What.The Shadow said:She got pregnant from the 3-way but he's the one that took her to Planned Parenthood and popped the question right after the appointment. The baby needs a dad after all.
What.The Shadow said:She got pregnant from the 3-way but he's the one that took her to Planned Parenthood and popped the question right after the appointment. The baby needs a dad after all.
I believe he's joking.Door2Dawn said:What.
ohgrap3fruitman said:I believe he's joking.
Yeah.Door2Dawn said:
The Shadow said:She got pregnant from the 3-way but he's the one that took her to Planned Parenthood and popped the question right after the appointment. The baby needs a dad after all.
Relix said:On a sad note a good friend of mine went with his girl and another couple to stay in a hotel. He thought he was finally getting laid. Result? He ended up drinking outside because the other guy scored a threesome. Poor guy :lol
Relix said:I know. Its kinda fun in a way, makes things a bit challenging even if the outcome is still the same, but the wait and the stupid moves kinda get boring after a while.
On a sad note a good friend of mine went with his girl and another couple to stay in a hotel. He thought he was finally getting laid. Result? He ended up drinking outside because the other guy scored a threesome. Poor guy :lol
FleckSplat said:Trying to meet girls in my town. I'm going to college and will be attending fitness classes. I tried this last semester and there were two issues:
1) No confidence to ask them out. I asked one girl out and she blew me off.
2) Girls who work out seem to be out of my "league." They are beautiful. I'm no slouch, either, but I'm not a supermodel.
The instructors seem interested, but I'm not sure if they are just doing that to be nice. I figure asking them out for coffee/drinks isn't too heavy. Thoughts?
You fucking tease. What about the other couple, were they friends of him? Doesn't the guy hate them now? Wasn't it a pre-planned thing to go to the hotel, or was it just someone he picked up and then they said 'hey let's go to a hotel' and the dude unwittingly tagged along? DETAILS MANRelix said:Yes, he "broke up" in a sense.
She was only a girl he was going out but had great hopes with.
That's about it :lol
element said:I got totally dissed on OKCupid today. Sucks since she sounded super cool from her profile She had Notepad++ #1 on her six things can't live without.
I am in a total funk. After moving back to Seattle and living in the suburbs, it totally sucks.
MiDNiGHTS said:Well first of all going in with no confidence is basically failure before you even try and I don't care what you look like. Second of all if your truly believe that every single one of these girls who work out consider themselves out of your league then there are other places in college than fitness to meet girls who are more down to earth.
Shawsie64 said:Is this petty?
Girl who fucked me up last year and put me in friend zone who now has a BF but still wants to be friends (were really close) with me keeps showing up in photo memories and posting on my status with her new BF in the display pic.. Thinking about removing her off my friends list, she'd be pretty sad. Should I? or just ride it out until im completely over her? Everytime I think im over her I see a pic or something on facebook that sends me back.
Also I forgot to tell my story on NYE. Got German girl into bed with me but was so drunk passed out, woke up face first on bed vomiting, she by some grace of god sleeps through it while im trying to clean the bed stealth.. she didn't wake up, i had the worst hangover and she made me soup and cleaned my house. Bullet dodged. anyways got dinner with her tonight but she goes back to Germany next week so dont have any expectations.
blizeH said:My girlfriend was packing away some of my stuff and found some very sickly note from my ex that I didn't even know I had.
She's taken it really quite badly (the fact I kept it, and the fact I finished with this girl even though she apparently feels the same about me as my current gf) and wants to go back with her parents to stay for a few days, meh. Anything I can do or just let her do her thing and sulk it out?
oddworld18 said:*rapid topic change from left field, as ridiculous as that threesome story was*
so, long-term-relationship-GAF/married-GAF:
been dating a girl for two years. it's really great, first serious relationship out of college - for her, too. going strong, definitely. But we're in our mid-20s now, and a lot of our friends are starting to settle down, move in together, etc. it's definitely on our minds, the "what's our future" question. and we're pretty good at talking about things, and so far have seen eye to eye on pretty much everything.
some days i can see it going places. most days, even. but how did you guys get rid of that "but what about all those other girls out there" impulse?
i still carry some baggage about one of my best friends in college, but she and i have both sort of evolved past it and now we really do have just a strong caring friendship. some days though i still wish we had a second chance. does stuff like that ever go away? or do you just sort of learn to deal with it?
i know this isn't par for the course in the dating age threads, but i'm still a junior so i can't start my own quarterlife-crisis-relationship-age post![]()
blizeH said:My girlfriend was packing away some of my stuff and found some very sickly note from my ex that I didn't even know I had.
She's taken it really quite badly (the fact I kept it, and the fact I finished with this girl even though she apparently feels the same about me as my current gf) and wants to go back with her parents to stay for a few days, meh. Anything I can do or just let her do her thing and sulk it out?
WyndhamPrice said:My girlfriend finally came back from California after 3 weeks away. I'm very happy she's back!
The shitty part is we were finally all ready to do the fleshy tango but once again I am cockblocked for another few days due to that goddamned time of the month. :lol .
-ImaginaryInsider said:Went to a party, chatted up a girl that showed mild interest, got her to number with an excuse to send her pictures of the party...sent her said pics, but she was working (she works weird shifts) so we didn't really get a chance to talk too much.
She doesn't have facebook, and we live about 2 hours apart, so my options are limited.
Figured I'd text her and ask her about college, cause I'm just starting and she did two years in the same course before having to drop out...so is that a decent enough excuse to text her?
bytesized said:I would call with the excuse that you want to speak with her
bytesized said:I would call with the excuse that you want to speak with her
milanbaros said:Really? I've never been with a girl where that has blocked anything. Just be ready to jump into the shower when you're done.
Rahxephon91 said:I've been trying okcupid recently and I myself haven't gotten any bites and I haven't "bitten" anyone. Most of the girls seem kind of dumb, uptight, or just plain old unattractive.
Whatever, this online dating thing should just be a side thing.
entrement said:Man, I keep getting friendzoned. Kind of sick of it, honestly. It usually starts like this. This is all texting:
Me: Hey, what's up?
Her: What's up?
Me: Wanna hang out this Saturday?
Her: Sure.
Me: When and where do you want to meet?
Her: Lemme check when I'm out.
Her: We are hanging out as friends, right!
-PXG- said::lol :lol :lol
Get this....the girl I was supposed to see tonight just texted me, saying she's having car troubles and may not be able to meet me tonight. I just knew she was going to come up with some kind of lame ass excuse to keep this shit dragging on. Let's backtrack a bit shall we?
We were supposed to go out on the 17th, but at the last minute, she remembered she had to go Christmas shopping. Yeah....okay.....So, on Christmas Eve, we made plans to see each other on the 31st. Sure, it was New Year's Eve, but we could easily do something during the day, ensuring that any plans during the evening could go without a hitch. Well, the 30th comes a long and she realizes that she accidentally made plans with me, forgetting that it was the New Years Eve. Now how dumb do you have to be to do that? After that, I figured, I'd give her ONE more chance. Three strikes and the bitch is out. And now, she sends me this bullshit. I'm not even mad. In fact, I'm laughing about it. This is great. Thank goodness I have a ton of other prospects. I knew this girl was going to flake out. I just had a gut feeling "Oh man, what's this broad going to do now?"
Anyway, what should I respond with? I was just going to ignore her and leave her ass out to dry. Part of me wants to tell her to fuck off with her incompentent flaky ass self. Part of me wants to suggest picking her up. I don't know what to do.
Show me the way GAF :lol
Ether_Snake said:Just tell her you're no longer interested.
Teh End
No need for extra drama from a girl who doesn't want to go out with you and which you don't want to go out with anymore anyway. You're not in highschool.
-PXG- said::lol :lol :lol
Get this....the girl I was supposed to see tonight just texted me, saying she's having car troubles and may not be able to meet me tonight. I just knew she was going to come up with some kind of lame ass excuse to keep this shit dragging on. Let's backtrack a bit shall we?
We were supposed to go out on the 17th, but at the last minute, she remembered she had to go Christmas shopping. Yeah....okay.....So, on Christmas Eve, we made plans to see each other on the 31st. Sure, it was New Year's Eve, but we could easily do something during the day, ensuring that any plans during the evening could go without a hitch. Well, the 30th comes a long and she realizes that she accidentally made plans with me, forgetting that it was the New Years Eve. Now how dumb do you have to be to do that? After that, I figured, I'd give her ONE more chance. Three strikes and the bitch is out. And now, she sends me this bullshit. I'm not even mad. In fact, I'm laughing about it. This is great. Thank goodness I have a ton of other prospects. I knew this girl was going to flake out. I just had a gut feeling "Oh man, what's this broad going to do now?"
Anyway, what should I respond with? I was just going to ignore her and leave her ass out to dry. Part of me wants to tell her to fuck off with her incompentent flaky ass self. Part of me wants to suggest picking her up. I don't know what to do. After the second "strike" I told her I was getting annoyed. She seemed upset that I was considering now seeing her. She's a nice girl, but man....I don't have time for this crap.
Show me the way GAF :lol
xxjuicesxx said:Grow some balls, it will impress her say something like "Don't emasculate me with that friend shit, I am no beta male I find you attractive, please don't waste my time. If you want give me a call sometime and we can synchronize agendas otherwise don't treat me like I am five"
SephCast said:I would pay to see someone use this line.
entrement said:Man, I keep getting friendzoned. Kind of sick of it, honestly. It usually starts like this. This is all texting:
Me: Hey, what's up?
Her: What's up?
Me: Wanna hang out this Saturday?
Her: Sure.
Me: When and where do you want to meet?
Her: Lemme check when I'm out.
Her: We are hanging out as friends, right!
SephCast said:I would pay to see someone use this line.
aktham said:Not your fault. She just may not be into you. On to the next one...
My advice for future girls:
I wouldn't text these things. Ask in person while looking her in the eyes or over a phone conversation if you don't ask her in person.
If you ask her over the phone, ask how her day was at first. Don't jump in and ask directly let her nag and talk to you. This will make her a bit more comfortable with you. Once the conversation slows down a bit, that's your chance to ask her out properly.
I would say I want to take you out (to dinner/activity) this Saturday instead of let's hang out. Don't be uncertain and have a date plan. You don't have to call it a date either (but it really is). First impression is everything, so make sure you have a nice surprise for her on the first date.
I'm 32. I have a feeling that that feeling never goes away. Of course, now I'm in a long-term relationship, and too old to do anything about it. (When you're in your 30s, options vanish with the wind.)Cryptozoologist said:Even today, at 31 years of age, I still have the feeling of "what about all those other girls out there" despite the fact that I've been with plenty of woman from all sorts of backgrounds. I guess I chalk it up to the fact that I still haven't found the right woman for me. Or perhaps it's because I'm a skirt-chasing asshole. Probably the latter.
Mike Works said:PXG, I fucking hate flakes as much as the next man (I'm not exaggerating, it's one of my biggest pet peeves in the world- dating or other), but I think you need to just settle down on the whole dating thing. I'm definitely not saying stop or anything, but you keep talking about your prospects and all the girls you have lined up and everything over and over, and then when something negative happens with one of them, you just throw out an "on to the next one" post and either let us know that it doesn't bother you or badmouth the girl. I know you just came off of a shitty relationship break, but you don't have to worry about being theatrical- in this thread or in real life. I know you admitted that you were still affected by the termination of your last relationship- as any reasonable man would be- and that's okay. Just don't think that you have to compensate or prove anything for us or for yourself.
As for specific advice, I'd suggest just not replying to the girl. This is a problem I see happen way too often when it comes to people dating or coming off/ending relationships: instead of just walking away, they boast that they'll say one more big tell-off, and then a day later they post a transcript of the conversation and repeat that they'll say one more thing and then walk away, and it just drags out a shitty situation.
Even if you were able to say something to salvage things with this girl, would you want to? Do you really want to date a flake? I know I fucking wouldn't. Can't stand those people.
I suppose maybe you could try to fuck her before ditching her if she's hot. If that's the road you want to explore, then I guess acting like an asshole could be the way to go.
lunarworks said:I'll probably make my long-forthcoming first post here soon. I'm stressed, depressed, and frustrated, and it's really affecting my life. :/
Of course, I'll probably get advice I don't want (this is NeoGAF, dude), and she'll probably read it, too. (She has a funny way of stumbling across things I write about us online.)
Mike Works said:PXG, I fucking hate flakes as much as the next man (I'm not exaggerating, it's one of my biggest pet peeves in the world- dating or other), but I think you need to just settle down on the whole dating thing. I'm definitely not saying stop or anything, but you keep talking about your prospects and all the girls you have lined up and everything over and over, and then when something negative happens with one of them, you just throw out an "on to the next one" post and either let us know that it doesn't bother you or badmouth the girl. I know you just came off of a shitty relationship break, but you don't have to worry about being theatrical- in this thread or in real life. I know you admitted that you were still affected by the termination of your last relationship- as any reasonable man would be- and that's okay. Just don't think that you have to compensate or prove anything for us or for yourself.
As for specific advice, I'd suggest just not replying to the girl. This is a problem I see happen way too often when it comes to people dating or coming off/ending relationships: instead of just walking away, they boast that they'll say one more big tell-off, and then a day later they post a transcript of the conversation and repeat that they'll say one more thing and then walk away, and it just drags out a shitty situation.
Even if you were able to say something to salvage things with this girl, would you want to? Do you really want to date a flake? I know I fucking wouldn't. Can't stand those people.
I suppose maybe you could try to fuck her before ditching her if she's hot. If that's the road you want to explore, then I guess acting like an asshole could be the way to go.
Mike Works said:PXG, I fucking hate flakes as much as the next man (I'm not exaggerating, it's one of my biggest pet peeves in the world- dating or other), but I think you need to just settle down on the whole dating thing. I'm definitely not saying stop or anything, but you keep talking about your prospects and all the girls you have lined up and everything over and over, and then when something negative happens with one of them, you just throw out an "on to the next one" post and either let us know that it doesn't bother you or badmouth the girl. I know you just came off of a shitty relationship break, but you don't have to worry about being theatrical- in this thread or in real life. I know you admitted that you were still affected by the termination of your last relationship- as any reasonable man would be- and that's okay. Just don't think that you have to compensate or prove anything for us or for yourself.
As for specific advice, I'd suggest just not replying to the girl. This is a problem I see happen way too often when it comes to people dating or coming off/ending relationships: instead of just walking away, they boast that they'll say one more big tell-off, and then a day later they post a transcript of the conversation and repeat that they'll say one more thing and then walk away, and it just drags out a shitty situation.
Even if you were able to say something to salvage things with this girl, would you want to? Do you really want to date a flake? I know I fucking wouldn't. Can't stand those people.
I suppose maybe you could try to fuck her before ditching her if she's hot. If that's the road you want to explore, then I guess acting like an asshole could be the way to go.