I can't believe I'm posting here... it's so strange. I'm just a month shy of 23 years old, and I've never really cared for advice. I like figuring things out as I go. And even now, I don't really know what I'm looking for from you guys; but if you'd be willing to just read my somewhat lengthy vent and shoot back some thoughts, I'd be appreciative. I think I just want to *explain* things to someone, even if that someone doesn't really care too much ;p
So, I knew my GF for a few years in high school. She was a year younger than me. We talked a lot in class, and were good "class" friends, but not much more. She asked me in December of my senior year if I was gonna go to my prom; I said no. Truthfully, I've never had any problems with girls. I'm confident, and have had enough success with girls in the past. I just wasn't interested. She told me if she happened to be single by the time Prom rolled around, I'd have to go with her. I agreed, just for kicks. Turns out, she broke up with her BF like three days before Prom. She fully admitted I was a rebound, but that she'd love to go as friends. As a gentleman, I agreed - I wasn't interested in anything other than a good deed and have some fun before graduating.
We ended up having a really, really good time. Great conversation, funny jokes, very comfortable. It took her a while to commit, as she was still coming off a broken relationship; but finally we were official as I went off to college.
And we made it work for a year apart.
Then she came to the same school as me, and we lived next to each other in the dorms for a year, and for the two years following that we lived in separate, but close, apartments.
I graduated last May, and she will be going into her final semester of college next month. So, we've been 100+ miles apart for about 8 months. We visit each other occasionally, but alas, not often enough.
The thing was, is she was so focused on graduation - which is great. But almost all her thoughts were in moving to New York and "getting away." I'd be more than willing to come along; but just at every turn, I felt like she wasn't quite into our relationship as much as I. I felt like I was putting more in and getting less out month after month.
I talked to her several times about it; not confrontational, but just as in a "hey, this is bothering me. Can we please work on it?" But things weren't getting better. Our conversations got worse, we started communicating less and less, and we were getting on our nerves more and more.
And in the last couple weeks it occurred to me... I just don't see myself spending the rest of my life with this girl.
I'm not jealous. At all. I give her her space. I listen to her thoughts. I understand her rants. I'm there when she needs it. I drive where she wants to go. I get her the gifts she likes. Nobody is perfect, I realize that... but honestly, I don't know HOW I could have been a better boyfriend. And I just didn't feel like she was reciprocating that. And I don't expect her to 100%. Not even 70%. But in the last few months, it felt like I was getting barely 10%.
And so I told her I think we need to move on. It was very, very hard to do... 4.5 years is a lot of time. A lot of work. A lot of commitment. I had some wonderful highs with her (and some terrible lows)... and I'm very sad it didn't work out.
But what gets me... is that yeah, I'm upset. I know I will be for a while. But whether it's because I haven't had to deal with the repurcussions yet, or because we are already living so far apart... or ... whatever... it just isn't affecting me as much as I thought it would.
I went out with my family today to shop. I met my friend at his work and we joked around for an hour and laughed. I played The Old Republic for four hours and had a lot of fun.
I'm hurt... A lot. And when I think about it, I'm sad. The thought of her dating someone else - whether in 2 weeks or 10 years - just kills me. Heck, I don't even like the idea of other guys flirting with her. And I think it'll be a LONG time before I start looking at other girls. (I'm a honest dater; I haven't considered being with another girl in 4+ years). But for some reason, I think I'm doing okay. I can't really explain it. It SUCKS! A LOOOOOTTT! But I still think I'm handling it well. Better than I should, maybe.
Is that a good sign? Or am I in for a terribly rude awakening in the coming days?