Max@GC said:
That´s a paradoxon to me.
How so? You shouldn't act a certain way to impress anyone. You should treat a girl like an actual girl and not like one of your guy friends. Not seeing the conflict there.
djtiesto said:
Brief online dating advice
This is all pretty solid advice. I wanted to pick a few things and add to them but it's all pretty good.
-The "angle" thing mentioned above is so GD true. There are plenty of overweight girls who have a normal looking face so they only take face/head shots. Granted, if you're ok with girls who are overweight, then don't be too concerned about this but every single time a girl has posted just head shots, she was overweight. And not just "thick" or chubby, but overweight.
-The general advice with the different dating sites is true. I only really stay on OKCupid as I've met the best matches on there so far. PoF in my experience is populated by lots of desperate ugly women. I've never met anyone from there but I always get emails from random women all the time. I haven't been on that site in a while. eHarmony is....odd. I don't know if it's just me but their matching algorithm sucks. I'm a happy-go-lucky kind of guy that works to live. They matched me three times with women who were extreme Type As. Woman who under normal circumstances I would never ever want to date. Now, by some miracle I actually got along with one of my matches and we've become friends but yeah...never ever would I date someone like her.
-The email advice is solid. Email many girls that interest you. Don't make a template and send that to all of them. Type each email to each girl and make it unique each time. Reference things in her profile so she knows you actually read it. If she wants to continue chatting/emailing after a few emails, she's probably not interested and is being overly passive about letting you know. If a girl is interested, she'll want to go out, not be a pen-pal. Also, if you don't get a response, don't send another email. She got your message the first time and choose not to respond. Move on.
-Activity dates are best, as said. If you actually ask women what they like to do on a first date, I would guarantee that none of them would say "dinner and a movie". It's such a generic date. And honestly, it doesn't always have to feel like a date either. One first date I had I invited her to go Christmas shopping with me and we both had a good time. I don't think I bought a single thing.
-I think I skipped it but it was mentioned before, some of these girls get on these dating sites for the ego boost or just to test the waters. IE, they can be incredibly flaky compared to girls you meet in real life. Don't take it personally if things seem solid at first but then she poofs for seemingly no reason. You probably didn't do anything wrong, it's her. As said before, this'll be different depending on the site you're on. OKCupid you'll see this a lot. eHarmony and PoF, not so much as they're only for dating and not social networking.
Jamesfrom818 said:
So I've been flirting with a cute barista in a small coffee shop right next to my office and she reciprocates and gives me a free drink every now and then. I've thought about asking her out but I don't know if I want to put the free drinks in jeopardy.
What say you, GAF?
Like I said before, you do nothing, you get nothing. You try something, you're odds are far better. If you're really interested and she seems like a good girl, is it really that big of a risk to miss out on a few drinks here and there? If she's not interested, it's not like you have to stop talking to her. More likely, absolutely nothing will change.
Edit: siddx is right. Any time you're dealing with someone in the service industry, their real intentions are up in the air. Are they just really good at what they do, customer service, or are they genuinely interested in you. It's hard to tell and any time you deal with someone in the service industry, you probably shouldn't get your hopes up.
But like I said, it's not going to hurt anything to try. I briefly dated a barista. It didn't work out (obviously) but I don't regret it at all, even though I now pay for my drinks and deserts.