Teach us your ways. Techniques are always welcome.
Gee thanks for sharing :/
Err, I think you misunderstand. These are secrets about 'me', not 'technique'. In fact I will go so far as to say I still don't believe in 'technique', unless that technique is actually thinking about what you're doing, remaining calm, and liking yourself enough to get over basic hurdles.
What I actually employed was a personal spin on creative messages, openness, and persistence.
An actually creative opener makes a huge difference. Just asking a question or telling something about yourself is not enough. Once you write you first truly creative message you'll see what I mean. This especially is hard to describe. You find something in their profile and you think of a creative way to comment or ask a question about it.
I stated it earlier in this thread, but you have to find a balance between shutting yourself up and talking too much. A lot of the advice in this thread would emphasize no communication before you've been on two dates or some shit, but in every case I've seen with actual girls, you absolutely must communicate. That doesn't mean spilling your guts, either though.
You know what, it's not always a bad idea to message a girl on a dating site if a few weeks have gone by and you haven't heard back from her. Girls get so many messages on there that they can easily miss you, even if they care. Be courteous, have ZERO expectations, and realize you have NOTHING TO LOSE AT THAT POINT.
I feel like strictly following the rules of 'the game' caused the last girl I dated to not want to see me again.
Anyways finally, a lot of people just constantly scorn the friend zone, saying oh blah blah that girl will complain about her boyfriend to you or whatever. Guess what, if she cares about you that friend can give you the keys to the castle too. I suggest people be open with their female friends and get some real advice. Girls give advice differently than guys, so pay attention. A single sentence might be all you need.
Oh, one more thing. Maybe try even asking the girls on OKC, very politely, why they stopped talking to you or whatever. If you're at that point and you've given them plenty of time to respond, why not?
So I'm going to dinner with flower girl tomorrow. Not sure what to expect...
Makes me think of Hugo. How many smiles do you have?
Pics (of you)? Dating sites are 95% looks in pics in my experience.
No I really don't want to, not here. I used to be fat & in my opinion quite ugly, but losing a lot of weight has made an incredible difference.
Here's another girl-advice concept. Definitely take pictures of yourself with very happy smiles. You know that pic of yourself that you think looks pretty good because it's all manly and shit? Girls HATE that picture. If you have no female friends to ask just go with something genuinely happy. The trick I employ is I think of funny things as opposed to happy things when I get a picture taken. In this particular picture I was actually thinking about how stupid I would look in the picture.
Also, to the haters in this thread, get over yourselves. That is the side of you that is fucking up your life, not anything else.