Lan Dong Mik
And why would I want them?
Fucking Theon smh
Fuck you too Dany. Just lost two allies/armies right there
Fuck you too Dany. Just lost two allies/armies right there
Theon's gonna end up on the iron throne due to a fucking comedy of errors, isn't he?
Euron was in King's Landing while the fleet was at Dragonstone (or Euron left King's Landing before Daenerys arrived). Either way Euron could have tailed the fleet leaving Dragonstone. Might have taken some magic to do it without being detected.
Also, holy fuck at this battle - Euron clearly has something on his side with the lightning/giant fireballs.
Theon....nooooo... you better redeem yourself at this point! You've racked up a lot of failures...
That was the entire dorne army right?
That was the entire dorne army right?
That was too easy for Euron. Too easy.
That jump has meme potential. LMAO
"Laters" - Theon
I thought they were sailing back to Dorne to get the army and bring them to King's Landing on ships.
Nah I think they were on the way to pick up the army.
Can't wait to see him and Jon meet again.Damn. Dorne didn't make it to the final season.
Reek going to the North, and reunite with the Starks
For a moment I thought Theon jumped faking and knowing he wouldn't stand a a chance against Euron only to sneak back on and help, but definitely doesn't seem to be the case.
Grey worm's speech was so good and well delivered.
Is Yara dead? It wasn't clear for me.
Theon's gonna end up on the iron throne due to a fucking comedy of errors, isn't he?