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Giant Bomb #7 | Hey There, Small Business Owner!

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I guess Im in the minority here, but I think ESO looks really good. The morphing abilites, the first person nature of it, the world (Ive always been a huge fan of elder scrolls), and the crafting all looks good. I normally stay away from MMOs, in fact I've never played one. But this one looks really good, I might have to buy it


ESO just looks dull as hell. Heaven knows that I don't gush about Skyrim's design, but it's good for wasting a lot of time. ESO looks like the worst of Elder Scrolls crossed with a bog standard MMO. I appreciate the guys trying to temper the somewhat overdone ire against the game, but I could not keep watching.

It is super dull. At least what I played during Gamescom was. I also fell asleep during the QL...


the holder of the trombone
Summoning is the most fun combat option in skyrim because you actually get to bypass the combat.

Plus watching two demons killing people for you is just fun.
ESO looks like a boring game with awful combat and the quest design of a generic bad MMO. That's exactly what Skyrim was though, so I find it pretty impressive how they made an Elder Scrolls MMO without losing much in the translation.
I feel like i would be more warm to ESO if it had gone with a new or different IP. It might be a decent MMO, but it's not a good Elder Scrolls game. If it was a different fantasy universe then i wouldn't be comparing it to the other games in the series, and i would be less harsh on it. It also doesn't help that it being labeled as an Elder Scrolls game just makes it feel like a cash grab. It doesn't seem like in ESO's case it being an MMO adds anything. You lose part of what made the series great, and gain... what? You can do cooperative play now, but you lose a lot of immersion due to other players being present. Instead of feeling like a part of a living, breathing world like i did in Skyrim, i feel like i'm in an MMO when i see players in their underwear dancing in the street, and lots of people standing around with strange names doing stuff that seems at odds with the world.


Did you guys see the Iron Galaxy Windjammers April Fools thing or did I just miss your reaction?


this is why everyone hates april fools

I think I'm one of the few people left on Gaf that loved Skyrim without feeling bad about it later on. I'd like to play this but I don't see myself spending $15 bucks a month for it. Hopefully it goes free to play in a year or so.

Skyrim's fine. GAF is just full of a bunch of noisy complainers and a bunch of bandwagoners who go along with the crowd for fear of not being 'cool.'


It's kind of strange seeing such a backlash to a game that seems really similar to Skyrim. I know it's an MMO and all but the hate just seems harsh. TESO just doesn't look terrible to me.

I think the problem is that it's more similar to other MMOs than Skyrim.

Really, TESO is a relic of 2009 or so. It's a total antique, and it seems wholly unsuitable for the current climate.

Honestly, I think if Bethesda hadn't invested so much money in it that they had to release it, they would have killed it about a year ago when it was becoming clear that it had as much of a chance as the Light Brigade.


Drunky McMurder
ESO looks like a boring game with awful combat and the quest design of a generic bad MMO. That's exactly what Skyrim was though, so I find it pretty impressive how they made an Elder Scrolls MMO without losing much in the translation.

I was laughing when they put it into 3rd person and talked about how bad the combat looks like that. It was the most accurate to the series that the game felt during that marathon of a video.


I feel like i would be more warm to ESO if it had gone with a new or different IP. It might be a decent MMO, but it's not a good Elder Scrolls game. If it was a different fantasy universe then i wouldn't be comparing it to the other games in the series, and i would be less harsh on it. It also doesn't help that it being labeled as an Elder Scrolls game just makes it feel like a cash grab. It doesn't seem like in ESO's case it being an MMO adds anything. You lose part of what made the series great, and gain... what? You can do cooperative play now, but you lose a lot of immersion due to other players being present. Instead of feeling like a part of a living, breathing world like i did in Skyrim, i feel like i'm in an MMO when i see players in their underwear dancing in the street, and lots of people standing around with strange names doing stuff that seems at odds with the world.

Doesn't seem like a cash grab at all, they've put way too much time and money into for it to be. Also, were Elder Scroll games ever immersive besides exploring the world? I was always jumping around on tables and trying to knock as much stuff around as I could during exposition.


Doesn't seem like a cash grab at all, they've put way too much time and money into for it to be. Also, were Elder Scroll games ever immersive besides exploring the world? I was always jumping around on tables and trying to knock as much stuff around as I could during exposition.

To me the cash-grab feeling comes from them taking Bethesda's IP, giving it to a new team, and using it to make an MMO, even though the Elder Scrolls has always been a single player RPG. It seems like Zenimax just wanted a piece of the MMO pie, and used the Elder Scrolls since they knew the name would sell boxes. The Elder Scrolls has always been about a world that immerses and empowers you. You are the chosen one, a virtual god. That is impossible in an MMO. This is not Bethesda deciding that their vision for the next game is multiplayer, this is Zenimax trying to shove the Elder Scrolls into a market that (imo) it has no place in. The MMO aspects go against the expectations a person has for an Elder Scrolls game. EA pumped even more money into The Old Republic, but it still ended up launching as a mediocre MMO that felt like them trying to cash in on the Star Wars name.


Ok, apologies if this has been talked about before, but I recently watched through of bunch quick looks that I missed and I couldn't help but notice that Brad seems to describe nearly every single game as wierd or strange lately.

There, got it off my chest. Carry on.


Ok, apologies if this has been talked about before, but I recently watched through of bunch quick looks that I missed and I couldn't help but notice that Brad seems to describe nearly every single game as wierd or strange lately.

There, got it off my chest. Carry on.

Well as Jeff said in a past UPF: "Video games are fuckin' weird."
Ok, apologies if this has been talked about before, but I recently watched through of bunch quick looks that I missed and I couldn't help but notice that Brad seems to describe nearly every single game as wierd or strange lately.

There, got it off my chest. Carry on.

It does seems like every time someone describes a game mechanic he isn't aware of his response is always "Weird". It is kind of grating.


Unconfirmed Member
So I started watching The Lobby on Gamespot with Danny O'Dwyer because of his GB appearances and it's pretty great! He has guests on that are developers or know a little more about a certain game and the vibe is pretty positive all around. You guys should check it out, I think.
I liked Skyrim and thought TSO looked pretty bland and something I'll likely never play. Just look at the scale of the mountains compared to the ranges in Skyrim. It feels and looks like an MMO is the worst sense.


Ok, apologies if this has been talked about before, but I recently watched through of bunch quick looks that I missed and I couldn't help but notice that Brad seems to describe nearly every single game as wierd or strange lately.

There, got it off my chest. Carry on.

and they're all "kind of like a puzzle game" and "there's a lot going on here"


Holy shit. The amount of times Rorie says "WoW" or "World of Warcraft" in the TES:O quick look needs to be documented because jesus christ every other word out of his mouth is about it.


Holy shit. The amount of times Rorie says "WoW" or "World of Warcraft" in the TES:O quick look needs to be documented because jesus christ every other word out of his mouth is about it.

You're exaggerating, but anyway, it seemed justified. With the hegemony of WoW still thriving, that's pretty much the bar other MMOs must meet, for better or rather for worse. Jeff compares every shooter to CoD for the same reason.


Holy shit. The amount of times Rorie says "WoW" or "World of Warcraft" in the TES:O quick look needs to be documented because jesus christ every other word out of his mouth is about it.

Weird that they would reference the one successful traditional MMO that's come out in the last ten years a whole bunch.


Goat simulator quick look should be coming soon.
It both excites me and depresses me.

It excites me that we are getting a proper ass Goat sim QL with Vindog but it depresses me that we won't get a Vindog/Ryan QL of it. Just the thought of it makes me laugh and cry.
Man. I just adored Rorie when he was at Screened, and I am even a fan of how much of a fan he is of puppies. But every time he says something now, he trails off halfway through what he was saying, mumbles something along the lines of 'I don't know,' and then quickly rushes to wrap up whatever he was saying. I feel like a bad person for being so annoyed, but it happened so often in the Elder Scrolls videos that I found myself skipping ahead. I honestly don't remember him being like that.
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