I think it is crazy to believe that Westeros is better off with Cersei as queen than Dany. As I said above, this is war. Dany takes no pleasure in knowing that people will die, except for the people that deserve it. She outlawed reaving, raving, raping, etc. whatever the fucked up shit the ironborn are into. Meanwhile, Cersei could probably not care less if innocent people are suffering under her rule. Like what Stannis said Roose & Ramsay "As long as the Boltons rule the north, the north will suffer."
Cersei knew all along what kind of a monster Joffrey was, and instead of being honest about it when Ned came to her and then Joffrey on the throne, she chose to continue the lie of Joffrey as a Baratheon, so she could remain in power. She was in full support of her son that was pure evil, and that makes her pure evil.
why do you keep telling yourself that Cersei killed everyone simply because she was fixated on "survival"? Loras was there and tried for his crimes; they mutilated him which was fucked up but they didn't kill him. So Cersei wasn't saving her own life since her own life wasn't in actual danger, she was just tired of not being one in control anymore. "sweet symphony" of their screams? You saying you as the viewer felt good to see the killing of 100+ innocent people? That's MURDER! That's EVIL!
What did Margery do that was evil? What did Loras do that was evil? What did Mace do that was evil? Why did the bystanders deserve to die?
Dany does not take pleasure in killing innocent people. She's done everything she can to help the least fortunate people. She has even punished them for getting out of line - but she took no pleasure in it. When did Dany ever kill innocent people for her own selfish gain?
Cersei was the one who put Joffrey in power, standing behind everything he did. Ramsay had arguably more power in his side of the world, flaying this person and that person. And given the opportunity, Cersei has made it a point to bing down and torture an individual (that septa that shamed her on the streets)