Alright. This week has pretty much been the week where I think I can say I woke up.
Since my acne pretty much completely cleared up since I made a thread about (I'm almost 100% certain that it is thanks to eating one whole sweet potato every evening, I highly recommend it!), I have been much more confident. I don't care how much some people will try to pretend that the acne thing was not a problem, but to me on a personal level it definitly was, it made me feel like crap, especially since I knew that I was a good looking guy underneath.
So recently I've been going out more and of course making eye contact with more confidence. Yesterday evening I went to the movies and there was this girl with her two friends, and as I'm walking in her direction towards the movie's room I looked at her, she looked at me but instinctively immediately looked away, then realized I was looking at her and she looked back at me and we locked eyes. I saw her smile forming like in slow-motion and as I'm getting closer she interrupts her friends who were talking to each other, eyes still locked to mine and now with a big smile, she says something to them. I only caught words along the lines of "oh my god" or "oh my, look" with an excited tone and I knew she was talking about me (almost certainly about my eyes since any time I got a girl to openly complement me it's been about my eyes). When I walked a few steps pass her I turned my head around and now all three of them were looking straight at me. Of course I turned my head back and just entered the room. It all happened really fast but my mind works like a camera in such moments,
I recall every little details.
I think I have a pretty good ability at "reading" people but I have to make something out of it. I need to be more reactive.
I swear as soon as I move out this apartment next summer I'm picking girls up. I got too much shit I want to focus on right now to be playing this game, but after I move, IT.IS.ON.