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Game of Thrones - Season 2 - George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire - Sundays on HBO

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There's a GAFer with a username containing "Whelan" who was posting a while back about his sister auditioning for Game of Thrones. A little while later Gemma Whelan was cast as Yara Greyjoy. Guy must love reading this thread.

lol is this real?


There's a GAFer with a username containing "Whelan" who was posting a while back about his sister auditioning for Game of Thrones. A little while later Gemma Whelan was cast as Yara Greyjoy. Guy must love reading this thread.

Hah, I guess I missed out on this. Must be pretty cool to feel that close to the series.

I think they made a mistake but not selling home the point that her looks had changed notably from when Theon was a boy. It came across as quite weird to a normal viewer I'm sure. As I said before though, they clearly went with the decision to cast someone who looked like Balon's actor rather than someone who looked like Asha "should."

Funky Papa

I like Yara's casting choice. Not everyone on the show should be stunningly beautiful for god sakes. She seems like a hardened woman and definitely looks the part.

It's not just that; most people believe that warriors should be jacked as hell or incredibly cut. That is just the Hollywood stereotype.

Same with Gendry. I remember that many fans complained angrily about the actor not being built like a bull, despiting the fact that this


is the body of a very fit person, not to mention the fact that blacksmiths are not huge like bodybuilders.


r.e. Whelan... yep, looks like he posted that his sister was trying out for Doreah as far back as June 2010 and then last year mentioned the role of Asha was being tried out for on that day. Pretty neat.

Sweet. My sister has a meeting tomorrow over the role of Doreah. Could get us some inside info if she gets it!
Auditions going on today for Asha Greyjoy. Does she first show up in Feast for Crows? Promising that they are already looking that far down the line

Thank you based search.


There is basically no way they could fit Red Wedding in Season 3, especially with some plots from ACOK still hanging (like Theon/Winterfell/Reek as they are definitely being left for later). I'd guess he referred to "Season Three" as whole ASOS and those "two scenes" will be in Season 4.

Nevertheless, Season 4 will be downright INSANE. So much happens in the last third of ASOS that it's incomparable. And it's not even some petty setups, but basically one amazing scene after another, without a slowdown in pace.

Only thing we have to hope for though is that ratings after Season 4 will be high enough that the series will survive past AFFC/ADWD. No matter one's opinion on the quality of books, but the drop in viewership will be quite significant I think.
While I'm interestted in sing how SoS will be split up, I'm more interested in seeing how AffC and ADwD will be handled. The show producers will have the opportunity to get much more creative than they've been able to be thus far due to the fact that both books are concurrent. I have no idea how they will break up the books but I am incredibly excited to see what they come up with. I'm confident they'll be able to do what GRRM wasn't able to do and deliver a concise, connected plotline. It very well could come out as the definitive version of the story for books 4 and 5.


I think a lot of people are forgetting the pacing of ASoS.

SOS Spoiler
The Red Wedding happens ~60-70% of the way into the book. I feel like it would be rushing everything else if they ended it there.

Fair enough.

Exactly. It would rush season 3 just to get to that scene, and then have 10 episodes of season 4 to spend on the last 35% of the book. It would be terrible pacing in addition to just being a great way to piss off your viewers.

The other idea I've seen floated about is that they do the first half of season 4 as the end of ASOS, and then the last half as the beginning of AFFC/ADWD, which would be terrible for obvious pacing reasons. The best option for pacing and for survival of the show is to just end season 3 as close to the middle of ASOS as possible.

You can speed forward some storylines and slow down others. [series spoiler]
Arya could be sped up in order to reach the red wedding. Red wedding could be episode 9 of season 3 and then you can have the incident with Joffrey be in episode 10 in order to have a good ending. Yes Red Wedding is deep into Storm of Swords but you can't just count pages, you have to consider the amount of action that happens in these events. The battle at the Wall will take up a lot of minutes. A lot of the events that happen in the first half of storm of swords aren't very filmable and can be shortened. Arya can't go around from town to town meeting up with various people. That will be condensed. Also the budget for season 4 if you consider all the events that happen will be huge. It would need 90-100 million to be done right.


I totally agree about the implication for season 4, but I don't really see how they can end season 3 without it being that. What do they do for a finale? I don't think it would feel rushed either; the second half os Storm is much more dense in terms of events. In an ideal world they'd be making an 80 hour film and we wouldn't have this problem, but they're making a season of tv, and when they sit down in the writers room to plan it out, and they have this amazing end of season material staring them in the face, I don't see how they turn it down.

One thing which might make it easier to do season 4 is that most of the stories stop overlapping, so they could get some charcters from Feast/Dance going early, whilst holding back events like the ones you mention for the finale.

Don't forget for a few days after each episode 50% of posts relate to sexposition

There's plenty of stuff midway through the book that could work as season finale material (ASOS)
Jon escaping from the Wildlings and heading for the Wall, Arya getting captured by the Hound, Sam and Gilly getting saved from the Others by Coldhands, and Dany defeating Yunakai in battle, then setting her sights on Mereen.


I really wonder how long HBO can keep this series going. It's great but it's only going to get more in-depth and expensive. I would love to see it through AFFC/ADWD.

HBO needs to suck it up and give them 12-14 episode seasons.

Yes and that still means splitting season 3.

At the rate were going they are gonna start averaging 2 minutes on each story and occasionally be able to give 5 minutes on certain episodes. Which is just gonna kill the flow.
As I said before though, they clearly went with the decision to cast someone who looked like Balon's actor rather than someone who looked like Asha "should."
Alternatively, they went with who they thought was the best actress for the role out of the women they brought in for auditions.

HBO needs to suck it up and give them 12-14 episode seasons.
The problem with this is that they're currently taking ~11 months to shoot 10 episodes. It sounds like they'd have a lot of problems squeezing more episodes out of a single calendar year.

Funky Papa

The only part where I thought that Yara's looks were off was when Theon eyefucked her as if she were the most desirable chick in town. Specially since the make up department tried its best not to make her look like a doll.

Then again, Theon looks like a bit of a horndog.
r.e. Whelan... yep, looks like he posted that his sister was trying out for Doreah as far back as June 2010 and then last year mentioned the role of Asha was being tried out for on that day. Pretty neat.



Thank you based search.

Whoa, that's crazy. Hey guy, if you're out there somewhere, tell your sister I'll take her out. I'm a super stud
as long as my mommy let's me stay out past 8 oclock.


All these people talking about ratings to sustain the show longterm need to remember this is HBO.

Ratings are not the be all end all. In fact they aren't even the main concern.

Subscriptions, subscriptions, subscriptions, subscriptions! That's HBO's first concern.

Secondary, as stated by HBO veterans and the top brass are retaining quality talent, TOTAL viewership, series buzz(which drives subscriptions), network buzz, awards(which plays in to buzz), critical acclaim(plays into buzz), DVD sales, overseas revenue for a show(over half the shows budget is payed for by overseas revenue alone)

Game of thrones is possibly HBO's most successful show right now: high viewership, critical acclaim, great DVD sales, the series with the best overseas revenue flowing in - its doing just fine people!


Alternatively, they went with who they thought was the best actress for the role out of the women they brought in for auditions.

The problem with this is that they're currently taking ~11 months to shoot 10 episodes. It sounds like they'd have a lot of problems squeezing more episodes out of a single calendar year.

That's a good point. Still, the show is already bordering on feeling rushed. Going forward is going to be tough. Though I guess doing SoS over 20 episodes is probably sufficient.

......though I bet the writers could give themselves the equivelent of almost an extra episode every season if they would just cut out the unnecisarry sexposition and unnecisarry sex scenes in general.
That's true, but I think her appearance being so similar to Balon must have played a role in why they felt like she was the best choice.

That is certainly a point in her favor, although I don't think familial resemblance is that important in a show.

We haven't seen enough of her range to see how she actually inhabits the role, and I think that has lead to a lot of the criticism resting on how she fills the role.

I still maintain that they goofed and got Osha and Yara cast backwards.


The only part where I thought that Yara's looks were off was when Theon eyefucked her as if she were the most desirable chick in town. Specially since the make up department tried its best not to make her look like a doll.

Then again, Theon looks like a bit of a horndog.

Considering the direct previous scene, I have no idea how that would look off to someone. He'd probably eyefuck half the men on Pyke after that.


Just for fun i decided to crunch some numbers here(feel free to correct me)

For reference Game of Thrones season 1 budget: 60,000,000?

Overseas revenue via Financial Times: 2,700,000 per episode = 27,000,000

DVD sales as of 4/1/12: 22,000,000

Blu ray sales as of 3/25/12: 33,000,0000​

NOTE: I'm rounding numbers to just get a general outline.

So In total Game of Thrones has generated roughly 82 million in revenue for HBO.. Though there is still revenue that will continue from DVD sales and rental revenue like through Netflix(I assume they get money from Netflix?) or people that signed up for HBO for reasons directly related to Game of Thrones. Likewise there are certainly additional costs for GoT like marketing and DVD production costs. My conclusion would be that this is a damn healthy investment for HBO going forward and it looks like based on the numbers they are making a decent profit on this series.


If you guys want to talk misogyny, try following the Boardwalk Empire threads. It's just a handful of people, but it's pretty shocking at times.

No, no, no! I've said this many times, but I'll repeat myself. You should be praying that they don't include that scene until season 4, unless you want a massive drop in viewers followed by the show being cancelled. If that really is the finale of season 3, then it would easily be the worst decision they'd make about this show yet (for multiple reasons, including not having enough remaining content to cover another 10 episode season afterwards).
Exactly. I couldn't believe that some people wanted (ASOS)
the Red Wedding included in the first half. Maybe they forgot how late in the book that happens.


At this point who's arguing that GoT ISN'T a success for HBO?

Well there are a few worriers earlier this page that think it might not get renewed after the next season or two.

Which got me interested in seeing what the numbers look like for the show. Figured I'd share. *shrugs*
Just for fun i decided to crunch some numbers here(feel free to correct me)

For reference Game of Thrones season 1 budget: 60,000,000?

Overseas revenue via FT: 2,700,000 per episode = 27,000,000

DVD sales as of 4/1/12: 22,000,000

Blu ray sales as of 3/25/12: 33,000,0000​

NOTE: I'm rounding numbers to just get a general outline.

So In total Game of Thrones has generated roughly 82 million in revenue for HBO.. Though there is still revenue that will continue from DVD sales and rental revenue like through Netflix(I assume they get money from Netflix?) or people that signed up for HBO for reasons directly related to Game of Thrones. Likewise there are certainly additional costs for GoT like marketing and DVD production costs. My conclusion would be that this is a damn healthy investment for HBO going forward and it looks like based on the numbers they are making a decent profit on this series.

Sounds about right. There's also the chance of one day syndicating the show like Sopranos. But they'd have to cut out a lot of stuff and that won't be or years, so it may never happen.
I strongly feel that if the DVD/BRD set for Season 1 had come out during the holiday season HBO would have brought in a LOT more money. The show has an audience now, there is no need to cross promote a new season and the disk set at the same time. Hopefully, they'll get season 2 on shelves quicker than they did the first season.


Just for fun i decided to crunch some numbers here(feel free to correct me)

For reference Game of Thrones season 1 budget: 60,000,000?

Overseas revenue via Financial Times: 2,700,000 per episode = 27,000,000

DVD sales as of 4/1/12: 22,000,000

Blu ray sales as of 3/25/12: 33,000,0000​

NOTE: I'm rounding numbers to just get a general outline.

So In total Game of Thrones has generated roughly 82 million in revenue for HBO.. Though there is still revenue that will continue from DVD sales and rental revenue like through Netflix(I assume they get money from Netflix?) or people that signed up for HBO for reasons directly related to Game of Thrones. Likewise there are certainly additional costs for GoT like marketing and DVD production costs. My conclusion would be that this is a damn healthy investment for HBO going forward and it looks like based on the numbers they are making a decent profit on this series.

HBO doesn't have a deal with Netflix. The only way they'd get money from them is when Netflix buys their box sets via a distributor. So they do get some money but it is indirect.

Also, are you using the-numbers.com for your DVD/BR sales info? I'd take their estimates of sales with a large grain of salt as they've been way off many times when the real sales info is released by studios/networks. They are the VG Chartz of DVD sales.

But yeah, I'm sure HBO is making a boatload of money from this show. You didn't even mention all the merchandise which, judging by the amount of stuff they keep adding to their online store, must be selling very well.


HBO doesn't have a deal with Netflix. The only way they'd get money from them is when Netflix buys their box sets via a distributor. So they do get some money but it is indirect.

Also, are you using the-numbers.com for your DVD/BR sales info? I'd take their estimates of sales with a large grain of salt as they've been way off many times when the real sales info is released by studios/networks. They are the VG Chartz of DVD sales.

But yeah, I'm sure HBO is making a boatload of money from this show. You didn't even mention all the merchandise which, judging by the amount of stuff they keep adding to their online store, must be selling very well.
I just assumed(I guess wrongly) that studios got additional revenue from Netflix the same way streaming music sites pay royalties to labels and musicians.

Yeah it is the-numbers.com, I couldn't find numbers anywhere else.

How does it work with DVD numbers? The public only finds out once a studio releases the numbers themselves? Do all studios do that? And when should we expect the hard numbers from HBO?


It would make sense to split ASOS into two separate seasons. Just way too much awesome that happens to rush through anything.

The Red Wedding as the season 3 finale. Great way to end the season.

Season4: Joffrey's death and Catelyn's return to end the season

That is an 100% terrible awful idea to end the season with that. I can't believe you said that.
No one would watch the following season if it ended that way. It's important for the story not to end there to give people something to root for and care about. It also would completely destroy the surprise. Everyone would know what would happen if the finale ended going back to Frey's to make an apology. It was shocking in the book because it came out of nowhere.

I don't like having multiple seasons for one book. I think they should just give Season 3 more episodes.


Yeah it is the numbers.com, I couldn't find numbers anywhere else.

How does it work with DVD numbers? The public only finds out once a studio releases the numbers themselves? Do all studios do that? And when should we expect the hard numbers from HBO?

Basically, yeah. I don't think studios always do it. Generally only if it is a really big seller and they want to brag. HBO released the numbers for the first week, but I don't think they will release them again.

EDIT: Netflix does pay licensing to studios for streaming rights, but HBO doesn't want their shows on Netflix Instant. They want people to subscribe to HBO and use HBO GO instead. Netflix still offers the DVDs for rental, but again, they only get those DVDs through a distributor and not directly through HBO.


Sounds about right. There's also the chance of one day syndicating the show like Sopranos. But they'd have to cut out a lot of stuff and that won't be or years, so it may never happen.
I always wondered how shows like this indirectly drive the rest of HBO. I know people who only got HBO because of Sopranos and Sex & the City so even subscription directly benefit. Plus it helps the shows following it.


If you guys want to talk misogyny, try following the Boardwalk Empire threads. It's just a handful of people, but it's pretty shocking at times.

Exactly. I couldn't believe that some people wanted (ASOS)
the Red Wedding included in the first half. Maybe they forgot how late in the book that happens.
They could easily slow down certain storylines and give Robb's storyline more scenes to make the Red Wedding even more shocking and then give some stuff more emphasis in Season 4 when Robb is out of the picture. I really do think that ending the third season with a two-hitter like Episode 9 Red Wedding -> Episode 10 Joffrey's Death would be a kind of best case scenario. That way the season could end with not one but two game changing events (RW & Joffrey's death), Arya being knocked out by The Hound, Tyrion being accused of Joffrey's death, Dany buying the Unsullied (or such), Jon maybe escaping the Wildlings etc. That would also lead into a very good early Season 4, with Tyrion's trial, the whole aftermath of the Red Wedding being kinda crazy, Arya on the run again etc. This way they could end Season 4 with stuff like Dany conquering & settling in Meereen, Tyrion killing Tywin & escaping, Arya setting sail, Zombie Cat's reveal, Bran going beyond the Wall etc., which are all good ways of ending Season 4. If they left both Red Wedding and Joffrey's for Season 4, I'm not sure if Season 3 would have big enough payoffs for many characters, it would still be mostly setting up those events, which might not make for satisfying TV.

All this PLUS they could definitely add some stuff from AFFC & ADWD to the ending of the fourth season.


I strongly feel that if the DVD/BRD set for Season 1 had come out during the holiday season HBO would have brought in a LOT more money. The show has an audience now, there is no need to cross promote a new season and the disk set at the same time. Hopefully, they'll get season 2 on shelves quicker than they did the first season.

100% agreed. I knew so many people who wanted to make a gift of the first season over the holidays.

- GAFfer Magnus with a breakdown of this week's episode: THIS WEEK on Game of Thrones: “The Night Lands”

There's some discussion of camera angles and cinematography in his writeup that I found interesting.

Thanks for the shout-out dude!




Catelyn wasn't cast as I imagined her, but the actress embodies her wonderfully. I felt the same initially about Lena Headey, but she nailed most of her crucial scenes in S1 (especially those opposite Mark Addy, who was probably the most underrated actor last season next to Harry Lloyd) and has, if anything, improved this season. "Yara" as portrayed in those handful of scenes maybe doesn't look exactly like how I expected Asha to appear, but she seems to able to tap into the right sort of attitude and Greyjoy arrogance which gels with her character. It's obviously too early to say definitively that she'll be good, but there's no demonstrable evidence that she'd bad in the role outside of a shallow obsession with her looks.

Pretty much agree with this. If she can act the part of Asha, she'll do fine.

But when reading the books, I'm going to have to try hard to strike HBO's Yara from my imagination.

I don't see why it's being misogynistic to want more eye candy on the show ;) It's not like Nina Gold and the casting department haven't been providing good looking men for all the female fans of the show. Are women being misandrist for hoping Jaqen is hot?

Funky Papa

I don't want every actor to be pretty, TBH. That's what we have Spartacus for ;)

Edit: I'm not familiar with the newer characters, but that Jaqen fellow looks... interesting.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
There's a GAFer with a username containing "Whelan" who was posting a while back about his sister auditioning for Game of Thrones. A little while later Gemma Whelan was cast as Yara Greyjoy. Guy must love reading this thread.
Oh god.

I am so sorry Whelan. :(


there is joy in sucking dick
The Theon, Yara scene has got to get whelan feelin' a little weird. Rubbin' bellies and makin' eyes. This ain't no footlocker commercial.


I roll my eyes at the casting complaints regarding Game of Thrones. They have not done anything to the level of white-washing characters from the books.


The Theon, Yara scene has got to get whelan feelin' a little weird. Rubbin' bellies and makin' eyes. This ain't no footlocker commercial.

Totally calling him Theon in response to something from now on.

Interestingly enough, he seems to have disappeared around the time the show premiered. Maybe he doesn't want to see what we think.
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