Cygnus X-1
True, time is going by fast, and I am already older than 30. Not sure how to work hard on the problem though.
Point is that no-one is going to help you if you don't act. That's for sure.
Again, it comes back to not knowing how to approach a stranger. What do you say after "hello". How can you initiate contact when most people are talking with someone else or are buried head-first in their cell phones?
You can't. People have a massive fear today toward strangers, because world is filled with psychos, murders, thiefs and so on. And I won't blame them for that attitude. You have to find a way to communicate with girls outside bars. My recipe here is: stop go to bars alone. It's useless. Partys are even more stupid. Unless you already know someone, it is impossible to speak or approach someone, outside if your face and body are as good as George Clooney or Brad Pitt. Which is of course not the case for 99.9% of people.
The idea is to get to know girls in places in which you have a common interest if you're totally alone or to "use" male friends as springboard for getting to know more people, which in turn will let you expand your "catalogue" of girls even more.
Is that really the answer? I mean, again, playing games makes me happy. Why would I close off something that is keeping me off of becoming super depressed or falling back into panic attacks? I love videogames, that's not going to change.
Did you try? Be honest with you: if you have time to play games, you have time to replace that time with hobbies and other interests.
That's all well and good if you have the time to do those things. I have been unable to find any group to meetup with (and yes, looked on meetup, it sucks) that doesn't conflict with my work schedule. What do you do and where do you go if you cannot find a place to meet other people that isn't a bar?
Everyone has to work. It's normal. That's why additional courses of dance, languages, psychology and so on are entirely carried out in the evening, usually once or twice per week. Sports are a bit more demanding, but all social sports like soccer, volley, hockey are again entirely organized after work. It's quite interesting that such activities are during the evenings of the week and that usually, outside special events, saturday and sunday are excluded.
Anyway, my bottom line is: no-one is going to help you. The Bible even says: "Help yourself that God will help you". And it is exactly like that. I know your difficulties: during my studies in the best university of Europe in order to obtain a MSc in Chemistry, I assure you that I reduced myself to scrap and I hadn't time for a girl or social life at all. Since it was my choice, and since I'm broad-shouldered enough to stand solitude pretty well, I kept working.
I finished 2 months ago and IMMEDIATELY started to make up a social life to recover. Now I already have 3 best male friends, with which I regularly go out and thanks to them, I could get in contact with roughly 10 girls. Still no love or girlfriend, but I keep working. Do you see what I mean now with "working"? And considering I did all of that in two months, that's not so bad.
I'm going to tell you: safer way is to remain home. But you're going to regret it, I assure you. Remember: everything is possible, if you put energy and time in it. Only exception being returning from death, without the help of God.
Good luck!