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Giant Bomb |OTXXX| Fondle it

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I would be more interested in Jar time if it was a podcast. As it is now I don't watch it and just wait for one of you jerks to relay any important/interesting information.


the holder of the trombone
Actually not a bad idea? If they're smart it'll give people more progression to fight for than #1 or bust, but that might dilute it some.


On the other hand it makes that one daily run that much more intense.

Because right now to me there's really no progression other than playing the game which is fine.

They could do funky shit with it too by tweaking the spawn rates.
Doesn't really matter to me if Jar Time is video or podcast, I usually treat it as a podcast and mostly just listen to it while playing a game or working.
It is embarrassing how stupid Dan is sometimes.

Stupid's not the right word, and it's like five notches too harsh, anyway. Ignorant, sure. But I doubt that's rare coming from someone with his background. The most important thing is that he's (usually) pretty self-aware of his own limitations, and has a willingness to acknowledge/work on things. I try to reserve 'stupid' for people that can't or won't see their own areas of improvement, even when told about them.


I haven't watched the Kingdom Hearts video yet. Is there anything to it beyond just playing through KH? I remember Ben tweeting something about it's structure, I can't remember.


They are raffling off a Switch at work that I need to win since it includes BotW and is the right color. Now the question is do I invoke the dark arts to win or just dump a ton of money into the raffle.


Hope they finish KH1 cause I started KH2 and was planning on watching there playthrough for context.

Funnily enough this is how I got into this series. Started with KH2 because two kids in my class were going on about it.

It somehow did not scare me away from the series.


Neo Member
So should I retry Wind-Up Bird Chronicles? Murakami is like this author I really really try hard to like but I always kinda bounce off. Which is saying something because to date I've read every single book I started to the end, except for Murakami ones.
The pace is just soooo slow and I fucking adore Dostojewski who is the king of slow pace. But with Murakami you don't have any fucking clue where the story is going and it's never interesting enough to stick with it :(
hot take : Jar Time and Old Games is kinda booooring



i'm just saying. Jeff is old school and he needs people around him to be the GOAT

Talking to yourself as a solo streamer is an artform that didn't exist back then


Neon clashes with the rest of the system and lacks uniformity. It wouldn't be as bad if you got two blue or two red but one of each is even worse.
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