Like a boss. Sometimes I feel like you. There is this hot girl my cousin is trying to hook me up with and she really likes me a lot but I such a low self esteem and self confidence about myself. I always say she deserves better and miss out on all the potential girls I could've had.
But to the bolded part:I'm a 24 year old virgin. So don't feel bad.
Already didCut contact with her unless you want her parents after you.
This girl I'm into doesn't respond to my texts in a timely fashion. It's weird because I'll text her at 5pm, and then get a message from her at 1AM. Wtf? I guess I just find it unusual, and it wakes me up
there's some girls out there who very rarely check their phones. my girlfriend is one of them and it annoys me to no end. she has promised betterment and is actually delivering on it to some extent.
don't let it rile you up. and put your phone on mute when you go to bed!![]()
Yesterday I send a merry-christmas-SMS to a girl I like. Didn't get a reply. Christmas is miserable.
Merry Christmas Girl-Age. Hope everyone finds what they are looking for this year.
You're one of the girls, she loves you like a brother, etc.Dear GAF, Merry X-Mas to all!
Back on topic, I have posted my situation A few times before in this thread. And so, I will not beat the dead horse again; however, I will quickly sum up what has transpired up until finals week.
She told me she would exclusively "screw" this one guy who I know ( indirectly since we only had a class together, but we hardly ever interacted).
Secondly, she told me how she would flirt and act cute with this one guy who is a senior in college.
It can be interpreted in many ways, as she can be simply pulling my leg and GAF, as already stated to "Bail Out".
I don't really know what to make of this.
Sorry for the wall of text. And thanks for reading/listening.
It'd be polite to respond in kind at the very least, right?Ok? What do you expect her to reply? You said Merry Christmas. That's it. She gets more of those from other people I suppose. Most people look at those type of messages and say "oh ecurb sent me a merry christmas message". That's it.
Dear GAF, Merry X-Mas to all!
Back on topic, I have posted my situation A few times before in this thread. And so, I will not beat the dead horse again; however, I will quickly sum up what has transpired up until finals week.
She told me she would exclusively "screw" this one guy who I know ( indirectly since we only had a class together, but we hardly ever interacted).
Secondly, she told me how she would flirt and act cute with this one guy who is a senior in college.
It can be interpreted in many ways, as she can be simply pulling my leg and GAF, as already stated to "Bail Out".
Up until recently, during finals week in college she has opened up quite a bit. One reason why we were meeting up more often was because I was working on a final video art project and I needed an actress, so to speak. All of a sudden, she was under an "annual depression" as she coined it. And we were meeting up much more often for dinner than usual, sometimes she would bring a friend and mostly it would be the Two of us. Regardless, one day during dinner she told me why she was depressed: something happened between her and her friends where they directly told her that they will no longer be hanging out with each other. The girl I like said that she cannot believe that her friends are so "two-face", and she also added that I wasn't like her "two-face" friends. Of course, I was like "you still have me and all", and stuff regarding friends to smooth things out for her emotionally. During dinner time, we would talk about random stuff ranging from professors to making random faces. Haha, I really do enjoy her company.
I don't really know what to make of this.
Sorry for the wall of text. And thanks for reading/listening.
You're one of the girls, she loves you like a brother, etc.
Don't expect anything of this.
Sorry I've been working all day, so that would mean I'm only a friend??
Lots of people suffer from an "annual" depression, but most often it is referred to seasonal depression. Wouldn't surprise me if she did as well.
Now to your main point, if you want to be more than friends with this girl you are going to have to make your intentions known soon. It's pretty clear to me that she thinks of you as a friend right now, especially with the stuff going on with her other friends. She might think of you as more but most of the time a girl won't act on it until they know a guy feels the same. Some girls are a lot more forward which makes things easier but that doesn't happen often. You won't know for sure unless you do something. Even something as subtle as touching her leg and seeing how she responds will work. Especially if you don't want to risk saying something that might cause you to lose the friendship.
Yes sir. You are in the friend zone. Nothing more. If you try to get out and make a move on her it might ruin your friendship with her.
But there's only 6 more days left, lol.
Oh Jambi, I got stories to tell. Some funny, some depressing, all of which are too long and obnoxious to post.
Anyway, I'm sorry I've been absent from this thread. First it was Gears 3. Then I got a new job. I hope everyone is happy or atleast on their way to finding happiness. As for me, I've been "okay", but not great. No matter how many girls I see, go on dates with and whatnot, I STILL can't get over my ex from September (ie, the girl I was with since May, but turned out to be a lesbian). I've felt kinda shitty for the passed few weeks, even more so the last few days.
I have a good amount of experience with females and have had longer relationships than the last one, but this girl....something about her I just can't get over.
It'd be polite to respond in kind at the very least, right?I sent out about 15 text messages to close friends yesterday wishing them a merry xmas and almost all of them responded within minutes.
Merry Xmas girl-ageNext year's gonna be amazing for everyone! If it's the last year until doomsday, it better be
That's the thing that was holding me back on making a move. I was afraid to lose her as a friend if I ever made a move. Nearing the end if this semester, I just couldn't stand it anymore and I nearly wanted to tell her that I really genuinely like her. Sometimes I think I'm too godamn passive when it comes to these things.
That's why when you see a girl that you like and you would like to talk to her. You flirt with her. By doing that at the beginning it let's her know your interested but more than just a friend. You didn't do that apparently. So she sees you as a friend and if you make a move now it would make her feel uncomfortable.
Don't feel bad. Just learn from this mistake, that when you approach another girl you like (which you will) you can start off flirting with her and it will go from there.
Never wait! Just do it!
Sigh. I don't really know what to do nowadays. From what I recalled, I did kinda flirt but I guess it wasn't apparent enough. Sigh. So technically speaking, there isn't a way to reverse engineer the relationship from just being a good friend to boyfriend/girlfriend relationship?
You can try but you are already in that friend zone. When I talk about flirting. I'm talking about teasing her, complimenting her, touching and taking her out. Those are all interests (and more) and she would of seen you as a potential boyfriend. But you waited to long and she feels comfortable with you as a friend.
It would be awkward to make a move now. You can tell her how you feel but it's really a 50/50 shot. She might or might not feel the same way.
Ask her now if your that interested. But I think your to late.
That's the strange thing. Although I know that I sm very late to the party, but I seriously think I have a chance. The reason why I am saying that is because there is this feeling my gut feeling tells me that she is most definitely interested. Maybe I should see how things roll out this coming semester?? It's getting late over here , gonna head to bed.
That's the strange thing. Although I know that I sm very late to the party, but I seriously think I have a chance. The reason why I am saying that is because there is this feeling my gut feeling tells me that she is most definitely interested. Maybe I should see how things roll out this coming semester?? It's getting late over here , gonna head to bed.
Get your inner shit together and you won't care if somebody messages you in one minute or at all
Get your inner shit together and you won't care if somebody messages you in one minute or at all
What beliefs are helpful to reach this point?
Ask some of us regulars in PM form perhapsI've got some awkward advice to ask, but some of my friends/relatives may be lurking. Shit, I never should've told 'em about GAF in the first place.
I've got some awkward advice to ask, but some of my friends/relatives may be lurking. Shit, I never should've told 'em about GAF in the first place.
So guys, any Christmas romance stories?
Also, for anyone hung up on an ex, never forget, the beat goes on.
I've got some awkward advice to ask, but some of my friends/relatives may be lurking. Shit, I never should've told 'em about GAF in the first place.
So there is this new girl at my student job, which is into me I think (not going to say why but let's just say she shows pretty obvious signs of interest), and I'm kind of interested in her too. She's an interim so she won't be here long, so I'd like to ask her out. Problem is, it's a very busy job, so we don't get to have a lot of privacy. How would you do it GAF ?
What beliefs are helpful to reach this point?
Do you have a link to that free course?You gotta get rid of your negative and limiting beliefs first, before you can implement positive ones. Otherwise, your mind will be in constant conflict, as it's possible to hold 2 beliefs that are on the opposite ends of the spectrum
i used the free thing on to get rid of my negative beliefs
That's the strange thing. Although I know that I sm very late to the party, but I seriously think I have a chance. The reason why I am saying that is because there is this feeling my gut feeling tells me that she is most definitely interested. Maybe I should see how things roll out this coming semester?? It's getting late over here , gonna head to bed.
Do you have a link to that free course?
This is why you gotta go for the kiss early on and be kino.Got friendzoned recently because I was too much of a pansy to make a move and instead got stuck in friend mode for too long. Also, I get the feeling she thinks I'm gay because I talk about fashion and etc with her. I can't help that, it's what I'm into.
This is why you gotta go for the kiss early on and be kino.
I don't believe in kino though.