Waikis said:Such a blunder, I guess i should just move on huh?
Well that's the plan. I was more looking for suggestions to HOW to go bold more than if I should go bold or not.jon bones said:doomed1, go bold or go home
Well you COULD just ask her. You know, just up and say "So what do you think of me?". The trick to pulling it off is to have this confident smile, saying it confidently, and keeping up the confidence after her answer, no matter what it is.SRG01 said:So, I'm obviously overthinking things when I'm talking to this girl. We obviously have chemistry, and we already have another date set up for next week. However, my mind keeps going back to the old saying, "Just because she's having a good time doesn't mean she actually likes you." Things look alright, but at the same time, I feel like I shouldn't get my hopes up...
Shawsie64 said:Yeah prob just found someone she got along with better, remember keep adding them and dont focus on only one girl and youll be fine![]()
Why would you ever say this? A confident person would never ask this, because you should be able to read it without asking. It's going to come off as either arrogant or insecure, neither of which are a good thing.doomed1 said:Well you COULD just ask her. You know, just up and say "So what do you think of me?". The trick to pulling it off is to have this confident smile, saying it confidently, and keeping up the confidence after her answer, no matter what it is.
What's any different about going after a white girl? (I'm sure there are differences, but I'd like to know what they are. Haha.)duk said:It's official, im in love with white girls now. Gotta get my game on tight if I am gonna get a white girl.![]()
soultron said:What's any different about going after a white girl? (I'm sure there are differences, but I'd like to know what they are. Haha.)
I wish my job at this club I'm involved in at school wasn't so serious. Tonnes of cute girls there. Really cute asian girl I work with is giving obvious signs. :c
duk said:It's where I live, it's hard to meet white girls that are into asian guys. There are plenty of hot/pretty/skanky asian girls and I am just tired of that (for now). Need a new flavor!
soultron said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8pG1mG7BeI
Just be confident. You're a good looking dude so you've that on your side.
duk said:Oh yes sir, confidence is a must! I don't have a problem talking or approaching girls, just gotta find where the hot white girls hang out haha. I am sure they are out there.
soultron said:You're being insecure. Stop it.
You'll never truly know another person's thoughts (and don't let that scare you or mistrust someone without good reason) so stop worrying about it.
Try to focus on the fact that right now things are going well! If they go south, oh well, onto the next one! You'll live either way.
duk said:It's where I live, it's hard to meet white girls that are into asian guys. There are plenty of hot/pretty/skanky asian girls and I am just tired of that (for now). Need a new flavor!
Conversation is a two-way street. If she's not pulling her weight, she's either not interested in you or is just plain shit-boring.Scarecrow said:Man, I am terrible at this (drumming up conversation). Been messaging a girl on OkC for the past few days. Where do I go when I've used up 'what video games/movies do you like'?
Kccitystar said:So I re-connected with this one girl I met in junior high, and we instantly clicked. She knows how to cook, into electronics and gadgets, works in IT, into house music like I am (although that wouldn't be a dealbreaker if she wasn't), and she has her own place. All pluses to me in my eyes.
Anyway, I'd like to figure out what is there to do in terms of an activity date (as per GAF's advice on first dates) here in NYC? I can always fall back to a restaurant or something as a plan B but just to keep things interesting, I'm looking for places in NYC that I can take her to.
My personal experience has been different. I live in Santa Monica, maybe an hour north of you, and I've dated white girls, as well as other races. I'm currently in a relationship with a white girl, as is one of my Asian friends. I just came from a Barmitzvah (sp) where there was another white girl with an Asian guy there too. One of my cousins just married a white girl as well.MiDNiGHTS said:This is very true. You just rarely ever see asian guys with white girls even where I live (orange county).
DualShadow said:What I meant was we exchanged facebooks then continued chatting then she just stopped replying while looking at my facebook :lolRIP smiley
So I kinda assumed something on the facebook turned her off, meh no biggy I was just curious what you guys thought.
atomsk said:I can go one better, girl contacted me first, chatted back and forth, seemingly interested, then straight up deleted her account
and just because I'm feeling extra jaded today, and she used the same (uncommon) username for everything, sent her ebay account a message saying "you can't even show a little common courtesy?"
White girls are a really terrible breed of FUCKING CRAZY. That's the difference.soultron said:What's any different about going after a white girl? (I'm sure there are differences, but I'd like to know what they are. Haha.)
I wish my job at this club I'm involved in at school wasn't so serious. Tonnes of cute girls there. Really cute asian girl I work with is giving obvious signs. :c
Rabbitwork said:damn GAF, you can be a cold-ass motherfucker sometimes; nobody responded to this.
sounds like you guys made the right move. i'd be weary of getting back together later however. this seems ripe for that exact kind of thing to happen. you'll both figure "man what WAS the problem last time?" and exhaust each other's patience even faster the 2nd go-round.
still sucks though. you'll take care of it.
Aesius said:So I called internet potential #2 yesterday and she didn't answer. Got a text back from her today saying she's been busy because her brother is in town and she's been hanging out with him. So I texted her back and asked if she wanted to meet me for a drink on Friday. She said that she was already going to be out with her friends that night and that I should join them.
What's the appropriate response for that? I'd like to meet this girl, but I feel like any potential awkwardness would be magnified 1000x in the company of her friends. I'd be flying solo and fighting a losing battle. Should I bring a friend along and go for it or text/call back and see if she wants to reschedule?
Shawsie64 said:Iv had this girl that is trying to get me to come meet her and her friend.. I only do one on one first meet up.. So I stopped answering her calls and texts and now shes threatening me saying ill "be sorry" when we meet up ahaha, get a text daily from her funny as
DualShadow said:Missing out on a threesome mate![]()
Acid08 said:White girls are a really terrible breed of FUCKING CRAZY. That's the difference.
NutJobJim said:This made me LOL - cos it's true, haha!
I've dated nothing but white girls (not necessarily by choice, that's just how it's gone down), and I've been with some pretty crazy women.
They do say the hot ones are always insane...or maybe it's just madness attracting more madness.
I will say that, in my experience, the more 'homely' girls are the more down to earth/mentally balanced...
Maybe I just need to quit dating white girls? lol
Shawsie64 said:She looks good but sounds dero as and desperate.. my idea of a first date isnt going to hang with her, her friend and her friends kid hahaha
Shawsie64 said:I find Latin girls are the craziest by far lol
Shawsie64 said:Lost all interest after I got a text saying "just you wait, youll be sorry when we meet" after missing a call from her hahaha
SRG01 said:Where do you live?
NutJobJim said:No doubt, the craziest woman I know is my own Mother (half Mexican, half German).
One of the craziest girls I've ever dated was an Irish, German, Brazilian mix too...pretty hot though...
Kccitystar said:Anyway, I'd like to figure out what is there to do in terms of an activity date (as per GAF's advice on first dates) here in NYC? I can always fall back to a restaurant or something as a plan B but just to keep things interesting, I'm looking for places in NYC that I can take her to.
DualShadow said:Fair call, who would want their friends at their first date anyways, would just make it extra awkward lol.
Don't be the bitter guy. Just be glad you're not stuck with her!Meus Renaissance said:I almost want to sign up just to send her an email telling her how much of a bitch she sounds like
soultron said:Don't be the bitter guy. Just be glad you're not stuck with her!
woodchuck said:man, you can't just say they're crazy and not give us details
woodchuck said:man, you can't just say they're crazy and not give us details
siddx said:Well the first girl once chased a female friend of mine around my home trying to get her to have sex with her in my bed. She chased her out of my bedroom window and onto a ledge, which was on the second floor, and wouldn't let her back in until she agreed to make out with her.
She tried to force a girl she had just met to sleep with one of her male friends. Like literally locked them in a room and refused to let them out until they had sex.
When she was 20 she got my sister's 16 year old friend drunk and had sex with her. I will end it there because although it was legal in the country I was in at the time, the next part involves myself and it sounds bad regardless.
The second girl was the most insane compulsive liar I have ever encountered and never once said a single true thing to me the entire time I knew her or was fucking her. She lied about her family, her past, her feelings, her dreams, what she had for fucking breakfast that day. She would tell two different lies about the same thing within minutes or even seconds of each other. She claimed a heroin addiction despite having never tried the stuff.
She also tried to destroy every person's life she came across. Her vindictiveness was terrifying and she had no problem trying to get your hurt or make you lose your job or personal property in response for a minor slight. Didn't hold the door open for her? She would tell people you raped her. Just didn't rub her the right way? She'd come into your workplace and try to get you fired. She was so emotionally and mentally disturbed that she will never ever have a normal relationship with any human being that last longer than the time it takes for someone to realize she is fucking insane.
Personally, I wouldn't be ok with it even if I knew them, only if they were real good friends I'd be perfectly fine with it. But that's just me, obviously you two have an agreement here that you can hang out, and you're fine with that. I just don't know why you'd need to see them first? What's the difference? If it's just to intimidate the guy, then don't bother. It's your GF that would make the decision to do something.Wellington said:It's like, the only argument we ever have because she does have a lot of guy friends, a lot of which I have met. She went to see Black Swan with one of them and I had no issues with it. She's gone to IHOP with another, I have no problem with it, both of those guys I know. She tells me Sunday night that Wednesday she's meeting up with another guy after work for Pinkberry, I said it is a problem because I don't know the guy. She says that I have trust issues and that I just have to trust her, I say fuck that shit she's fucking crazy to think that any guy would go along with it.
Meus Renaissance said:I signed up for match.com a few weeks ago. Some of the profiles of people are completely self-pompous and egotistical, and I'm afraid it follows the cliché that the prettier ones fall into this category. In just three paragraphs this girl nods to 'superficial', 'being pampered', likes to be taken care of (no prizes for guesses as to what this means) and then has the balls to say in the same line that she wants a tall, dark masculine man who and finishes off saying that 'if you want to email me, don't ask how I am.."let me know the why should I care".
I almost want to sign up just to send her an email telling her how much of a bitch she sounds like