I lolled. :lolindustrian said:At New Year 2009/2010 a hot Korean girl hugged me and I got a boner. She looked at me, I said "that means you're beautiful" and she ran away embarrassed.
Danj said:People get messages on Facebook for dating? Are any of the FB dating apps any good?
Yeah, because women are gonna want to fuck you when you get boners over holding hands.Rocket Scientist said:Y'all should just be proud everything is still in working order. See it as an evolutionary advantage. The faster you get things up to working speed, the faster you can spread your genes.
Ether_Snake said:Is there any site like OKCupid that is used in Canada? I'm in Montreal and only know of monclasseur.com but I hate the search options, the site is really poorly made.
Meus Renaissance said:I am hopeless with women.
Meus Renaissance said:This thread reminds me of a group of predators discussing tactics for their next hunt
Sadaiyappan said:And I almost want to go along with this and get married because then I will get to live on my own (first time in a long time) and my mom will give me money. She says she will buy me a car in India and possibly build me a house.
jamesinclair said:I will report on the failing later tonight.
Name yourself Tummystabber, that way you can subtlety imply you have a big dick without being crude or obnoxious.Ether_Snake said:Ok great, but I can't think of a damn user name.
UpInThemGutsEther_Snake said:Ok great, but I can't think of a damn user name.
Ether_Snake said:Ok great, but I can't think of a damn user name.
Ether_Snake said:Ok great, but I can't think of a damn user name.
jon bones said:so why do you keep giving advice here?
DoctorWho said:Ether_Snake
Barrage said:NookieMonster.
Nah, don't overthink it. Do you have any nicknames?
jon bones said:turtle and hare
buying her gifts
admitting defeat beforehand
god you are the worst
Depends on the size of the bulge.Aurora said:Yeah, because women are gonna want to fuck you when you get boners over holding hands.
hydragonwarrior said:So last night I see a gal I know at the dance club. As she was moving to the dance floor with her friend, I tapped her and said "hey jaz!" (i was on her pathway) to get her attention - she stopped and here's what happened: her face was raised towards me, but her eyes weren't actually looking at me the whole time. I said hi twice, but nothing. Then she kept moving on.
I think she just pretended I wasn't there. I was completely ignored when I was dead on, in frnot of her, just saying hi.
I have to say, that just ruined my night. I know this girl and we've talked a lot in the past week (have her number and everything). Was surprised to see her at this club even. But this kind of brush off from someone just pisses me off - this felt way more hurtful then any kind of rejection could.
Alright, maybe she actually didn't see me despite being within arms length? Or maybe I didn't shout loud enough even though I was right in front of her... But even then, you don't just outright ignore someone you know when they say hi RIGHT in front of you. It's so fucking rude and disrespectful.
I'm not as upset as i was last night, but am I wrong to feel angry? Or not even that - I just FEEL angry and I want to know if this shit has happened to anyone?
Strider2K99 said:I forgot to add some more context to my post.
Yes the grinding is from dancing. I was at a club for my brother's birthday and we ran into some friends of his (who are girls). Anyway, I got a little tipsy/drunk and started "dancing" (lol), which is something I don't really do. One of those girls started grinding on me which I'd never had done on me before and within a couple of minutes, I got a boner. I started to feel kind of embarrassed since I didn't know her that well and started to back off.
So I should have just continued to let her grind me despite the boner?
Thanks for the quick advice.
Guys need advice.
Had a date last night and we totally hit it off. She comes back to my place we fool around. She tells me that she loves sex and needs to have it all the time. Only problem I'm a virgin and don't know what to do . She was on her period so we didn't do anything.
So GAF do I tell her or just fumble my way around?
TheBranca18 said:Guys need advice.
Had a date last night and we totally hit it off. She comes back to my place we fool around. She tells me that she loves sex and needs to have it all the time. Only problem I'm a virgin and don't know what to do :lol . She was on her period so we didn't do anything.
So GAF do I tell her or just fumble my way around?
TheBranca18 said:Yeah I was thinking of fumbling...I'm 28 and so is she.
Meus Renaissance said:Would it be wrong to text her 'what happened last night?'. That brush off made no sense whatsoever
DoctorWho said:After not dating anyone for about two years, I just went on a coffee date with a very cute girl. I plan to see her again after the holidays. I honestly wasn't expecting much. I just wanted to go on a date for the sake of going on a date. Seems like I've still got the magic though.
I think she may have been expecting a kiss (possibly on the cheek) but I balked and we just hugged. That might have been a misstep. Not going to second guess myself though and I don't plan to exclusively date her either. I just need to get back into the rhythm.
Shawsie64 said:Well date Friday night was an idiot, bailing out now nice and early
Also a woman who I was pursuing a few months ago who didnt respond to my texts or give me any play looked for me and added me on facebook yesterday..
Only after I completely ignored her for a month and through a coincidence and mutual friend she happened to come to my house..
After her seeing its a nice place and Iv got an expensive car THEN she wants to talk :lol
She can get fucked.
Shawsie64 said:Well date Friday night was an idiot, bailing out now nice and earlyWent to a party with her and the people there were absolute druggies.. anyone who hangs around those types is an idiot.
Also a woman who I was pursuing a few months ago who didnt respond to my texts or give me any play looked for me and added me on facebook yesterday..
Only after I completely ignored her for a month and through a coincidence and mutual friend she happened to come to my house..
After her seeing its a nice place and Iv got an expensive car THEN she wants to talk :lol
She can get fucked.
SmokeMaxX said:Yeah, seriously:
Fuck third wheels. Fucking cockblock POSs. kjihwigthaiughafjakfjhiewahguiahgkahjf;kadhgughuvhaikgfh;afhjdasfjkd;agjkahgahf;
jas0nuk said:Got a girl's number (first time ever, in that context anyway, :lol) but everyone's now gone home for Xmas... will see what happens after exams (6 weeks away)
Next semester I'm going to seriously get my shit together.
SephCast said:Text a little bit to keep the oven pre-heated.
Bitch complained when I tried to Kiss her and then when I tried to feel her up! There were no other options! :lolCommieCaptorS said:for those GAFfers who feel their charm could do with a bit of practice
CommieCaptorS said:for those GAFfers who feel their charm could do with a bit of practice
Kylehimself said:Bitch complained when I tried to Kiss her and then when I tried to feel her up! There were no other options! :lol
Good idea sir! Will do.SephCast said:Text a little bit to keep the oven pre-heated.
CommieCaptorS said:for those GAFfers who feel their charm could do with a bit of practice