I think we need to re-evaluate replacing Emelia if she no longer wants to get nekkid.
I think we need to re-evaluate replacing Emelia if she no longer wants to get nekkid.
"Stunt doubles for "Game of Thrones"
Stunt Dany is a better Dany than real Dany.
"Stunt doubles for "Game of Thrones"
Stunt Dany is a better Dany than real Dany.
Didn't he already get burned in the first season?
Of course, he has matured a ton since then.
It was three to four weeks of shooting for a sequence that should add up to [more than] 20 minutes, Kit shared to Entertainment Weekly. We shot less than a minute a day! Its so CGI-heavy its unlike anything Ive ever done on Thrones. Ive always been proud of the way Thrones doesnt go overboard with special effects, but in this sequence they had to.
'Virgin until marriage' according to her instagram.
For a little background on the Night's King Season 2 of the History & Lore feature covered him a bit(narrated by Ygritte) :
The piece on Valyrian Steel from last season is worth a watch too(narrated by Jorah Mormont):
lol *slaps knee* yeah right.
I was just watching episode #8 again...and I just realized how fucked Cersei is...Grand Maester Pycelle. He refused to go see Cersei in prison. We know he knows about all of Cersei's devious schemes through the years. Not to mention, she's been treating him like shit for the last 3 seasons.......she's so fucked.
That lore video on Valeryan steel made me notice the chain link of the maesters which are made from from it.
Doubt that
iirc they're made from different metals (each metal symbolizing a skill the maester has)
Doubt that
iirc they're made from different metals (each metal symbolizing a skill the maester has)
I was just watching episode #8 again...and I just realized how fucked Cersei is...Grand Maester Pycelle. He refused to go see Cersei in prison. We know he knows about all of Cersei's devious schemes through the years. Not to mention, she's been treating him like shit for the last 3 seasons.......she's so fucked.
I will be quite suprised if that Theon moment ever comes - he's been shattered.
Despite his use of some, Mr. Martin seems to enjoy subverting a lot of tropes/traditionally expected things in fantasy literature. In this case, the predictable/heroic/fantasy thing would be Theon redeeming himself (not that he might not redeem himself in some small way, but I'll be extremely surprised if it's the sort of Gladiator way mentioned above).
Hey, that girl lives in my city (Marbella), is she Daenery's double? lol
Holy shit the choreography and cinematography for Hardhome was amazing.
It must have sucked up all the talent that was missing from Dorne.
I guess Google has mislead me.
I'm not mad at it.
More of Dorne then?Local newspapers are saying that a bunch of scenes of the next season will be filmed at some new Spanish locations around the coast, more precisely Girona and Peñíscola.
The old quarter of Girona can be seen in Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (amazing film, BTW).
I can see Theon being "reborn" through the Iron Island's drowning procedure, leaving Reek to die and being reborn as Theon. Of course that would have to mean that he manages to return there at some point...I will be quite suprised if that Theon moment ever comes - he's been shattered.
Despite his use of some, Mr. Martin seems to enjoy subverting a lot of tropes/traditionally expected things in fantasy literature. In this case, the predictable/heroic/fantasy thing would be Theon redeeming himself (not that he might not redeem himself in some small way, but I'll be extremely surprised if it's the sort of Gladiator way mentioned above).
I can see Theon being "reborn" through the Iron Island's drowning procedure, leaving Reek to die and being reborn as Theon.
edit: sorry for the double post!
More of Dorne then?
You misinterpreted that scene.
Qyburn tells her that Pycelle has called for Kevan to return to the city and he is now residing over the Small Council.
Kevan is the one Cersei requests to see but he won't come.
Are ya sure? Cersei should know that Kevan wouldn't want to see her. He made it pretty clear what he thinks about her already. Also, it's pretty obvious Pycelle sees this as an opportunity to be rid of Cersi. I would be shocked if he didn't use this moment to his advantage.
I was just watching episode #8 again...and I just realized how fucked Cersei is...Grand Maester Pycelle. He refused to go see Cersei in prison. We know he knows about all of Cersei's devious schemes through the years. Not to mention, she's been treating him like shit for the last 3 seasons.......she's so fucked.
Local newspapers are saying that a bunch of scenes of the next season will be filmed at some new Spanish locations around the coast, more precisely Girona and Peñíscola.
If I had to complain, is the pacing of these last chapters. Thought Tyrion/Jorah still had some adventures left: Both the pirates and the slaver felt like wasted potential. And after what it feels like a couple of days, he is already Danny's BFF?..the CGI elements meant that they were only getting about a minute of footage shot per day.
I mean, would you readily trust a person sent by a Spymaster that (from her eyes) has been trying to kill you? All while you have 3 cities on rebellion AND your Security staff is kind of trashed?
More of Dorne then?
I think the scene with them made it abundantly clear that she is craving sound advice from someone. She is young and inexperienced, and her advisors since Jorah left have been next to useless.If I had to complain, is the pacing of these last chapters. Thought Tyrion/Jorah still had some adventures left: Both the pirates and the slaver felt like wasted potential. And after what it feels like a couple of days, he is already Danny's BFF?
I mean, would you readily trust a person sent by a Spymaster that (from her eyes) has been trying to kill you? All while you have 3 cities on rebellion AND your Security staff is kind of trashed? she's running short on advisors.
Sooooooooo Im starting to suspect that Drogon is actually headed toward Jon Snow...
Sooooooooo Im starting to suspect that Drogon is actually headed toward Jon Snow...