To answer: In a way, yes. Only in the sense I wished she were real.
That was sad and long story, but I have to wonder what are your needs in a relationship? Out of both of the long posts you've made, it seems that you're catering to her, that you only give and she only takes.
I honestly think I'm a pretty easy going guy, and I really don't ask for much. It doesn't really bug me, either. I'll call on my girlfriend's time, be there if she wants to go out, will give her space if she asks, will wake up early or stay up late, meet her parents, invite her with my friends, run errands, listen to her rant, support her endeavors, drive when she's not in the mood, etc, etc.
There are really only three things that I ask for:
1) At least one long evening or afternoon a week to be a bum and play video games; and as an extension, I do a lot of midnight releases on Monday nights which means I'm out of commission for a few hours. I know GF >> video games. But I expect that a GF shouldn't kill my hobby.
2) She has to get along with my mom/sister and best friend, and I have to be able to get along with her immediate family. I've come to learn things are just much easier this way.
3) I need to feel wanted/loved. Nothing major. So long as we fool around every once in a while, I'm fine with that - I don't need sex three times a day or anything. But it's the little things; maybe a small trinket when she's out and about to show she was "thinking about me", or a kiss on the cheek in front of her friends, a big hug when I see her. Nothing major... but "touching" I guess, as lame as that sounds, is important to me.
Otherwise; last minute plans sabtoage our date night? No biggie. Need me to meet you somewhere 45 minutes away at the last second? I'll be right there. You need me to pick up tampons while I'm at Walmart? Certainly. lol
True, time is going by fast, and I am already older than 30. Not sure how to work hard on the problem though.I'm sure that many people already said that to you but....girls are still part of the human species you know. They're not monsters. I mean: I'm also 26 and I've not been particularly lucky with women in my life, but it's possible to reach something if you keep working hard. 30 years old is not old. But 40: yes, and you'll reach that age in no time.
Again, it comes back to not knowing how to approach a stranger. What do you say after "hello". How can you initiate contact when most people are talking with someone else or are buried head-first in their cell phones?Surprisingly, the best think to approach women is not to directly think on sex. Just speak with them like you normally do. Then, after you got to know her a tiny bit, you can push her in that direction.
Is that really the answer? I mean, again, playing games makes me happy. Why would I close off something that is keeping me off of becoming super depressed or falling back into panic attacks? I love videogames, that's not going to change.It's no use closing yourself with Skyrim. Forget about games.
That's all well and good if you have the time to do those things. I have been unable to find any group to meetup with (and yes, looked on meetup, it sucks) that doesn't conflict with my work schedule. What do you do and where do you go if you cannot find a place to meet other people that isn't a bar?Edit: about "you don't know any male friends". My recept: try many sports and many hobbies. I'm recently learning Japanese and I just finished Basic Human Relations. And now I want to start Ju-Jitsu. Oh, and lot of sports. Sport has the double advantage that you become fit and you meet new people. This is the way, and I assure you: before that I was without friends as well. IT IS POSSIBLE TO CHANGE! If you want.
Same attitude I have. Whenever I have a setback (which I've had lots of those lately) I just tell myself "Some girl is gonna be at the right place and right time and will tell herself how did she ever live without having me in her life"
Same here, dude. I lost my social life for the fall semester because of a stupid job I kept in a kitchen which threw 28+ hours on me a weekend. Guess how many dates I went on last semester.This is going to sound naive, but find a new job with different hours.
I used to work in the restaurant industry and the shifts until 4AM killed me and my social life. I didn't have time or energy to do anything outside of work. Work itself was a really negative atmosphere since every restaurant I've worked in was poorly managed.
I got out, work at a gym and on regular hours, and am loving life now. I love my job and the people here. I get to work out for free. I have a social life again because I'm done, at the latest, 10PM.
Try shaking things up. I know that I'm 23 and you're over 30, but consider this. Where you spend the most of your day is dragging your life down, from the sounds of it.
Christmas is such a shitty time to be single, what I wouldn't give to write a text to my ex saying how much I miss spending time with her. Some girl has been messaging me and wants to meet up Friday and I feel I should just to do something, but my god she doesn't come close to my ex. I don't want to string this girl along, I wanna move on if I can't get my ex back, but she isn't the one.
I've written so many texts with things I want to say to my ex, but just can't ever bring myself to send them. Its been over a year, I can't forget the feelings I have for her. I honestly believe she's the one that got away and its killing me. Fuck sake. Id do anything just to speak to her but the fear of being rejected or ignored would literally crush my soul, and I don't want to ruin my family's Christmas, last year I was a wreck and although I'm trying to hide it, I'm equally as upset this year. 2011 has been a wasted, boring, useless and utterly shitty year. To everyone who's missing someone this Christmas for whatever reason, I know that feel.
So after two after trying two times to go on in a date with the girl i talked about earlier in the thread. the response was "I cant go this day" and then "its too late (6:00 PM)".
What do you think?. is a safe way for her to say No to me ?
Because if i keep trying maybe its becoming just akward for her
Time to bail out? and focus on other girls?
Bail. She is using excuses to make you lose interest. You got her number you did the right thing by asking her out.
Move on. Her loss.
It really is time to move on, brother. A year is too long for this kind of self-imposed pain you are feeling. Just stand in front of a mirror and focus on your qualities and tell yourself you are good enough to move on, find a girl you love, and resume your life a happy man.
I've been hanging out with this girl for a little more than a month. She's really awesome. I love hanging out with her however we were making out one day and then we suddenly stop because she wants to tell me something. She tells me she has herpes. I have no idea what to do. She's super cool and I have lots of fun with her but I sure as hell don't want no std. What do I do?
No problem. And it is progress. Rejection is good in itself because you can learn from it and sooner you will be nothing to you because you will be use to it. So when you feel like a girl is using excuses or is stringing you along. You see right thru her at the gate and won't ever have to worry about her rejecting you later. And it wil feel strange at first because your doing something your not use to doing.Yeah its the best thing to do.... i dont see this going anywhere...
Anyway feels kind of strange ... this was the first time i got a girls number... and i though it was progress. Time to start looking again..
Thanks ecurbj
Thank you for the kind words. I have tried to think this way but its not true to myself, I still love my ex and can't stop. I don't think I can move on until I actually want someone else. The problem is there is no one else I want. If I could pick between any celebrity or actress or whatever and my ex, my ex would win every time. Bad, I know.
OK, I just need to vent. Why not do it in public?
Posted a while ago about a girl at work that I'd been chatting to over email quite a bit. I invited her to minigolf some time ago, but she was ill. We continued to talk over email, and in person for a few minutes most days. This last weekend I decided I'd ask her to lunch, which I did over email (Unfortunately, this is the only way to speak to her privately at all) on Monday and she accepted, and seem enthusiastic. We'll be going next week on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday depending on the weather forecast, as we'll be outside.
The point being - I'm going stir-crazy! I just want to skip xmas and go straight to the lunch. (I wouldn't call it a date, as I'm not sure she sees it that way, as much as I'd like her to) Like some here I have almost zero experience in dating etc. I've never had the feeling that someone's in to me, and have no idea how to infer it. My self-esteem is low thanks to being morbidly obese for the first 25 years of my life. (I'm 26) and even now I'm just on the upper edge of overweight. Plus, she's amazingly beautiful.
I think, if lunch goes well, which it should, I'll ask her out to what's unambiguously a date. Dinner and a movie, most likely. I just hope I have the guts.
So yeah, not really asking for tips, just ranting... Maybe how to think positive? My mood is fluctuating so wildly it's crazy.
Thank you for the kind words. I have tried to think this way but its not true to myself, I still love my ex and can't stop. I don't think I can move on until I actually want someone else. The problem is there is no one else I want. If I could pick between any celebrity or actress or whatever and my ex, my ex would win every time. Bad, I know.
All you do is post about her, for the most part. You're crowding your own mental airspace with your constant thoughts of her.
Yes this is true, she is always on my mind. I just don't think I'll be able to move on for a long time, I have literally no interest in any other women at the moment. The thought of being with anyone else is just unthinkable right now, almost repulsive. :/
Yes this is true, she is always on my mind. I just don't think I'll be able to move on for a long time, I have literally no interest in any other women at the moment. The thought of being with anyone else is just unthinkable right now, almost repulsive. :/
Fun thing I learned about OKC: "Near me" doesn't mean within 25 miles of where you live. "Near me" means lives on the same city block, apparently. :-\
It's definitely not easy, but that doesn't mean you should stop trying. Excuses are rationalizations you make when you think you can't do something; you should be focusing on how you can improve, instead of making excuses why you can't.Trying to get to know strangers at my age is tough when you're doing it all on your own. Sure, that's the way it's supposed to be done (no one else is gonna help you after all), but for some like myself (thankfully rare) it's not easy, especially with mental issues always coming up at the worst times.
Did you end up on a date with your mother?![]()
Yes this is true, she is always on my mind. I just don't think I'll be able to move on for a long time, I have literally no interest in any other women at the moment. The thought of being with anyone else is just unthinkable right now, almost repulsive. :/
She EMPHASIZED "long" for a reason. She maybe wants you to connect again to catch up. I would just ask her what she is doing for her birthday. And see if you can come out and hang with her.Larson Conway said:Help needed:
Quick, random birthday greeting on FB from me to someone I used to "hang out" with: "****, happy happy birthday!!!"
Reply on wall post: "Thanks, ****! Haven't seen you in a LONG time! Happy Holidays to you and your family!"
"Long time" being 4 months without communication whatsoever. I'm tempted to think this might be some sort of encouragement for me to initiate reconnecting -- or I might to be reading too much into it 'cause that's what I want to believe. Help? lol
Alright GAF so here's my current situation with the girl I went out with last Friday.
I'm currently in Cali so all we've been doing is occasionally texting back and forth.
I told her that I was going to Cali for 10 days and she was pretty bummed out because she said that she wouldn't be able to see me. That it was going to be too long of a wait. She also told me that she liked me, and that I treated her better than any other guy has. She then mentioned that we should go on a second date so that we could go ice skating and after I could show her all of my pics from Cali. So I told her I was going to take her out on the 28th.
Now...she had a boyfriend for 3 or 4 years on and off. And this guy is obsessed with her and they aren't together, but he still has her in his profile picture on Facebook, still comments that he loves her, etc. It's weird. She doesn't acknowledge any of it, but it makes me think about what shes doing on the side. She tells me that she wants to see what happens with me, so I'm thinking alright let's see what happens, but I don't want to get involved with her if shes still creeping around with her ex. From what she tells me, she doesn't want anything to do with him, so I'm gonna trust her for now.
Yes this is true, she is always on my mind. I just don't think I'll be able to move on for a long time, I have literally no interest in any other women at the moment. The thought of being with anyone else is just unthinkable right now, almost repulsive. :/
Is this txt message from this girl weird?:
Fun fact: It is exactly one month today since we first went out. Insert "Awww" here. HaHaHope your having a good night
went on a first date with this random girl I met at a bar. She's fun, smart, cute, etc.
Except she happens to be a Dane Cook fan. Bail out?
Use this to your advantage ... do a random stupid leg kick... she'll think it's the funniest shit ever, be all over you. fuck her brains out and then bailout ...lolwent on a first date with this random girl I met at a bar. She's fun, smart, cute, etc.
Except she happens to be a Dane Cook fan. Bail out?
went on a first date with this random girl I met at a bar. She's fun, smart, cute, etc.
Except she happens to be a Dane Cook fan. Bail out?
I've had some odd dreams before. It hasn't happened in awhile, but when it did it was definitely the same girl and I certainly had feelings for her in my dream state.
It was weird enough for me to keep thinking about it after it had happened. She was a reoccurring character for awhile but like I said, it hasn't happened in quite some time.
But yeah, you're not alone.
went on a first date with this random girl I met at a bar. She's fun, smart, cute, etc.
Except she happens to be a Dane Cook fan. Bail out?
Use this to your advantage ... do a random stupid leg kick... she'll think it's the funniest shit ever, be all over you. fuck her brains out and then bailout
Or just go with it guys aren't going to see eye to eye on everything. Her liking a dumb comedian shouldn't be a deal breaker... unless it's Carlos Mencia.
Hi ManGaf,
Sorry for the long post, but I'm aware I'm a bit of a noob and nobody really knows me. Also, this is pretty new ground for me (turnign to the internet for advice - WHAT HAVE I LET MYSELF IN FOR?!). I'd really appreciate some opinions about my current situation if you can skim through the following...
Following a breakup in January last year, I took some time for myself and then began dating again. Now, I'm a pretty emotionaly stable kind of girl and I had used hook-up sites in the past, i.e. dating sites with no qualms about their users - people who want sex with no expectation of a LTR. That was all I wanted so I signed myself back up and met two guys over the following weeks. Everything was fine, the one guy was a one off meet and the second I saw 3-4 times over the following 8week period.
Then I met another guy and the first time we met we were both in the same place (mentally, obviously we were also together physically!) - didn't really want a serious LTR but wanted some fun and good sex. Who doesn't, right?
Ended up, we got on really well! Had a lot in common, enjoyed a really good night and the sex was great too. He text me the next day and the following days, we met again a few days later. Then a week after that.
A fewer months later we went away for a weekend together, not far - just a neighbouring city. We spent another weekend together after I booked us gig tickets. At one point I was staying at his so much I had pretty much half of my wardrobe there. He's introduced me to his cousin (who he is really close with) and we went to his cousin's birthday drinks night together - where a lot of his mates were also. I've met his mother. Last weekend I cooked for us and my parents came to dinner.
I'm feeling really good about this and, for possibly the first time in my 27 years I've found a guy I would like to see a future with. All gravy right?
There's just some niggling doubts about his perspective on 'us':
He's very reluctant to acknowledge us as a couple - after 7months of being somewhat involved is that a bit weird? When I asked him about it he said it was because after his last relationship ended he's worried about being hurt again, he doesn't want me to feel like I'm being led on and isn't sure how long it'll take for him to decide or work out what he wants. I find this a fair enough reason and if it was just that then I'd be content and continue to wait patiently for him to decide if he wants to be with me.
However, the other concern does not bode well, in my eyes. He is still actively signing in to the web site we met on. A web site the majority of people will use to hook up for casual sex. I also asked him about this (I didn't hide the fact I saw his internet history - I'm not that sort of girl, I stubbled on it whilst looking for a site I had previously visited on his laptop) and why he felt the need to use it still. He said it was just to chat to 'people'.
Gaf, I'm not a jealous girl - he has a lot of female friends, spends time with other women at his work and on nights out etc. That's fine, I think it's good to have space and maintain your individuality and appreciate he gets on with women, as I get along with men (my best buddy is a guy). But to be wanting to chat to women online?? Is this fair game??
I can't help feeling like perhaps I'm just a good option until something beter comes along. That might stem down to my own issues though, I'm not a big self-hater and consider myself to be rather average looking but I'm aware that I'm not a size 6 stunner.
I can be patient guys, I'll continue to wait for him - I think he's worth it if he CAN commit to me. But for how long? I don't want to play the fool here. Extra info: I'm 27, he's 33.
On a slightly different note, I've seen you give some advice that usually is very negative, to NihonTiger in particular maybe a week or two back, as well as other times. I don't particularly think it's very helpful. Sure not everything is rainbow and sunshine for everyone, but doom and gloom isn't going to work for anyone either. If you want to continue poisoning yourself, then that's well within your right, we can't tell you what to do with your life, just give suggestions. Just please don't try to distribute that same poison to others. Just wanted to throw that out there.