Mr.City said:PXG is indeed doing it right. I have a date tonight and maybe one later on this week. Lining up multiple dates helps ease any tension or anxiety one might have about dating.
SpectreFire said:Just looking for some second opinions. I got a number from a girl on campus this afternoon. When should I give her a call? Tommorow or Monday?
EzLink said:I didn't get any comments on this question, so I'm posting it for a new page in the hopes that somebody can help me out. I'm genuinely seeking to improve in this area but am unsure of where to start. Even if I could just get a couple suggestions for a jumping off point, that would be great
What can I do to seem "more sexual" towards the ladies?
lots of words
Starchasing said:i think the key is emotional conversation..
Best three topics ever: sex , violence and love... but dont be gross. Learn old stories from your hometown or nearby, most of them involve those topics. Also most old stories like the sleeping beauty , or beauty and the beast, red little riding hood in their original form included all 3 topics.
Also good movies like the godfather include those topics...
note: if you dont want to sound like a psycho remind her that violence is always a last resort and always a form of protection not agression.
if you get away from those topics then put everything on a emotional perspective. Substitute most verbs with a emotional verb. You dont have a dog... you love your dog.
I think thats a good start... once you can get into those topics... its easier to talk about sex..
but remember to be always classy... you dont want to f*uck her you want to do to her what the spring does to the cherry trees.
sooperkool said:I don't even really understand this post...
sooperkool said:Can be too much clitoral stimulation. Could be too much G-Spot. Could be a lot of things but it sounds like you have some partners that arent allowing themselves to have their orgasm before they become over stimulated. You're in potentially a good spot because you know how to get them off you just need to dial down the stimulation early and let them get there a bit slower.
This is going to be a really weird piece of advice... but watch Tim Delaghetto for a bit. Dude is fucking hilarious, as in genuinely funny and not just getting people to laugh because of who he is, but the dude somehow conveys sexuality by being unafraid to bring it up and not flinching or deflating tension when it does. So, by displaying that confidence, even this tiny asian man can be seen as 'sexy'.EzLink said:I didn't get any comments on this question, so I'm posting it for a new page in the hopes that somebody can help me out. I'm genuinely seeking to improve in this area but am unsure of where to start. Even if I could just get a couple suggestions for a jumping off point, that would be great
What can I do to seem "more sexual" towards the ladies?
Parts said:This is going to be a really weird piece of advice... but watch Tim Delaghetto for a bit. Dude is fucking hilarious, as in genuinely funny and not just getting people to laugh because of who he is, but the dude somehow conveys sexuality by being unafraid to bring it up and not flinching or deflating tension when it does. So, by displaying that confidence, even this tiny asian man can be seen as 'sexy'.
It's weird advice but I had to try and give an example between funny and sexy funny. Compare this dude and Seth Rogan or even the vast majority of comedians. The difference is body language and the fact that he is cocky as shit without being an asshole, again something that many comedians simply cannot do (Dane Cook...)
Again, weird advice but I'm trying to give you an example of the concept of the difference between confidence and sexy confidence.
Such a weird post. :lol
Another simple way of putting this is simply DO NOT BE AFRAID OF TENSION. It is the best thing in a dudes arsenal, as it's an instant way of signalling that attraction and keeping things EXCITING by making her feel just that tiny bit nevous. I think this is a problem a lot of guys suffer from in this thread, they are afraid of being creepy or being 'obvious' so they laugh too much or never let the conversation stop. Sometimes it's better, rather than trying to fill a lull in the conversation, to just pause, look her and the eyes and smile (very) slightly and not look away first (I should add on that you should be looking her in the eyes strongly anyway). It sends a powerful message that you are comfortable with silence and non verbal communication, much stronger than any joke.
Remember that feeling when that hot girl you liked just kinda stopped talking, looked at you and you couldn't tell what she was thinking about? Flip it around. Make her feel that way, get her giggling nervously wondering what's on your mind. Let them feel that excitement and wonder for you by just kinda stepping back occasionally, instead of always talking/being funny with just words.
Hope I managed to explain this alright.
So. You're good enough to get this far?nib95 said:Ok, I was going to make a new thread to ask this, but I think the embarrassment would be too much so I'll ask in here.
Ok, so have you guys experienced climaxes with your partners (female) where they get to a point of orgasm (through sex, oral, fingers on or a combination of these) where they not only claim everything is at the peak of sensitivity/intensity, but where they also claim they feel like they really need to 'pee'. At around this point, they NEVER let me continue, and will ask, beg, push, pull, move around to get you to slow or stop, if even for a second or two (enough for that extreme sensation to dull just a touch), at which point they often let you carry on for a few/several seconds more before it's the same thing again (you can pretty much continue this cycle over and over, but they always seem to hold back when it gets to that 'NEED to pee' sensation).
I call it 'The Point of no Return', and have never been able to get passed it, any of the dozens and dozens of times it's happened, with different partners to boot. Either because they said it was too sensitive/intense or because they didn't want to pee themselves.
What actually happens if they do let themselves go beyond this point? I've always wanted to know and experience it but've never been allowed. Has anyone been allowed to go beyond it? Do they actually urinate? Or does something else happen, perhaps an even more powerful orgasm? (if that's possible lol.)
nib95 said:Dude, I've tried that, I've tried everything lol. I've taken serious time on it, with pacing evenly spread from extremely gentle and slow all the way built up to fast over long durations of time, but irrespective of the method used to get there, the time frame or the intensity of stimulation, always the same. Never allowed too get past 'The Point of no return' (lol.) because it's either too intense or they claim they're gonna pee themselves (as in literally, piss all over the bed/table/chair etc). I also wouldn't say they're not orgasming, whatever this point is, it's different from a normal orgasm (big climax, legs shaking, all the rest). I also find it takes a lot more time to get there (sometimes multiple normal orgasms in-between).
My guess is it might be to do with mainly g-spot stimulation, which from what I can gather, involves the gland adjacent to the bladder. Which makes sense given them wanting to pee.
Someone on here must have got passed this point. I basically mainly want to know if she will actually end up peeing herself. If the answer is 'yes', I think I might stop perusing what comes 'next' lol.
Parts said:I think this is a problem a lot of guys suffer from in this thread, they are afraid of being creepy or being 'obvious.
Tkawsome said:Guilty. Guilty as hell.
I find attraction and love a little creepy though, so it's an uphill battle.
That's a sound advice, but I would feel creepy eating by myself looking around and shit...fuck, it's like one way streetThe Shadow said:Serious?
Have you guys ever just gone to a popular resturant, just by yourself, and watched people interact? If not, you should. Showing a woman that you're attracted to her is going to look a lot less creepy than trying to repress and hide it. As a matter of fact, I think the only time it's shown as being "charming" is in videogames and anime from Japan.
RobertM said:That's a sound advice, but I would feel creepy eating by myself looking around and shit...fuck, it's like one way street. My problem is, what do you mean by creepy? Acting creepy? I have said some weird shit on the date, but I don't think that qualifies as creepy.
The Shadow said:Serious?
Have you guys ever just gone to a popular resturant, just by yourself, and watched people interact? If not, you should. Showing a woman that you're attracted to her is going to look a lot less creepy than trying to repress and hide it.
The Shadow said:As a matter of fact, I think the only time it's shown as being "charming" is in videogames and anime from Japan.
Ether_Snake said:God damnit fuck why isn't there a quicker way to getting laid damnit. And I don't feel like paying a ho.
Tkawsome said:I'm no loner, I'm constantly interacting/watching other people. It doesn't make their actions any less strange (to me) though. I guess it's because I'm not sure if the feeling is mutual, so I assume that any advances would not be appreciated. It could also be because I don't really allow myself to get too attached to things, so when I see people who do it just seems crazy to me.
Norwegian Wood said:Man life is not worth it having a meltdown over women, i have been there and it really is not worth it. Enjoy your weekend by doing the things you love.
Aesius said:Haha! So I was leaving the bar tonight (a primarily dance-floor oriented bar) out of absolute disgust/drunkenness when, as I was trying to find my coat, I was cold approached by a solid 7/10.
Ended up doing the loud, intimate whisper/hand on her back shout back and forth into each others ear for 20 minutes before I suggested we move to a private karaoke room to the side.
We talked in there for about 10 minutes before she told me she had to leave with her friends, but I got her number right before she left. I ran into her again in the parking lot on the way out, and she hugged me and told me to text her.
I hate to ask this, but: When should I text her? I have to work all day tomorrow, so I feel like tom. night would be appropriate, but my friend says I should wait even longer. Thoughts?
Solideliquid said:Tomorrow. After work. If you want to know what to text, we can help with that also.
sooperkool said:i've been past it plenty which why i wrote what I did. There isn't a magic technique thats going to solve things for you. You need to work on everything else but the sex because these women that you're with need you to help them past that point. Have you actually spoken to them about it?
Wait why am I creepy? :IRocket Scientist said:Crush, that post is pretty creepy. You're analyzing things way too much. This girl wants your dick and you just spent half an hour or more typing that. Congrats man.
Solideliquid said:Tomorrow. After work. If you want to know what to text, we can help with that also.
CrushDance said:Wait why am I creepy? :I
Norwegian Wood said:I love this thread. Every guy here having problems would probably get laid before 2025
I really wish men would stop saying that. =Pcashman said:DUDE, WTF YOU'RE NOT EVEN UGLY. LOOK AT YOU
My self-summary
I'm a first semester grad student for teaching ESL. I am a very laid back type of guy, and am usually up for whatever, but I have a very romantic side to me.
Even though I live on Long Island, I 'm in Manhattan every day for school, so I'm only looking for women who either live there or are there as much as I am.
What Im doing with my life
I'm in grad school for teaching ESL. I'm now in my first semester. My ultimate goal is to make a career out of teaching abroad.
Im really good at
Losing in Scrabble. Still love playing though.
The first things people usually notice about me
Probably that I always have headphones on. My family says they're gonna bury me in those things.
My favorite books, movies, music, and food
... and TV Shows
The IT Crowd, Arrested Development, Community, Curb Your Enthusiasm. I'm also a huge fan of cop shows, everything from Law & Order to Psych
Austin Powers, The Dark Knight, Terminator 2, The Wedding Singer. My tastes here are quite varied, I'll enjoy pretty much anything that's good.
All over the place, like my favorite movies. A Series of Unfortunate Events or Anything by Oscar Wilde is always fun.
Fried calamari, pho, buffalo wings, patbingsu.
I'm also an adventurous eater. I tried chicken feet once, and they were great.
The six things I could never do without
1) My family
2) My friends
3) Writing
4) Good food
5) My iPhone
6) Netflix
I spend a lot of time thinking about
My classes. They're a ton of work and keep me busy, but I enjoy them, and the program I'm in is a really great one.
On a typical Friday night I am
Gallanting around the city, trying a new restaurant or going to a fun event that I saw in Time Out New York.
The most private thing Im willing to admit
I was a Ninja Turtles kid, I loved the shows, but I always read about the original comics that were before my time, put out by a company by the name of "Mirage Comics." Because I was a kid, I pronounced that "My-rage Comics." I know how to pronounce Mirage now, but in that context, I still read it as "My-rage comics."
You should message me if
My biggest turn on is intelligence. Part of the reason I'm on here is that someone who is intelligent, but with a fun side is so hard to find.
nib95 said:Yeap, spoke to every one of them about it. Every-time, it's because they don't want to piss themselves and can't take any more lol. I must stress, body shaking (legs especially) orgasms are different, that is not what I am describing, I'm talking purely about a latter feeling which comes after all that at the end of the climax, involving them wanting to desperately pee (even if they've emptied there bladder before hand).
Still haven't had a definitive answer at this point on whether girls do pee past this point. I guess there's one way I could find out, it's a bit kinky but what the hell lol...
What an unusual conversation...can't even believe I'm asking lol..
grap3fruitman said:I really wish men would stop saying that. =P
Last night I was at a cafe and saw this drop-fucking-dead-gorgeous chick sitting by the window....imagine Hayden Panettiere's older, hotter, fitter sister. About an hour later in walks this dude who's really not in very good shape, and looks a little like you (slightly uglier cuz he had a kind of chubbier face/chin). They say hi, he sits right beside her and they kiss. Inside I was really making the FFFFUUUUUUUUU face. This guy was no male model, but he clearly wasn't too ugly to bag a perfect 10 (she really was). Looks really don't mean shit for guys.grap3fruitman said:I really wish men would stop saying that. =P
The Shadow said:Serious?
Have you guys ever just gone to a popular resturant, just by yourself, and watched people interact? If not, you should. Showing a woman that you're attracted to her is going to look a lot less creepy than trying to repress and hide it. As a matter of fact, I think the only time it's shown as being "charming" is in videogames and anime from Japan.
Yeah I know how you feel. My wife of 7 years started the breakup with "I want to take a break", which then led to "I think I want a separation", which led to a divorce.Kccitystar said:Just wanting to gauge opinions here.
What defines a break to you?
Are there factors involved that alter the definition of a break to you? If so, what are they?
To me, personally, a break is just a way for a woman to be mentally prepared for a breakup. In this time, she is going to start to test the waters for other dudes to replace you. While she's doing this, instead of trying to mend things with you and make some form of effort to repair anything that's broken in the current relationship, she will somehow mindfuck you into believing that some issues are your fault. She'll insist that you need to change things about yourself.
This break is supposed to allegedly "help you figure out what you need to change for yourself", and that while you think these are relationship-centric issues that you two can fix together, she'll insist that "you have to work on yourself before you can work on your relationship", but at the same time, she will somehow not be in the wrong and thinks there is nothing on her end that she needs to fix about herself. Somehow relationships are not a mutual thing anymore. Its' all about being a selfish fucking cunt. It's not a two way street. It's a highway and a fucking bike path.
Am I angry right now Girl/Dating-GAF? Hell, motherfucking, yes.
Right now I'm at a point in this two year relationship that I just want to throw and break every picture I have of this chick at my house. I mean, like, I just want to burn it all. I just want to fucking burn it and take everything of hers here that triggers an emotional response from me and throw that shit out of the window, since I can't erase the memories I have of this bitch like Kate Winslet's character in Eternal Sunshine. GAHHHH
I wish I could explain the context in why I feel the way I feel but after this disastrous night, I want to go to bed and forget about all of this shit. Fuck my life.