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Games that deserve a next-gen upgrade


The PS2 one, please.


While Drive Club was an absolute shitshow when it launched, after some patches it turned into a great product (huh, that was all the way back in 2014... and they're still doing that). But I feel that if Sony had stuck with it, gave it a PS4 Pro patch, and kept the servers going, it would have wound up having a killer fanbase.


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
Red Dead Redemption 2 - One of the most immersive open world games, very mature story and convincible characters as well. It's so baffling that Rockstar nixed the next gen plan as it would easily prove to be a commercial success.

Batman Arkham Knight - Batman AK still looks and plays better than a majority of ninth- gen console games. The only logical explanation is that if Warner Bros did this, Batman AK would annihilate Gotham Knight in comparison, leaving GK as a completely joke.

Dishonored series - Never have I ever played a single player for more than 5 times and still left insatiable, till Dishonored came out. The art style, the level design, the super powers, the story tone, all and all clicked perfectly to me. On Xbox there is frame boost for the games, but the full series deserve a 4k 60 fps remaster.

What are games you want to see a next-gen upgrade?
Glad I'm on PC where I can already play these games in next-gen quality or better :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:
Resistance 1-3 - Never played them because I mainly gamed on X360.

Soma - 60fps.

Crash Team Racing - Screams for 60/120fps and Dualsense support.

Crash 1-3 and Spyro 1-3 - 60fps.

Any game that is still locked at 30. Will accept a framerate patch for most games. I am really surprised that neither the Insane Trilogy or the Reignited Trilogy has had a 60fps patch.


Kid Icarus: Uprising comes to mind. I'd love it on Switch, but it would have a better shot at success as the also-ran launch title for its successor.


- The Simpsons: Hit & Run.
- Silent Hill 1, 2, 3, 4 (proper remaster for OG versions, no Boomer remake).
- God of War, God of War II.
- Metal Gear Solid 4.
- Metal Gear Solid 5.
- Bloodborne.
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