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I'm home for my lunch break. No way I'll have time to finish downloading this thing and play it before I have to go back. Guess I'll play tonight. Fuck...


So everything is good to go for season pass owners? Happy day when I remembered this was out. Gonna get back into the MP too since I haven't touched the new maps.
jesus christ. the beginning of this DLC on insane is brutal. missiles, boomshots, bullets, grinders mulchers....all being tossed at you at a constant rate.


Really good act. They change up the action enough to keep it fresh, and RAAM is really cool. Finished it in 2 hours and 30 mins on hardcore, but I did rush through most action scenes.

You guys won't be disappointed.

Jumped into multiplayer, two skins that I hadn't heard of, Candy Cane and Mint!
Really good act. They change up the action enough to keep it fresh, and RAAM is really cool. Finished it in 2 hours and 30 mins on hardcore, but I did rush through most action scenes.

You guys won't be disappointed.

Jumped into multiplayer, two skins that I hadn't heard of, Candy Cane and Mint!

Wurddddd. Are they going to get rid of these skins once the festive season has passed, or are they permanent? The candy cane skin is actually very nice.
Thoroughly enjoyed RAAM's Shadow, better than what I expected. The crunchy urban warfare is back, many different types of grubs at a time flanking you left and right, CQB and e-holes and the general tense feeling of Gears 1's combat that we all love so much, it's all there. There are a lot of badass character moments, too. My only complaint is that the parts where you play as RAAM could've been handled better gameplay wise, but they are good at making you feel like an unstoppable mofo so that's forgiven.

All in all it left me wanting more, which is definitely a good sign. Kudos Epic!


This download is going slow enough that I think I'll restock my firewood in the meantime. By the time I'm done it should be good to go.

It's at 17% in ten minutes. I'm getting restless!


Awesome DLC,I really enjoyed it.
It looks amazing most of the time,music is really good,reminds me of Gears 1 pieces in few places.
Levels are well designed and combat is really enjoyable,a lot of close quarters shotty fights. Barrick has a really cool voice actor.
Overall it has Gears 1 feel to it which is really cool(combat,music,levels and the scale of the game is smaller and more intimate) .
At first I thought that it will be more of the same but after few minutes it felt fresh enough. It's hard for me to say which one has better gameplay, the main campaign or this DLC.But for me mood is for sure better in this DLC than it was in Gears 3.
Job well done EPIC !
Just finished RAAM's shadow, well done epic great job. Seriously id eagerly buy any other SP dlc if its at the quality fantastic more than worth 1200.

Need more SP DLC. do it cliffy b

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Single player campaign DLC. With... RAAM??? Well I'll be damned.

Thanks, Epic. I'm actually really excited to play this. Like, really excited.


RAAM's Shadow >>>>> entire Gears 3 campaign.

This was reminiscent of Gears 1 on almost every single level. Epic captured pretty much everything that made the first game feel as intimate, creepy and dark as it was. The architecture of Ilima, transitioning from area to area, the close quarters combat. All of it..It screams Gears 1...well done.

You guys should be proud.


Seriously, for those who haven't played it yet, if you loved Gears 1's campaign and how it played, you'll enjoy RAAM's Shadow.


I got up to chapter V of RAAM's Shadow, but I have to finish some stuff up before work int he morning. Fully agree with PXG, this is better than the entirety of the Gears 3 campaign so far.


Who else got that email for Raam DLC to give you free 160 msoft points, 48 hours of gold, and some pictures?

My codes are unreadable Jesus. GG Msoft/EPIC. :/

Edit: Found a work around thankfully. :p
DLC Chapter is kinda boring for me. The story and characters are faaaar weaker then this time around. The sense of brotherhood and humor is almost totally absent. Not to mention the drive behind the narrative is weak as shit so far, running around trying and mostly failing to save civies. I miss Marcus, Carmine, Sam, Baird, Cole, hell, even Dom.

The RAAM stuff is dull as dishwater. Once you get past the "aw sweet I'm RAAM and I have a cool Y execution", you're left with this extremely linear, challenge-free zone of walking forward and pointing at people. Neither hard enough to get intense, nor destructive enough to be chaotic fun. Yawn.
I got up to chapter V of RAAM's Shadow, but I have to finish some stuff up before work int he morning. Fully agree with PXG, this is better than the entirety of the Gears 3 campaign so far.

I sure hope that you guys are right. I reached Act II in the vanilla campaign and had zero interest in progressing beyond that point; it felt like a boring chore. That being said, you strip away every SP element of Gears and I probably wouldn't give two hoots, so it's a moot point.


So theres no way to download the dlc normally if your a season pass guy? You just have to do it through the menu on the disc? Yarg, its at 2 percent after like 10 minutes. Gonna have to try to dl the bulk of it tomorrow morning. Also, I hate having to leave the game running while its downloading.


DLC Chapter is kinda boring for me. The story and characters are faaaar weaker then this time around. The sense of brotherhood and humor is almost totally absent. Not to mention the drive behind the narrative is weak as shit so far, running around trying and mostly failing to save civies. I miss Marcus, Carmine, Sam, Baird, Cole, hell, even Dom.

The RAAM stuff is dull as dishwater. Once you get past the "aw sweet I'm RAAM and I have a cool Y execution", you're left with this extremely linear, challenge-free zone of walking forward and pointing at people. Neither hard enough to get intense, nor destructive enough to be chaotic fun. Yawn.

We're never told how long Zeta squad was together. Marcus and Dom had been friends for years before E-Day. By the end of Gears 3, the members of Delta had known each other for nearly three years. I doubt that Barrick, Kim, Tai and Valera knew each other that well. I get the impression that their squad was formed temporarily to aid in the evacuation effort. Plus, you have to remember, the events of RAAM's Shadow take place mere days after E-Day. Not enough time had passed for any deep bond to establish between the characters. You can't deny that there was some chemistry and a few good quips though.

And yeah, RAAM's sections were little underwhelming. At first it was cool, but from checkpoint to checkpoint, controlling him just became more of a predicable chore. I never really got that sense that I was really fucking shit up and slowly destroying Ilima. However, I will say they did do a good job illustrating the gradual deteriation of the city, especially at the end at the
. The player just never truly felt a part of it, at least while playing as RAAM. Compare how bright everything was in the beginning compared to the start of chapter 5. All in all, Zeta's sections were more enjoyable.

I liked DLC, and would love to see Epic do more.

Remember: refer to Gears 1. Most of the series' brilliance lies in that game. Use it as inspiration.


Does the download for the DLC stop whenever my controller turns off? I have season pass and 2 GB will take a while to download so I left and when I returned my control was off and when turning it back on the download progress was going and the message "there is a season pass download" is sitting there and when I click it again it ask me to download it again instead of the progress left.
RAAM's Shadow was pretty great! The combat was as grand as ever! The boss fights were a load of fun. However, there's room for some improvement. The RAAM sections were a bit weak. RAAM was overpowered fun for a few minutes, but the dude is a one trick pony so it got boring to be him quickly. Also, something that bothered me was the lack of collectibles. I'd appreciate tags and collectibles and the such laying around to reward me for searching every corner. It felt kind of weird to walk down a long dead end and for there to be absolutely nothing there. I've been conditioned to search every corner of games to find little rewards, so RAAM's Shadow felt a little empty. Gears was one of those games that initially made me want to walk down every branching hallway and stare at every texture so it felt weird that this DLC didn't include those extras for OCD people like me.

Overall I really dug the story, returning characters, new characters, art, audio and Zeta Squad combat scenarios. That last chapter of the DLC is just insane. It totally feels like the best of Gears 1 with 5 years of refinement. And as always, I really appreciate that Epic pushes for diversity in their games. It's pretty cool to see a balding old man and a Latina front and center in a video game.

So I'm impressed. Definitely a huge step up from Gears 2's Deleted Scene. I'd love to see more campaign DLC for Gears 3 if that's possible!


Retro SO?

Was pretty good. Some of the check-points were off for me. A cheap death here and there and set back alot. I was killed once in a cut scene. Another time Kim got killed and it made me restart the whole chapter.

Also, it looked like there was a second of scene or audio after beating it, then to a load screen. Eh?
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