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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Wasn't it only one cup?

Yeah I just watched it again.

When the pie comes out, Margaret takes his goblet and puts it on a table close to her mum.

So definitely think the necklace stone was put in the wine by olena. But I still think tywin also had something to do with it. This act gets rid of tyrion and Joffrey, makes him king while tommen comes of age.
GRRM be like



You can definitely tell GRRM wrote his episode, everything was so tight and the humour was spot on.

LOVED the glances between Loras and Oberyn, so hot.
No way?!

Even more glad I don't watch that tripe now.
Show is great, dude.
The spoiler was stated in the middle of a ramble ("and when
gets poisoned..") so I think most people would've either disregarded it as a joke or simply not catch it at all. I certainly didn't catch it the first time I saw the episode, and when I did I didn't necessarily believe it until I saw the pieces falling into place last night. :p
So the lady tells Sansa to come to highgarden to visit then this comes and dontos takes her away.

Sansa is going to highgarden to hide out.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
There is no way Cersei and Tywin will let Sansa slip away.
They'll dispose of Tyrion and marry her off to some other Lannister, they wouldn't let the Tyrells have her before and they wont now, and with Margarey having no real power the Tyrells won't be able to stop them


It was probably the Tyrells, they seem to be in the best position for any kind of power grab at the moment.

Oberyn maybe involved? just because of his dislike of the Lannisters, and the way he said to Cersei that she is lucky her daughter is safe in Dawn, where they don't kill children.

Other thing that pops into mind is that Little Finger wasn't at the wedding? distancing himself maybe?

edit: also, poor Jaime just keeps losing kings haha.


I wonder if this is the end of Sansa&Tyrion. If he's locked up for life or gets killed and Sansa is presumably taken away somewhere, I bet these two get a whole new story arc, or at least Sansa does


Does this mean that Margaery is still Queen?

There's a lot to answer in the next episode. Can't wait.

That's the thing. Is the marriage automatically annulled since Joffrey and Margaery didn't consummate? If not, Cersei remained Queen Regent after Robert's death so the same should hold true for Margaery even if the Lannisters push to have Tommen inherit the Throne.

Ultimately, as with Ned Stark, who has rightful claim to the throne depends on who holds the power, money, and influence to craft the narrative as they see fit. Obviously the Lannisters have the inside track, but I wouldn't underestimate the Tyrells. They're the second richest house in kingdoms, and Olenna took time to remind Tywin of the crown's debts to both her and the Iron Bank. Don't forget High Garden is the largest source of food in a largely starving country. Without their support there's anarchy in King's Landing.

Tyrion made the point a couple of seasons back that if the crown failed to pay their debts the people they owed would fund their enemies, and get their gold on the back end.
It was probably the Tyrells, they seem to be in the best position for any kind of power grab at the moment.

Oberyn maybe involved? just because of his dislike of the Lannisters, and the way he said to Cersei that she is lucky her daughter is safe in Dawn, where they don't kill children.

Other thing that pops into mind is that Little Finger wasn't at the wedding? distancing himself maybe?

edit: also, poor Jaime just keeps losing kings haha.

Wasn't little finger sent away a while ago? That's why tyrion is master of coin?

And I think Oberon was referring to the fact that the mountain, at the order of the lannisters, murdered his kid sisters years ago. Hence why he is a suspect for revenge.
I wonder if this is the end of Sansa&Tyrion. If he's locked up for life or gets killed and Sansa is presumably taken away somewhere, I bet these two get a whole new story arc, or at least Sansa does

My thinking is that they will take her to highgarden and then marry her to loris, then have a kid who will inherit winterfell.

Deku Tree

Well Margaery's marriage to King Renly appears to have been automatically annulled when it was never consummated so that seems to be the way things work on GoT.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Oberyn maybe involved? just because of his dislike of the Lannisters, and the way he said to Cersei that she is lucky her daughter is safe in Dawn, where they don't kill children.

Oberyn is a total dude but I dunno, I don't see his hatred for the Lannisters and obvious motivation for revenge manifesting as sneaky political scheming and assassination. We don't really know much about his character, but really getting up in peoples shit seems to be his character. He has a lot of balls: talking shit right to Cersei and Tywin without a single fuck to give, and knifing that Lannister soldier last episode because he was tired of his shit. Oberyn would probably love to see someone like Joffrey bite it if just for his anti-Lannister boner, but I don't know if that would satisfy his revenge, which seems directed at Tywin and very out in the open.

Dead Joffrey is just eh. It's an assassination and that counts, but nobody will miss him, and Tywin's position wont falter. Oberyn doesn't really get anything out of it, nor gets to rub it in their faces unless he wishes for his head on a spike.


I think there's some Theon left in Reek, when he paused with the blade when Ramsey told him about Jon. I think he knew it was a test and he knew that was also prove his loyalty, then Ramsey would put Reek in a position of complete trust where Reek betrays him. Not saying Theon isn't mentally destroyed but I still think there's some of him inside Reek still.

E92 M3

What an episode! Who wrote it? GRRM? Perfect pacing and on top of that:

- Momma Bolton smiling at the "charming" bastard.
- Oleanna sweeping aside her husband XD
- the amazing Ramsay vs Daddy face-off. I think Joffrey's demise kind of detracted to this sequence's epicness.
- Bran progressively loosing his cool, kind demeanour. Another sequence with great delivery.
- Tywin momentarily taming Joffrey when he received the book from his uncle. I would have preferred more of that in his final hour, like showing how Tywin and Margeary efforts would have somehow started to mellow him a bit. The whole cupbearer thing with the uncle was too much of a wink to the audience. Granted, it served a reasonable purpose, but it was treading grounds we've already been to for the last three years.
- DAT Oberyn/Loras eye-fucking XD

Props to those who spotted the whole necklace thing.

The one and only - Martin lol.

Did anybody else notice that Bran not only had the vision of a dragon over king's landing but also saw the same vision of the iron throne as... Dani. Dun dun DUN. Little stark sharing visions with the mother of dragons... What does it all mean?

Hmm, didn't notice the dragon. I should rewatch the episode. Was rather tired last night.
I am kind of confused about how that is going to work.

I'm not up to speed on royal law but I believe that the lannisters wanted Tyrian to have a child with Sansa who would rule the north, Bolton is just looking after winter fell until the male heir would be old enough to rule it.

So maybe not inherit winterfell, but the child of loris and Sansa would have starc blood, which the northerners would like and want to rally behind.
Tommen is going to be king. If you remember Season 1, Ned was saying that Stannis had the proper claim to the throne due to Joffrey not being Robert's son. The rules are that if the king has no heir the succession is to the eldest brother.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Tommen is going to be king. If you remember Season 1, Ned was saying that Stannis had the proper claim to the throne due to Joffrey not being Robert's son. The rules are that if the king has no heir the succession is to the eldest brother.

Which one is Tommen?
Tommen is going to be king. If you remember Season 1, Ned was saying that Stannis had the proper claim to the throne due to Joffrey not being Robert's son. The rules are that if the king has no heir the succession is to the eldest brother.

Why was Ned in charge of kings landing as kings hand? Was it when the king was sick or away? I forget season one

I could see tywin using this opertunity to use a state of emergency to put the kings hand in control until tommen is older.


Tommen is going to be king. If you remember Season 1, Ned was saying that Stannis had the proper claim to the throne due to Joffrey not being Robert's son. The rules are that if the king has no heir the succession is to the eldest brother.

In reality Tommen is just another one of Jaime's bastards. Our true king is still King Stannis.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Why was Ned in charge of kings landing as kings hand? Was it when the king was sick or away? I forget season one

I could see tywin using this opertunity to use a state of emergency to put the kings hand in control until tommen is older.

Jon Arryn (Lysa Arryn's husband and warden of the east) was the kings hand before but he was poisoned and died. Lysa assumed it was Tyrion (iirc) but Ned thought he was killed because he found out about Joffrey not being Robert's.

edit; If the laws are like England used to be, if a king dies and a new one is too young to rule the Queen Regent will rule until they are capable, which would make Cersei the ruler


No way?!

Even more glad I don't watch that tripe now.

Irony is that was the only real spoiler they mentioned, and it was mixed in with a bunch of equally plausible but fake spoilers. So the only way to know it wasn't just South Park's version of GRR Martin continuing his obsession with penises was for book readers to point it out to others.


Jon Arryn (Lysa Arryn's husband and warden of the east) was the kings hand before but he was poisoned and died. Lysa assumed it was Tyrion (iirc) but Ned thought he was killed because he found out about Joffrey not being Robert's.

edit; If the laws are like England used to be, if a king dies and a new one is too young to rule the Queen Regent will rule until they are capable, which would make Cersei the ruler

Doesn't everyone and their mother know about Joffery not being Robert's? Or all that only become common knowledge after Robert's death?

Angry Fork

Have a question: At some point in season 2 or 3 I don't remember which, there was a scene with Tyrion and Cersei drunk and if I recall Cersei basically admitted she had an evil little shit as a son, but she didn't know what to do about it. And there was a moment of bonding between her and Tyrion. Whatever happened to this feeling within Cersei? I feel like it's a bit over the mark to automatically accuse Tyrion given their past.

There have been moments where she herself has had to curb Joffrey, she recognizes how much of an asshole he is. I'm just wondering why she's so upset, I get it's her kid but I mean at some point you disassociate yourself from that when the kid is evil no?
I want Ramsey to get his, and i i want him to die in the most horrible way.

I would love it if Goffrey´s brother was the one who poisoned him. It would be a better surprise than being old lady Tyrell/Tywin etc....


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Doesn't everyone and their mother know about Joffery not being Robert's? Or all that only become common knowledge after Robert's death?

Thats how Season 1 started.
Jon Arryn first found out about it by working out hair colour (very loose claim but whatevs) He then "mysteriously fell ill" and died not long after so Robert came up North to get Ned to be hand of the king. Ned found out the same things as Jon Arryn did and sent a raven to Stannis with the news, because he didn't get a chance to tell Rob because it coincided with the hunting accident.
Obviously Ned lost his head and Stannis then notified the rest of the kingdom of Joffrey and his siblings true heritage and thats how the wars started.
I kind of assumed this would happen for some reason. Amazing episode though. This tv show is better written and directed than 98% of the movies out there nowadays.

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