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Genshin Impact |OT| 5.0 (Natlan) - Everything Changed When the Fire Nation Arrived


the official Genshin Bilibili (think CN Youtube) has officially banned the word Yoimiya from the chat.
LMAO, that's so China it hurts xD Ban your own hero name ahaha Well, at least message been sent and message was clearly received. I wonder what would happen next.

I kinda worried for Yae and Signora power levels now. The last good DD was Ayaka, but she's pretty old news because she's basically a 1.0 hero. Plus they're seriously cut her DPS by removing her main skill from the game completely. Before Ayaka it was EULA iirc. Well...EULA is sexy and hits like a truck, so maybe there's some hope.

But I really, I mean REALLY want new Pyro Cocogoat and some Klee like Cryo Catalyst user. 2 most versatile DPS heroes in game rn but it's been a damn year already.

Time to shake things up and power creep em not with DMG numbers only, but utility wise too.

Maybe they want to give Cocogoat / Hu Tao their reruns first and then introduce a more powerful heroes and get double profits? I hope so...



Another reason to use JP VA lmao. EN is a whinny little bitches both on screen and behind the screen...



Another reason to use JP VA lmao. EN is a whinny little bitches both on screen and behind the screen...

Dude, even when I make my critic was about MHY bad decision, IDK why those EN VA are overreacting... and using twitter BTW with make things even worst.
Those guys need to stop this drama shit.
Remember, everyone was expecting the livestream, 15 minutes delay, become 1 hour delay, and those decisions about EN VA doing the livestream was made by the last minute.

This just prove that MHY underestimated the aniversary rewards. Thats why I would prefer the CN livestream for now, just give me the english CC and move on.

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Thats the kinda of colaboration I approve. The Sony Music Studios is by far the best of the world to do OST.



Another reason to use JP VA lmao. EN is a whinny little bitches both on screen and behind the screen...

They know exactly what they are into. They got paid to praise basically low anniversary rewards.

Imagine if Sony make a stream with actors of a certain game to commemorate Sony anniversary by reducing the PS Plus price by 1% and they all start scream and "Woooow thats amazing!!!"

Instead of whinning they should reconsider doing all this because they are "paid". Because that sounds more like they are whores who tops anything for money. Also, put themselves in the shoes of loyal fans(paid and not paid ones) and ask yourself if all this praise and scream didn't sound like mockery.



Baal in the electro door
Baal be like:
Go Away Power GIF

I wonder who's got into hear ear. Signora or Yae. Probably Signora. I don't believe that MiHoYo has it in them to make Yae a secret baddie. I think story will be pretty basic and simple. Baal was deceived and Yae as her good and only friend was working in shadows to help her without directly confronting her or the Fatui.

I also wonder when we will get to play as Signora. Sooner or later they will need to introduce new Fatui members too. Signora can't stay the main enemy forever. At least I think so.


I couldn't care less about Signora and I don't like her design. I'd rather she kick the bucket right now or we defeat her so for once they can't take the Gnosis. Someone mentioned she's witness to a duel between you and Signora which makes sense.

I never thought Yae was someone evil and that doesn't sound interesting either. I just hope the Vision Hunt Decree and Isolation isn't due to the Fatui and Raiden Shogun has her own personal reasons.
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They know exactly what they are into. They got paid to praise basically low anniversary rewards.

Imagine if Sony make a stream with actors of a certain game to commemorate Sony anniversary by reducing the PS Plus price by 1% and they all start scream and "Woooow thats amazing!!!"

Instead of whinning they should reconsider doing all this because they are "paid". Because that sounds more like they are whores who tops anything for money. Also, put themselves in the shoes of loyal fans(paid and not paid ones) and ask yourself if all this praise and scream didn't sound like mockery.
Yep, that's my stance too. Nobody forces them to accept a job. I also think they're actually horrible at it.
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couldn't care less about Signora
In story she's almost on par with God's power levels. Plus looks like she will be cryo Catalyst. She also has big bewbs. I think that her design is too Nomura like and overly complicated, but I'm excited just for her potential DPS levels. Besides, it's been a year already. Time to move the fuck on and introduce new power levels and new enemies. 99% of GI playerbase has no idea about GI manga too and I wonder why MiHo keeps it like that. It's almost feel non canon lmao.


In story she's almost on par with God's power levels. Plus looks like she will be cryo Catalyst. She also has big bewbs. I think that her design is too Nomura like and overly complicated, but I'm excited just for her potential DPS levels. Besides, it's been a year already. Time to move the fuck on and introduce new power levels and new enemies. 99% of GI playerbase has no idea about GI manga too and I wonder why MiHo keeps it like that. It's almost feel non canon lmao.
Her design is just overdone, yeah. Not my cup of tea at all and I'm not really a fan of those personalities. I just hope they shake things up here and they're put on the loss this time around. Every archon doesn't have to lose their Gnosis at the end of the story, it just gets repetitive.


Every archon doesn't have to lose their Gnosis at the end of the story, it just gets repetitive
Technically Geo Lord just gave up on it. Venti was always a joke anyways.
Baal... she's all in for dat ETERNITY fud and should probably fight for it at least.

Or maybe Yae will make her to realize how wrong she were during those last couple of thousand years and teach her to relax and let it go ffs xD Baal probably haven't got laid in millennia... Girl need to stop being so uptight about everything.

But yeah, I want Baal to show dat teenage angst and refuse to give up on her gnosis.

Still. She will be on a banner. So... she's probably gonna lose her Godhood regardless :p


Signora is like the queen of all simps, so if I would guess she will get the most Wish spam of GI history. miHoYo need to mess things quite hard for Signora banner to fail.


Technically Geo Lord just gave up on it. Venti was always a joke anyways.
Baal... she's all in for dat ETERNITY fud and should probably fight for it at least.

Or maybe Yae will make her to realize how wrong she were during those last couple of thousand years and teach her to relax and let it go ffs xD Baal probably haven't got laid in millennia... Girl need to stop being so uptight about everything.

But yeah, I want Baal to show dat teenage angst and refuse to give up on her gnosis.

Still. She will be on a banner. So... she's probably gonna lose her Godhood regardless :p
I read somewhere that her sword is her Gnosis, so maybe not this time?

Lol, sure but all the others were as well.

Well the thing is, when you can pump out that much damage, and you have Zhongli with 100% shield uptime, you're purposely avoiding all of her weaknesses that average players have with her. You don't need to care about what she's targeting if you can just facetank everything right beside an enemy. You don't need to care which target is selected if you can kill them in 2-3 seconds regardless of what it is. You don't have to worry about missing if you're face tanking with Zhongli.

The takeaway from that video is "whale a lot and give her a pocket Zhongli, and she's good then". It does absolutely nothing to address the issues that 99% of the people that pulled a single copy of her have.

*edit* for the abyss levels, the only relevant ones since they're multi target, she has her team of Kaz/Zhongli/Bennett kill all the waves of monsters for her that would show her weaknesses.
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Technically Geo Lord just gave up on it. Venti was always a joke anyways.
Baal... she's all in for dat ETERNITY fud and should probably fight for it at least.

Or maybe Yae will make her to realize how wrong she were during those last couple of thousand years and teach her to relax and let it go ffs xD Baal probably haven't got laid in millennia... Girl need to stop being so uptight about everything.

But yeah, I want Baal to show dat teenage angst and refuse to give up on her gnosis.

Still. She will be on a banner. So... she's probably gonna lose her Godhood regardless :p
I read somewhere that her sword is her Gnosis, so maybe not this time?
Hope so... They can't really repeat what Zhongli did and she's not ever shown a sign of weakness, so things might be different this time. I'd rather Fatui come in later and try to take advantage of the situation than be the reason Inazuma is like this in the first place.


take advantage of the situation than be the reason Inazuma is like this in the first place
She changed the Vision policy not long ago. For the Eternity seeking freak it's too sudden of a change. And we already seen heavy Fatui presence on the far away Inazuma islands. They're probably using the civil war as a cover up too.


So, basically, La Signora will extract her gnosis by handling her boobs?

I look forward to that cutscene.
If it's true, I'm kinda confused since the other Gnosises/(Gnosi?) were chess pieces. Maybe that means there's a piece inside the hilt of her sword or something, or it was just a coincedence that Zhongli/Venti had chess pieces ones. I think they even mentioned on the stream when they were introducing Baal that she had an "Electro Gnosis"

I still think they're planning on doing a turn-heel that the Fatui were working behind the scenes to F with Celestia and while they may not necessarily be the good guys, they're not the bad guys either.
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If it's true, I'm kinda confused since the other Gnosises/(Gnosi?) were chess pieces. Maybe that means there's a piece inside the hilt of her sword or something, or it was just a coincedence that Zhongli/Venti had chess pieces ones. I think they even mentioned on the stream when they were introducing Baal that she had an "Electro Gnosis"

I still think they're planning on doing a turn-heel that the Fatui were working behind the scenes to F with Celestia and while they may not necessarily be the good guys, they're not the bad guys either.
Maybe Musou no Hitotachi's primary form is that of a chess piece? It's literally a sword created by the elements.


- 2.1
- First banner will be Baal and her commander, second Kokomi banner
- Aniversary log in up to 10 pink/raindow wish
- New fishing system comming soony
- You can create your fish. He will evolve just like Pokemon.
- Free 4* claymore made of tuna, secondary atribbute is ATK%
- Free 4* spear (I guess), secondary attribute is ER
- Loads of events
- Spoilers
- Signora and Scaramouche join to the simp war
- Tournament
- 2 new island. Kokomi temple and the 'always thunder' isle
- 3 free codes: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/gens...ay-action-rpg.1568699/page-221#post-264401565
Nice that all the sugestion i sent MHY last year are going to be in the game. They were:

- House system with ability to decorate house and place characters we own inside it. (Already implemented)
- Farming system with ability to grow up plants and vegetables (Already implemented)
- Fishing minigame (Comming soon)

They really not giving me any excuses to drop the game :p

Is La Signora going to appear in a banner anytime soon? I have 38k primos so its enough to garantee the Raiden Shogun, and dont think thers any chars i want droping anytime soon, other than Sara, but shes a 4 star so should be easy to get.
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Nice that all the sugestion i sent MHY last year are going to be in the game. They were:

- House system with ability to decorate house and place characters we own inside it. (Already implemented)
- Farming system with ability to grow up plants and vegetables (Already implemented)
- Fishing minigame (Comming soon)

They really not giving me any excuses to drop the game :p

Is La Signora going to appear in a banner anytime soon? I have 38k primos so its enough to garantee the Raiden Shogun, and dont think thers any chars i want droping anytime soon, other than Sara, but shes a 4 star so should be easy to get.
Nothing rumored in leaks yet. So far the sketchy of the sketch rumors say:

Yae no sooner than 2.3, Lots of reruns coming up including Xiao/Hu Tao/Ganyu/Albedo. Ganyu and Gorou (the furry boi) in 2.2. Possibly shifted Gorou from 4* - 5* ala Hu Tao. They're also working on a buff model male character, nobody knows who it is yet. My money's on Varka. Then we have Dendro hanging in the wayside with Baizhu and Yaoyao. I'd like to get Signora sooner than later, but there might be a chance that she dies or never becomes playable. Seems like a waste at a chance at free money, but MHY's gonna do what they're gonna do.
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Albedo VS electric cat for the lowest grossing banner lmao.
They better put a powerful new 4* on his banner or yea, you're probably right.
That actually looks kinda cool, maybe I'll start penta-spoilering my stuff from now on. I thought Itto was supposed to be that Cris Angel lookalike that got leaked a while back.
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