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GameTrailers to close after 13 years

Sad but not very surprising.
Last few years numbers where pretty bad to to keep the crew going sadly.

They did awesome stuff with the staff they had and great content but sadly youtube and other websites just passed them in what GT did.


I honestly have 0 experience with sharing videos and such. What are my best options? Since they are shutting down GT do I need to worry about the company who shut down the site putting down the videos?

More likely to get flagged on YT than anywhere else, since some music or whatever in the video will likely get flagged automatically.
That's very sad to hear, when I was into video games big time during the time MGS4 released that was the site forum I always went to. Besides the forums it was the site I went to for game trailers but YouTube came and the whole reason for the website kind of passed.

The original content was good but would never sustain them, I'm sure back in 2008 they were one of the big boys.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
wait what?

granted I havent used them in ages but still was not expecting that at all


Thanks for all the great things you've done GT. I will greatly miss the site.

Now, serious talk : I want to see you guys do something in videogames media still, you all have the talent to do it, possibly together still. Keep us posted, this is not an end, just a branching path.


I honestly have 0 experience with sharing videos and such. What are my best options? Since they are shutting down GT do I need to worry about the company who shut down the site putting down the videos?

Yes, you do. They still have the rights to it.


I cant believe I have to go to sleep now. This has been horrid.

I dont have any video game friends. There are friends I play games with, but its all surface level, fun stuff, occasionally we will have a really conversation about video games but its rare.

I found GT because I wanted to at least feel a part of the video games discussion, ones that I couldnt have in real life because I was with different crowds. I fucking love video games and the whole industry for all its faults, and you know what, so did they, and those fuckers forced me to try to be positive even about the most messed up things that devs did.

Im gonna miss them. I hope they can find a way to be together on occasion, but it just wont be the same.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I honestly have 0 experience with sharing videos and such. What are my best options? Since they are shutting down GT do I need to worry about the company who shut down the site putting down the videos?

I think that is legitimate as much as them trying to assert copyright on the shared videos and against those who share them without their written consent. Yay for digital copyright over dead content Defy Media would likely never use again :/.


Oh come on! What the hell? I love the crew! I hope everyone lands on their feet. How am I going to enjoy any conference without Bosman and Huber betting on every last detail? I don't think I can... :(
Well this fucking sucks to wake up to!

Damn it, this was the only big mainstream games media site I liked, the whole GT crew were just so damned likeable, and always felt like they were doing what they did out of love for the medium, not corporate shilling or pandering to any particular group.

Honestly, this is an absolute disaster for anyone that cares about gaming And the media around it. I just cannot understand how anyone would just get rid of such a talented, charismatic group of people.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I am open to ideas. I have a YouTube channel, I might be able to upload them there. I would prefer a way to upload them in mass since it appears we are going to have around 800 videos.

Do not know about the batch upload options, but should we keep them with a private link for GAF'ers? How strongly can we avoid DMCA claims?
That kind of sucks. Where am I supposed to download video game trailers to look at ten years later when I'm deleting things?

Seriously, though, good folks at GT. I wish 'em all the best.


I hope they launch a Kickstarter. I would be a backer in a heartbeat

Patreon is better and has a better reputation. It's actually so perfect for them if they'd stay together. They have enough people to make daily content, and the following is large enough for them that they'd get more Patreon followers than most on the service.
Haven't used GameTrailers for a very long time because I get everything here now, but their video section was second to none. Good reviews too.

I guess this means their userbase will have to flood elsewhere.
I honestly have 0 experience with sharing videos and such. What are my best options? Since they are shutting down GT do I need to worry about the company who shut down the site putting down the videos?

I do think that regardless of what you put it on, that you need to create a torrent file with the combined content of the two channels, twitch, and the GT site (if that's your final goal). A torrent file will live for as long as people seed it.

A private youtube and/or MEGA would be the other option, with MEGA far more unlikely to be taken down.

GT Reviews had the best voice doing the narrating. Dont know who that was but he was pretty great.

Brandon Jones, GT Founder. :)


This must be the fall of one of the greatest gaming institutions that originated during my intense gaming years.

More, Bosman, brad, Ian, know that a Patreon check is coming your way the second you sign up!

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
I get home from work to this horseshit??!!


That's ridiculous. They all better get back on YouTube cause the past year or two saw them become part of my daily godamned schedule...

This sucks. Wish them all luck...cast crew support...all of em. Love and respect.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Haven't used GameTrailers for a very long time because I get everything here now, but their video section was second to none. Good reviews too.

I guess this means their userbase will have to flood elsewhere.



What a sad day, I watched GT reviews for years. Huber has been fresh gaming journalist with a lot of passion for gaming, I sure I will see more of him, somewhere.



Wow, just wow.

Watching Gt Time, ManUps and The Last Bosman is part of my weekly routine. Going to be weird missing out on these great people and their hilarious antics.

I hope they can work something out together, but it must be hard. I do think that they won't have a problem to find a job as individuals, but I hope they can stick together.


Oh wow, I always used to visit this site. It was one of the few game websites with decent content, like the Science of Games and Final Bosman. Sad to see it go.
Move aside Bowie, we have a new winner for DOTY

In all seriousness, my friends and I loved all the Retrospectives, incredibly well-done archiving of the classics. They will be missed.
I used to go there for all of my trailer and video reviews (and checking screwattack), but... Then a godawful redesign came, the website was barely functional or easy to navigate, and I simply left. As I always do whenever they fuck everything with a redesign.


This is sad :(, I wish them all the best of luck and hope they all get good jobs after this.

Heck maybe they can do like Greg Miller and the kindafunny people and get a pateron and make youtube style game videos, etc?

I would definitely support them, as long as Brandon and Bloodworth are on it, those two are my favorites that are still there.

I used to watch Invisible Walls with a passion every week, back when Shane/Marcus was still around.


Quite surprising. I didn't visit GT in years (probably since Screwattack days) and all I can remember was that they had a shit player which made watching and browsing the vids a painful exprience.
They'll be absorbed by someone else. Maybe they'll rejoin Elyse Willems over at FunHaus/Rooster Teeth and help them make PROPER gaming content. I just hope most of them stay together.

Mandatory Update with Elyse and Ian was GOAT and I miss it af!


Very sad for everyone involved :(

I'll always remember their RE4 review at a time videos of games felt precious. Fantastically edited, stupidly spoilerific and it convinced me to grab a Gamecube and the game.

Best of luck to all of you guys.
Posted this in the official GT thread, but I'll post it here as well.

As I sit here and watch Damiani's stream, getting weepy and teary eyed every 10 minutes, I feel compelled to write some words.

I first started watching GT back in 2004. I used to go there every day to watch new trailers and announcements. When I got into their original programming some time later, I discovered a band of people who actually cared about video games. They weren't looking for problems in the games they were reviewing. They were celebrating what made games great. Sure, I didn't agree with every single review, but I knew their opinions were honest and unbiased, so I would watch every single one. I would watch them for games I never planned on buying, just to give them the support of an extra click. It's one of the few sites I turned off adblock for. I wanted them to get my click money because I felt they deserved it.

The site fell into an excellent groove around 2010, I think. Whenever Annoyed Gamer, Pach Attack (those predictions xD), Invisible Walls, and the Screw Attack shows were on the site, that was the beginning of the golden age. I would visit the site every single day to watch their stuff. I loved Final Bosman from the beginning. Bonus bits got me attached to Kyle and made me a serious fan of his.

When it was announced THE DAY BEFORE E3 2014 that Viacom had sold them, I feared the worst. I've seen enough companies go under that I knew the staff would get gutted. I felt so badly for Damiani getting let go. He was my inspiration for speed running A Link to the Past. I still have the EGM issue that he was featured in. The article was called "Speed Freaks" and it opened my eyes to the world of speed running. When I found out years later that he was the same Damiani that was with GT, it showed me that he had made it in the industry, and inspired me to do the same.

After the layoffs happened, I was happy that the crew that made it through were making it alright. We got Huber Hype, Ladies in the Lobby, and GT Live for new shows. The Final Bosman, GT Time, and ManUps all continued. We lost some great shows, but what we got in return was some serious heart into what they had. Everyone had a voice, and I felt a connection to the crew. Kyle did an excellent job bringing everyone on the staff into GT Time. I related to them because their passions were my own. Opinions may have been different, but they got me excited for video games every day when I woke up. I can't even begin to count the amount of times GT Time popped up in my YouTube feed late Thursday night, but I saved it for Friday because I wanted to start my day off with the crew.

The E3 of dreams in 2015 solidified my passion for video games. I work full time now in esports and GT and this broadcast is a big part of what inspired me to do so. I put a career in air traffic control aside in order to pursue a career in video games. I always hoped to work with them in some capacity. I was planning on asking to volunteer my time to help them out in any way I could during E3, especially with their streams and VOD archives. I wanted so much for GT to prosper and grow again. I'm upset because I fear that'll never happen now with everyone likely going their separate ways. I cried with Huber and Brad when Shenmue got announced. I've never even played the damned games. It was just so great to see someone so happy about something they cared so much about. I felt it in my heart and that passion has been burning like a bonfire ever since.

Elyse's departure was really tough, but we still get to see her at Funhaus, and she's working with her husband so I'm sure she's having fun over there. I was hoping they'd hire someone to fill her spot in the company, but I kept noticing that there was NEVER a job posting on Defy's site for GT. That's when I got the feeling that it might be over for GT. I got really excited when Brandon announced, happily, that they'd be taking a day and having an all-hands meeting at Dave & Busters and discussing the future of the company. I felt like this was it. This was the rebirth right here. But we got cut short.

I really and truly hope that they're able to do something together again. I had planned on making 2016 my first E3, and I can only hope to run into everyone there. They were a legendary crew and made me excited about video games. Their positivity and jolly vibes were and still are a rare treat in the gaming industry. We were lucky to have you in our lives, and I wish you all the best. I still don't want to close this GT Twitch tab. I'll leave you guys with some of the gifs I've made over the past year or so. It's been an absolute pleasure watching your content and engaging with you. I felt a connection with you guys like I never have before. I know it sounds corny and cheesy and probably a little strange, but you guys were so important to this industry and to so many of our lives. I hope someone high up somewhere recognizes the impact you've all had and helps you in whatever ways you need in your careers and lives. Stay jolly, everyone, and Beauty Boys for life.




Here's some I didn't make. Credit to whoever did :)


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