it.
D & D you took Ned, and Robb from me don't you DARE take away my Jon!!!! Not having good feelings about his trips to dragon stone considering every Stark* leader who goes south ends up losing their head and I don't think the lord of light can re-attach heads!
Can Littlefinger please go back to the Vale and piss off Robin and be "Made to Fly"? Pretty Please?
While I didn't care for the nudity (Kinda liked how the last few seasons toned it down compared to the first few) I loved the emotional scene between Grey Worm and Missandei. I've been hoping for them to be a couple forever now and it was adorable seeing Grey Worm flustered during his speech. You better not die in thee upcoming battle Grey Worm after all that or else!
Just like last week I really enjoyed the Arya scenes, her reuniting with Hot Pie was great! Also glad to see the continued effort to sway her away from being consumed with nothing but revenge. As much as I enjoyed her revenge on Walder Frey the last thing I want for her character is to be a ruthless killer only out for revenge.
Finally the battle at the end I didn't expect it to happen so sudden as it did I'm kinda glad it happened, as much as I'm team Danny and team Death to Cersei Danny is still an inexperienced leader when it comes to actual war and with how the odds looked so against Cersei I didn't want Danny to have an easy win. Hopefully what happened teaches Danny a lesson that ends up helping her win the war in the end, plus an easy rout of Cersei isn't fun TV! Next as much as I hate Cersei I AM rooting for her to get revenge on Ellaria for Myrcella, either by killing Tyene in front of her or some other way. That's about all the Cersei rooting I'll do though and hopefully Danny's unsullied can claim victory over Casterly rock to tie of the battle score. Theon better redeem himself someway or else I'll be wishing for him to be White walker food and hopefully Yara can somehow escape pirate Gaston's grasp as I like her and the show needs as many strong female characters as it can get!
Can't wait for next weeks episode!