WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU NEED TO TEST THE WATERS FOR SHE DID THAT SHIT FOR YOU!CrushDance said:I'll see her today and test the waters.
WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU NEED TO TEST THE WATERS FOR SHE DID THAT SHIT FOR YOU!CrushDance said:I'll see her today and test the waters.
The Shadow said:Even if you're not sure it's mutual, what harm will it do if it's not appreciated? Pride? You can't always be sure but you'll never know for certain if you never try either. You can't assume one way or another if you don't actually try it.
The Shadow said:I can understand not getting too attached to a certain extent, but what about family? Friends? Is that just as foreign to you?
Was this directed towards me or Ether_Snake?Norwegian Wood said:haha he should watch the movie about a boy
ggnoobIGN said:My girlfriend is a couple days late on her period. She's already gotten all the symptoms, cramping, eating, emotional.
We use BC and I still pull out. She's freaking out and of course thinks she's pregnant. I told her she has nothing to worry about. I'm right, right?
Tkawsome said:Was this directed towards me or Ether_Snake?
That doesn't mean you have to. I don't. My best friend doesn't, or didn't before his girlfriend went psycho and managed to convince him to, he then realised what was happening and broke up with her. The majority of guys kinda suck at giving boundaries in relationships. Just don't be one of them.Tkawsome said:I have family I love and friends I consider family. There's a night and day difference between them and a girlfriend though. I can go for a while without needing to contact friends and family. I don't really need to trust them with anything and everything is generally kept on a pretty superficial level.
Judging from the relationships I've seen, girlfriends are smothering. They spend every minute together. The girls "unofficially" move into their place almost immediately, my friends only hang out with the guys if their girl tags along and in the rare chance they do go out alone they spend most of the night talking to them on the phone. Now don't get me wrong, their girlfriends are great and it's fun to hang out with them, but I just can't see myself in that situation without getting incredibly sick of the person. That level of attachment just seems insane to me.
This isn't one guy I'm talking about either. Every one of my friends do this.
My god man, she is pretty much putting her pussy on a platter for you.CrushDance said:I'll see her today and test the waters.
I think it's best that you casually ask her out to get lunch and stuff, and read her then.CrushDance said:I've thought like that before and it wasn't ever the case. There's no need to rush things. I'm heading to work now and I'll just try and make some small talk, read her and then go on from there? It all seems a little too good to be true. Rather take my time.
ASK HER OUT!!!!CrushDance said:I've thought like that before and it wasn't ever the case. There's no need to rush things. I'm heading to work now and I'll just try and make some small talk, read her and then go on from there? It all seems a little too good to be true. Rather take my time.
CrushDance said:I've thought like that before and it wasn't ever the case. There's no need to rush things. I'm heading to work now and I'll just try and make some small talk, read her and then go on from there? It all seems a little too good to be true. Rather take my time.
CrushDance said:I've thought like that before and it wasn't ever the case. There's no need to rush things. I'm heading to work now and I'll just try and make some small talk, read her and then go on from there? It all seems a little too good to be true. Rather take my time.
CrushDance said:I've thought like that before and it wasn't ever the case. There's no need to rush things. I'm heading to work now and I'll just try and make some small talk, read her and then go on from there? It all seems a little too good to be true. Rather take my time.
CrushDance said:I've thought like that before and it wasn't ever the case. There's no need to rush things. I'm heading to work now and I'll just try and make some small talk, read her and then go on from there? It all seems a little too good to be true. Rather take my time.
Seriously, ask her a date. Now.-PXG- said:*big-ass-facepalm*
It's abundantly clear she REALLY likes you. Ask her out on a date. Not tomororw, not later this week. Ask her to go out TONIGHT. Dude, don't fuck this up. Come on man.
Celine said:Seriously, ask her a date. Now.
Solideliquid said:Given Crush's situation, what are some good ways to ask her out?
HappyBivouac said:Fuck, he could invite her over to watch anime and it would work out great as far as I can see. In fact I daresay it would work better than dinner or some shit like that given his situation. It would be completely natural for both of them and could become something great.
Shawsie64 said:So my friend (well more of an acquaintance) met a German girl a while ago and is clearly friendzoned but im pretty sure she has a thing for me.. She told me and we were flirting all night..
Should I feel bad? Sorta feel bad![]()
-PXG- said:It's so fucking frustrating, giving people the same (good) advice over and over, and for whatever reason, they don't follow it.
EzLink said:lookatmeimanattentionwhore.jpg?
I don't really think that is the case though. Dating and relationships seem incredibly daunting and complex for people who don't have much experience with it, and breaking out of your comfort zone to try things you've never done before is scary no matter what aspect of life you are talking about. I can see how some people refuse to follow good advice, but at the same time, what is the point in asking if you already have your mind made up about how you will handle a situation?
All of us were clueless at some point. Plus overcoming rejection and failure and sadness will eventually give you a chiseled emotional fortitude that the ladies will flock to! Take some chances motherfuckers
-PXG- said:Hell, he could wine and dine her, then get some desert and bring it back to his/ her place, cuddle, and watch some anime. I mean, damn. They clearly have common interests. Take advantage of that shit. Plus, she's totally into him. She wants him. He already has it.
Come on man! What are you waiting for? GO GET HER!!!!
Nope. She's free game. Do whatever you want with her.
Dude take it as a compliment.grap3fruitman said:I really wish men would stop saying that. =P
f0rk said:Not hating or anything, but you didn't exactly come into the old thread in a particularly receptive way.
NIGHT- said:Had another awesome girl in bed and then again my dick goes soft when I put it in... This is the 2nd time in the month this has happened. Is this a psychological thing? Should I be asking a doctor about this?
Xun said:Perhaps I should post a pic in here to get some feedback?
EzLink said:Couldn't hurt. I'm sure you'd be able to get some good advice from people, even if they are just minor improvements. But every little bit helps!
Hey guys, I have a girl problem...that's not actually about the girl in question
A few weeks back, a random event at work (part time job at Walmart) led to me telling a coworker which girl I liked most in the store (first time I tried doing that, but lesson learned - Never tell a female about that, unless you want it to be widely known). Fast-forward 2 weeks later, at least 5 people know about it, 2 of them actively teasing me about it during my shifts.
That's where I need advice - how to handle it from now. I'm not sure if I should try to put an end to it by going berserk on the handful of people who know, just let the rumor spread not particularly care, or...something else. For now I'm not really bothered as I haven't made any serious approach despite having some fun with her, but that's uncharted territory for me and I'm still afraid things could go south at some point.
Has anyone ever experienced similar rumors about their liking someone else? I'd really like some shared experiences here.
Acid08 said:Basically what I'm saying is, just be yourself and if it's meant to be then it's meant to be. Good luck everyone <3
Ether_Snake said:Talked with this fucking amazingly hot girl who was sitting by herself alone at a party. I think whatever I was saying didn't make much sense at all regardless cause I can barely recall what I said to her, but then her beefcaked shortie of a boyfriend shows up and he says something. I ask her if he's her boyfriend, she says yes, and me thinking I'm not stupid I just get up and tell him something along the lines of congratulations she's a looker, have fun, and the fucker tells me he'll have fun when I get out of his face like he's gonna kick my ass or something. Me being drunk and being at a job party I didn't really think anything of it and just walked away, but I should have stayed there anyway and tell him if he doesn't want me in his sight he can move himself. What the fuck was he gonna do, hit me? Fucker would get his ass thrown out.
I always realize this shit afterwards. I gotta be less of a nice guy, even if it might land me in a fight.
But god damn that girl was hot.
Ether_Snake said:Talked with this fucking amazingly hot girl who was sitting by herself alone at a party. I think whatever I was saying didn't make much sense at all regardless cause I can barely recall what I said to her, but then her beefcaked shortie of a boyfriend shows up and he says something. I ask her if he's her boyfriend, she says yes, and me thinking I'm not stupid I just get up and tell him something along the lines of congratulations she's a looker, have fun, and the fucker tells me he'll have fun when I get out of his face like he's gonna kick my ass or something. Me being drunk and being at a job party I didn't really think anything of it and just walked away, but I should have stayed there anyway and tell him if he doesn't want me in his sight he can move himself. What the fuck was he gonna do, hit me? Fucker would get his ass thrown out. Around five minutes later I see him bolt out of the party with his girl. Probably a small-dicked insecure jealous prick.
I always realize this shit afterwards. I gotta be less of a nice guy, even if it might land me in a fight.
But god damn that girl was hot.
siddx said:Also, no matter how hot a girl is, someone somewhere is completely sick of her bullshit.
Best way.siddx said:Whenever insecure dudes act that way I just pause for second, give them the quick up and down, laugh condescendingly, and walk off without saying a word.
:lol :lol :lolsiddx said:Also, no matter how hot a girl is, someone somewhere is completely sick of her bullshit.
Ether_Snake said:Also, funny how as soon as you talk enough with a girl for things to look like she might be your girl or that she likes you, it's crazy how suddenly all the girls around will actually take the time to look at you in the eyes, like you're suddenly a girl magnet.
Ether_Snake said:Yeah I mean I'm not stupid so I don't want to start fights, but I shouldn't have walked away to easily. Then again, the fact I saw him bolt out with her five minutes later (and with some good distance between both, I'm guessing they got into an argument), makes me proud not be in this prick's shoes. Everything about him exuded insecurity; looks, talk, trophy girl, etc. Guy left early, I enjoyed the party till the last minute.
Also, funny how as soon as you talk enough with a girl for things to look like she might be your girl or that she likes you, it's crazy how suddenly all the girls around will actually take the time to look at you in the eyes, like you're suddenly a girl magnet.