He has two Emmys now. He doesn't care what anyone thinks about his accents.
The show is not set in England, btw.
as I stated 2 posts above you, I am aware that Peter doesn't care but Emmys don't mean anything to me, apparently they are just a popularity contest now like the Grammys and Emilia Clarke won a bunch that she shouldn't necessarily even been nominated for.
I am also aware that the show is not set in England, but obviously, Dinklage is putting on
an accent, since he isn't talking with his natural American voice and everyone around him is speaking with an English accent too.
I never got the impression he was trying to do an English accent... more just a pompous rich aristocrat accent. Intentionally full of it self and condecending/preachy in tone. I've never had a problem with it. Just like I never had an issue with Hugh Lori's American accent in house, yet some people did.
the pompous rich aristocrat grow their accents from somewhere; wherever it is they learned their habits and Tyrion learned his from the same place as his father brother and sister.
Why can't a simple criticism be made that Peter Dinklage's attempt at an English accent just isn't great.
Simple criticism. It doesn't ruin the show, but the show also isn't perfect