Ok so i've been texting this girl. I still can't tell if she's into me. I've mentioned this girl previously in the thread.
Here goes:
Me: Hey (It took her until the next day to respond)
Her: Hi!
Me:What are you up to?
Her: Watching aladdin haha. you?
Me: Just chillin, relaxin all cool. I love that movie. It sounds like you have good taste.
Her: Haha in movies?
Me: Yea and possibly more. You also like animal collective so there's that. (She commented on my fb status on animal collective the day before)
Her: I wanted to go see them when they came to Atlanta but I couldn't goI was so surprised when I saw you liked them hahaha
Me: Do you like sts9?
Her: Never heard of them.
Me: I'll show them to you when we hang out I guess.you do anything special recently?
Her: Okie dokie! Or send me a link of their best song or something. And not really dude haha just been hanging out. What about you?
Me: Not much. I've mostly been smoking weed. Not much else to do sadly.it sounds like both of our lives are uneventful right now.
Her: Yes haha. So you smoke? (Im assuming she thought I was straight edge when she first met me) Haha obviously, but I had no idea.
Me: Yeah I dabble in different things but I prefer smoking or getting tipsy. :')
Her: I don't like smoking haha I rather drink.
Me: That's fine. Maybe we can get drunk when we hang out. :'P my friend works at a liquor store.
Her: Deal hahahahahahaha. You're so much different than I thought! haha
Me: I'll take that as a complement. :] what part of aladdin are you on?
Her: HAha I finished that at 5 lol it was on telemundo
Me: Who were you watching spanish Aladdin with?
Her: Myself haha. I'm in the car getting some dinner right now haha
Me: That's lame. You should watch movies with someone cool like me.
That's the end of the convo. She never responded back. We're supposed to hang out sometime soon. I'll probably text her again and ask if she wants to meet up in the city or something.
way too many texts, and you reached out first