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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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Telling her he was a sworn brother of the Night's Watch would lead right into my last point. How does anyone who isn't from the north not think Jon is an opportunistic crown chaser, without knowing he died and came back?

"Hey I was a sworn member..."

Yeah about that. Didn't your dad kill a guy in the first episode for abandoning his duties, even though he did see what he claimed to see?
my bad I actually didn't read your post the first time
So two things popped up at me while I was thinking about why Dany was so stubborn and hostile when Jon first met with her.

Dany has not once in six season met a man in a position of power who wasn't a complete and utter dipshit to her. Her brother, who was the first male in a position to enforce his power on her, abused her, hurt her, and eventually sold her to a barbarian. Khal Drogo, while they eventually fell in love, raped her on her wedding night. The man who welcomed her to Qarth, who promised her protection and safety, ended up plotting to steal her dragons, kill her hand maiden, and take the lives of many of her Khalasar. And we all know how her interactions with the slave masters went. So until Jon, Dany's only knowledge when it comes to men with power, was to be weary and not show any signs of weakness to them. They only thing she learned that they understood, was power and the effective display of it.

But it's the second point that really interests me. Tyrion tells Dany that he knows Jon due to having taken a trip with him to the wall. Naturally she would also learn from Tyrion that Jon was a member of the Night's Watch, and it wouldn't at all surprise me that she'd also come to learn what the Night's watch do and more importantly, how they're structured. The reason why this is important, is that if Dany knows that Night's Watchmen make an oath to disavow themselves from titles and the pursuit of lordships and thrones, then Jon declaring himself the King in the North presents a very big problem.

In her exact position, my own thoughts on Jon would essentially be, that this a man who saw an opportunity to carve himself a kingdom, and took advantage of the instability following Robert's death by claiming the north. It doesn't matter what Tyrion would tell me about the man he knew, because the man standing in front of me is an oath breaker. He was sworn to the Night's Watch, he swore to never covet crowns, and lands, and yet here he was with that and more. Why would I give him an inch? Bend the knee, and maybe I won't lob his head off for deserting the Night's Watch. At least Dany was a lot more diplomatic than I would have been.

As far as the last point goes. For those who don't know of Jon's death and resurrection, what exactly do they think in regards to Jon and his Night's Watch past? I would think this should cause him problems, no?

you forgot the second sons. When she met the 3 leaders of the second sons they didn't really treat her with respect either. maybe Daario.

Also, I feel like Dany and myself personally that killing a person for deserting the Night's Watch is very barbaric. If they deserted and they were a murderer or a rapist then yeah execute them but if they came from a more humble background then they at least deserve to give an explanation first. killing them outright is barbaric and counterproductive. that's what i thought of that law, ever since the very beginning first episode with Ned swinging the sword after passing the sentence.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
my bad I actually didn't read your post the first time

you forgot the second sons. When she met the 3 leaders of the second sons they didn't really treat her with respect either. maybe Daario.

Also, I feel like Dany and myself personally that killing a person for deserting the Night's Watch is very barbaric. If they deserted and they were a murderer or a rapist then yeah execute them but if they came from a more humble background then they at least deserve to give an explanation first. killing them outright is barbaric and counterproductive. that's what i thought of that law, ever since the very beginning first episode with Ned swinging the sword after passing the sentence.

Every man with power has treated her like shit. The reason I didn't include the mercenary group was that I listing guys who wielded considerable political power as well.

It is barbaric, and I doubt that Dany would care enough like Ned did to enforce that punishment. But it would explain why she wasn't taking anything but bend the knee as an answer. If she deduces that Jon is breaking ancient vows to claim what he is claiming, then why should she respect his claim at all? If you're in that position, wouldn't you be adamant that an oatbreaker kneel first before any concessions came from you?
Every man with power has treated her like shit. The reason I didn't include the mercenary group was that I listing guys who wielded considerable political power as well.

It is barbaric, and I doubt that Dany would care enough like Ned did to enforce that punishment. But it would explain why she wasn't taking anything but bend the knee as an answer. If she deduces that Jon is breaking ancient vows to claim what he is claiming, then should she respect this claim at all? If you're in that position, wouldn't you be adamant that an oatbreaker kneel first before any concessions came from you?

yeah, that is true. and then Jon would be forced to bring up his death and resurrection.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
yeah, that is true. and then Jon would be forced to bring up his death and resurrection.
Bingo. The moment Davos opened his mouth to correct Dany that Jon was King in the North, I would have shot back with, "oh yeah, explain to me how a sworn member of the Night's Watch is now King in the North, or do oaths and honour mean nothing to you northerners anymore?!"

Instead we got the most forcibly awkward first meet ever. If they're going to make them be stupid with each other off the bat, the least they could have done was use actual in world reasons for that to happen. Jon having to answer how he managed to get out of his binding oaths would have been a delight to watch unfold.


I actually typed this all out in the other thread, but it works here as well, why I didn't like their first meeting in review

I think Jon didn't bend the knee and got upset about it because, while he obviously cares more about the Whitewalkers in the north, he is still King in the North and people put their faith in him. I think it makes more sense that Jon did not bend the knee considering the last scene we saw at winterfell. They're already mad at him for leaving them behind; the last thing he should do is declare that actually the north is still not independent and their new leader is the person they hated and feared.

Of course, that's why the marriage absolutely has to happen.
Bingo. The moment Davos opened his mouth to correct Dany that Jon was King in the North, I would have shot back with, "oh yeah, explain to me how a sworn member of the Night's Watch is now King in the North, or do oaths and honour mean nothing to you northerners anymore?!"

Instead we got the most forcibly awkward first meet ever. If they're going to make them be stupid with each other off the bat, the least they could have done was use actual in world reasons for that to happen. Jon having to answer how he managed to et out of his binding oaths would have been a delight to watch unfould.
it was awkward and just bad and it felt good typing it all out lol
I think Jon didn't bend the knee and got upset about it because, while he obviously cares more about the Whitewalkers in the north, he is still King in the North and people put their faith in him. I think it makes more sense that Jon did not bend the knee considering the last scene we saw at winterfell. They're already mad at him for leaving them behind; the last thing he should do is declare that actually the north is still not independent and their new leader is the person they hated and feared.

Of course, that's why the marriage absolutely has to happen.
and that's another thing - she leaves Mereen knowing that marriage might be a reality again, so, couldn't Tyrion have said to her that "Jon rules the north; the north is the size of almost all of the southern kingdoms together so he'd be a good candidate for marriage too" - I'm pretty sure he's the one who convinced Dany to breakup with Daario, and what for, so...
I always got the impression LF had Ros killed to send a message to the other people in his network.

No. It was a direct message to Varys. No one knew Roz was feeding Varys info. LF found out and made an example of her. To everyone she's just a whore. To Varys, she's an informant who was silenced.

Littlefinger demands absolute loyalty from those who serves him or they are a liability.


No. It was a direct message to Varys. No one knew Roz was feeding Carts info.

Littlefinger demands absolute loyalty from those who serves him or they are a liability.

In that context, he might have just sold Sansa to the Boltons so he could break her spirit after she reasserted her independence.


it was awkward and just bad and it felt good typing it all out lol
and that's another thing - she leaves Mereen knowing that marriage might be a reality again, so, couldn't Tyrion have said to her that "Jon rules the north; the north is the size of almost all of the southern kingdoms together so he'd be a good candidate for marriage too" - I'm pretty sure he's the one who convinced Dany to breakup with Daario, and what for, so...

I guess you can't really rush these things, especially if there was a possibility that she could control the North without losing the marriage bargaining chip. But yeah... as soon as Melissandre and Tyrion were speaking positively about Jon Snow - it must have occurred to some people in that room that this guy was perfect marriage material.
In that context, he might have just sold Sansa to the Boltons so he could break her spirit after she reasserted her independence.

I don't believe for one second that LF didn't know about Ramsey. Maybe he didn't know to what extent but any little digging would have told him the guy isn't right.

I think you're right. He OWES Sansa for saving his life in the Eryie.

Now he can put her in Winterfell knowing that Stannis is going to attack Winterfell.

And he has the knights of the Vale to take Winterfell anytime he wants.

That way, Sansa will owe him and likely repay that debt through marriage.

This is why I think the LF and Jon convo about Sansa was LF gauging how Jon will take the news of his love for Sansa.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I guess you can't really rush these things, especially if there was a possibility that she could control the North without losing the marriage bargaining chip. But yeah... as soon as Melissandre and Tyrion were speaking positively about Jon Snow - it must have occurred to some people in that room that this guy was perfect marriage material.

They could have done this so much better though. Dany having problems with Jon's honour and trustworthiness due to how he managed to get out of his oaths, would explain the cold welcome he received. We didn't need a "stubborn meets stubborn" first meet to hand wave why that initial meeting went the way it did. If Dany blasts him right off the bat with, "King in the North? I'm sorry, don't you mean Lord Commander of the Night's Watch?" It gives us the tension, it gives us a legitimate concern she should have, and it actually addresses in world problems. Why should anyone trust Jon Snow when for all intents and purposes (if you don't know he died and came back), he's an oath breaking, crown taking, opportunist?
I guess you can't really rush these things, especially if there was a possibility that she could control the North without losing the marriage bargaining chip. But yeah... as soon as Melissandre and Tyrion were speaking positively about Jon Snow - it must have occurred to some people in that room that this guy was perfect marriage material.

it really would be nice to see what intel Varys has on Jon Snow, or what he just personally thinks of Ned Stark's bastard. I think he liked Ned Stark and was sorry about what happened to him. How much does Varys know about what happened to Jon? Will he be suspicious of him when/if he learns that Jon was a patient of dark magic and was resurrected from the dead?

Man Varys should've fuckin been there.
They could have done this so much better though. Dany having problems with Jon's honour and trustworthiness due to how he managed to get out of his oaths, would explain the cold welcome he received. We didn't need a "stubborn meets stubborn" first meet to hand wave why that initial meeting went the way it did. If Dany blasts him right off the bat with, "King in the North? I'm sorry, don't you mean Lord Commander of the Night's Watch?" It gives us the tension, it gives us a legitimate concern she should have, and it actually addresses in world problems. Why should anyone trust Jon Snow when for all intents and purposes, he's an oathbreaking, crown taking, opportunist?
it's stubborn meets stubborn but it's kinda also ice meets fire, isn't it? the entire time Dany being so entitled and forward about her war against Cersei and Jon bending the knee, whereas Jon was a lil more like, chill out yo I'm not even here for that shit, there's something way worse we need to talk about.

edit: sorry for double post


They could have done this so much better though. Dany having problems with Jon's honour and trustworthiness due to how he managed to get out of his oaths, would explain the cold welcome he received. We didn't need a "stubborn meets stubborn" first meet to hand wave why that initial meeting went the way it did. If Dany blasts him right off the bat with, "King in the North? I'm sorry, don't you mean Lord Commander of the Night's Watch?" It gives us the tension, it gives us a legitimate concern she should have, and it actually addresses in world problems.

I agree that it could have been done better. But also the scene was interrupted by Varys. So a lot went unsaid - probably some things they both wanted to say to one another. And then later when they met up again, it was for a specific piece of information and Jon probably had to consult with Davos ASAP and get the word back to Winterfell. There wasn't a great time to tell her about Aemmon and Jon getting out of his oath on a technicality, or whatever. I'm sure it will come up eventually.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
it's stubborn meets stubborn but it's kinda also ice meets fire, isn't it? the entire time Dany being so entitled and forward about her war against Cersei and Jon bending the knee, whereas Jon was a lil more like, chill out yo I'm not even here for that shit, there's something way worse we need to talk about.

edit: sorry for double post

They were both being entitled. Jon strolling into Dragonstone completely oblivious to how people might take his sudden change of work environment, proceeds to refuse to bend the knee, but throws a few of his own demands her way.

"Oh let's see, I'll take a platter of Dothraki, with some unsullied, a few of your ships, and one or all of the the dragons on the side. Wait, do you guys have the dragonglass special on offer? Yeah, a full order of those as well. Make it to go please, I'm on a tight schedule."
They were both being entitled. Jon strolling into Dragonstone completely oblivious to how people might take his sudden change of work environment, proceeds to refuse to bend the knee, but throws a few of his own demands her way.

"Oh let's see, I'll take a platter of Dothraki, with some unsullied, a few of your ships, and one or all of the the dragons on the side. Wait, do you guys have the dragonglass special on offer? Yeah, a full order of those as well. Make it to go please, I'm on a tight schedule."

still I think that scene ended with her respecting him in a way but him not reciprocating it fully (yet)


"playing" dumb? unpossible
still I think that scene ended with her respecting him in a way but him not reciprocating it fully (yet)

The dumb thing is that all it takes is cupi..er Tyrion to say a few words to both, and we end their next scene with, "I suppose you're cool...no you're cool...hehehe!"
The dumb thing is that all it takes is cupi..er Tyrion to say a few words to both, and we end their next scene with, "I suppose you're cool...no you're cool...hehehe!"

Davos could play cupi... too. The show has shown that Davos has great admiration for intelligent young women. Dany being one, and Jon being the king he's sworn to. Um...yeah.


I'm doing a rewatch, and in the first season Benjen tells Tyrion the same thing that Jon says to Sansa about everything before the word "but". Nice callback.
So two things popped up at me while I was thinking about why Dany was so stubborn and hostile when Jon first met with her.

This is very good, also if you take into consideration that he allowed the Wildlings to cross the wall then it's like he was building himself an army.

Actually, it's weird and kind of stupid as to why they never asked why he was no longer the Lord Commander and why he's not honoring those vows.


I'm doing a rewatch, and in the first season Benjen tells Tyrion the same thing that Jon says to Sansa about everything before the word "but". Nice callback.

Am doing the same and noted the same.

Ned just played his Goad Cloak card and got a knife to the throat for his troubles.

I fucking loved the first season. Bean and Addy were great. Went in blind to that season and wish I could have resisted the books, but kind of glad I didn't.


No Scrubs
you forgot the second sons. When she met the 3 leaders of the second sons they didn't really treat her with respect either. maybe Daario.

Also, I feel like Dany and myself personally that killing a person for deserting the Night's Watch is very barbaric. If they deserted and they were a murderer or a rapist then yeah execute them but if they came from a more humble background then they at least deserve to give an explanation first. killing them outright is barbaric and counterproductive. that's what i thought of that law, ever since the very beginning first episode with Ned swinging the sword after passing the sentence.

Remember that most of the Night's Watch are murderers and criminals and shit that took the vow to avoid the axe. Guys like Jon and Sam aren't exactly bog standard recruits.
Remember that most of the Night's Watch are murderers and criminals and shit that took the vow to avoid the axe. Guys like Jon and Sam aren't exactly bog standard recruits.

but they don't discriminate. if Jon or Sam were caught deserted they'd be executed the same way the murderers and rapists would, and to quote Hermione Granger, that's totally barbaric.
I actually typed this all out in the other thread, but it works here as well, why I didn't like their first meeting in review

Agreed with a lot of what you said, the meeting was quite poor though I guess time will tell if they flesh out the missing pieces. But things like this have been an issue once the writers no longer had direct source to copy from. The story is a great as ever, the dialogue and interactions have suffered.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
This is very good, also if you take into consideration that he allowed the Wildlings to cross the wall then it's like he was building himself an army.

Actually, it's weird and kind of stupid as to why they never asked why he was no longer the Lord Commander and why he's not honoring those vows.

He's essentially Mance Rayder, but south of the wall. A former Night's Watchman who now calls himself King in the North. If you're not from the North, and all you know about Jon is that he once served in the Watch, and is now king, and on top of that you find out he buddied up with Mance at one point and the widling now serve him; alarm bells should be ringing in your head non stop. Why isn't this being addressed? lol
Why isn't this being addressed? lol

Just reading through Artisans beast of a post provides loads of more examples of it. But who knows, just because some things aren't present in the moment doesn't mean it won't come out in the future, if at the end of the season none of these things are brought up we can blame it on what I said in the quote below, for now I think we should give them the benefit of the doubt.

But things like this have been an issue once the writers no longer had direct source to copy from. The story is a great as ever, the dialogue and interactions have suffered.
I dont get why Jon doesnt want to tell people he was ressurrected?

Also, all Melisandre had to say to Varys was that the reason why she was not meeting Jon at dragonstone was because she had been banished. He would have asked why, and then Melisandre just has to say 'ask Jon', rather than some vague answer that didn't clear anything up.

If Jon then told Vary's that he banished her because she sacrificed shireen, he would have had to ask Jon why didn't he kill Mel. And that would have been a perfect time to bring up the resurrection.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
We have to fight the army of the dead.

"Okay, I agree. Why aren't you with the Night's Watch anymore?"


The Realm stopped giving a shit about the Nights Watch when they completely ignored the dozens of requests for aid because THE DEAD ARE ATTACKING YO.


semen stains the mountaintops
Trying to convince people about The Night King is hard enough, but at least that's something they've heard about, now you just gotta make them know it's actually real and that big ass Wall is there for a reason. Telling them you were murdered by your own guys and then brought back to life is not gonna play well and it's not really going to strengthen your position.
I dont get why Jon doesnt want to tell people he was ressurrected?

1. Dany's already skeptical of his story about an army of undead creatures attacking being led by mythical creatures. Talking about how he's been magically resurrected at this point probably just makes him sound crazier.

2. He probably is also concerned about how the revelation that he's also undead might come across ("Oh, but trust me, I'm one of the good ones. I'm not like the bad undead guys").

3. He might or might not just not want to talk about it unless he has to, as well.
Agreed with a lot of what you said, the meeting was quite poor though I guess time will tell if they flesh out the missing pieces. But things like this have been an issue once the writers no longer had direct source to copy from. The story is a great as ever, the dialogue and interactions have suffered.
True, there's still time in the season to get more plot points across.

Also, the show has made it a point to show how previous events in the narrative still matter, but some events are narratively ignored (like so many I wrote in that post) so I can't tell if they forgot, or if they're choosing not to do it, but if it's the latter then they are picking and choosing because Jaime's whole "I've learned from my mistakes" after faking the Casterly Rock defense to go to Highgarden instead like how Robb Stark got him...that was a direct callback. I don't think the writers not having source material to go by counts either unless characters and scenes like maester Aemon and Ned resigning as King's Hand are just retconned off the show.

Speaking of retcons...3 straight episodes of no Ghost. Is this pup fucking gone or something?!?!

An island is no place for a direwolf eh
He's essentially Mance Rayder, but south of the wall. A former Night's Watchman who now calls himself King in the North. If you're not from the North, and all you know about Jon is that he once served in the Watch, and is now king, and on top of that you find out he buddied up with Mance at one point and the widling now serve him; alarm bells should be ringing in your head non stop. Why isn't this being addressed? lol
Tyrion did say to Benjen that he doesn't discriminate against the wildlings. He said something like "the only difference between us and the wildlings is that when the wall went up, our ancestors just happened to be on the right side of it."
Just reading through Artisans beast of a post provides loads of more examples of it. But who knows, just because some things aren't present in the moment doesn't mean it won't come out in the future, if at the end of the season none of these things are brought up we can blame it on what I said in the quote below, for now I think we should give them the benefit of the doubt.
I am hoping Jon will remain at Dragonstone
and I hope they spend as much time together as possible lol
so that they can share more time together and perhaps yes, some of those other points will come to light. This week's episode did show that the whole "knife in the heart" thing, she is contemplating if Davos meant that literally.
I dont get why Jon doesnt want to tell people he was ressurrected?

Also, all Melisandre had to say to Varys was that the reason why she was not meeting Jon at dragonstone was because she had been banished. He would have asked why, and then Melisandre just has to say 'ask Jon', rather than some vague answer that didn't clear anything up.

If Jon then told Vary's that he banished her because she sacrificed shireen, he would have had to ask Jon why didn't he kill Mel. And that would have been a perfect time to bring up the resurrection.
Good point, I want to see a conversation between Varys and Jon, like, why not. Ned Stark's bastard, and Varys knew Ned and watched him die.

Also I think the reason why Jon doesn't wanna talk about his resurrection because it's just so depressing to him. He got killed, murdered by a boy he probably did love, just couldn't understand, and he has to be alive to always remember that. It's depressing as fuck.


Littlefinger dying a horrible death would please me greatly at this point. Man's a fuckboi.

And as someone mentioned before, I'm pretty shocked they actually hung a 12 year old in this show. This show doesn't discriminate when it comes to death of young people.


He's essentially Mance Rayder, but south of the wall. A former Night's Watchman who now calls himself King in the North. If you're not from the North, and all you know about Jon is that he once served in the Watch, and is now king, and on top of that you find out he buddied up with Mance at one point and the widling now serve him; alarm bells should be ringing in your head non stop. Why isn't this being addressed? lol
You're ignoring that the Northern lords crowned him King in the North, not the wildlings. Everyone in Westeros knows that Jon wouldn't get crowned without the backing the lords in the North.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
You're ignoring that the Northern lords crowned him King in the North, not the wildlings. Everyone in Westeros knows that Jon wouldn't get crowned without the backing the lords in the North.
I'm not saying he got crowned by Widlings. I'm saying that when you start adding all the things that are happening with him, and you don't know that he technically got out of his Night's Watch oaths, it appears like a power grab to anyone not from the north. The Night's Watch oaths are supposed to be unbreakable. So how exactly do you explain that Jon is King in the North to anyone who doesn't know what happened?

The whole point of my earlier post is wondering why that wasn't the first question Jon and Davos were asked? I'm not asking why Jon didn't bring up his death and resurrection, but instead asking why he wasn't confronted with the seemingly oath breaking title of King of the North.
I'm not saying he got crowned by Widlings. I'm saying that when you start adding all the things that are happening with him, and you don't know that he technically got out of his Night's Watch oaths, it appears like a power grab to anyone not from the north. The Night's Watch oaths are supposed to be unbreakable. So how exactly do you explain that Jon is King in the North to anyone who doesn't know what happened?

The whole point of my earlier post is wondering why that wasn't the first question Jon and Davos were asked? I'm not asking why Jon didn't bring up his death and resurrection, but instead asking why he wasn't confronted with the seemingly oath breaking title of King of the North.

the oath of the kingsguard is supposed to be unbreakable too. jaime broke it by killing his king, which was no problem for him and he broke it again when he promised his father to be hisnheir in exchange for freeing tyrion.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
the oath of the kingsguard is supposed to be unbreakable too. jaime broke it by killing his king, which was no problem for him and he broke it again when he promised his father to be hisnheir in exchange for freeing tyrion.
Yeah but Jon doesn't carry himself in that way. Jon is trying to convince the world that the Night King and the army of the dead are real. Yet why would I trust the words of an oath breaker who has crowned himself king (from the prospective of an outsider)? For all I know, I'd be sending my armies North to be ambushed and destroyed.
I didn't remember Sansa being so insufferable the first time I watched the first season.

I love the fact her lies got Mycah and Lady killed, yet she still sulks and won't talk to her dad. This is after she saw her crush start torturing an innocent for no reason other than he's a fucked up little dude.

I hope Dr Branhattan reminds her of her lies.


"playing" dumb? unpossible


I liked yours as well Artisan lol.
lol, this is just another Jon Snow song type thing!
I didn't know these guys were still doing this

Jon Snow oh oh oh oh


I liked yours as well Artisan lol.
I know right! It's short, sweet, and to the point? The pacing and timing and editing it's all great in this video and it's all done with just one episode's footage. I hope it gets a million views, whoever made it.
Jaime looks jealous that they're the superior incest couple.
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