Goddamn it. I hate this kind of talk. You are boring to women because you go in with the mindset that you are boring. Ability to make conversation comes with practice. It has nothing to do with whether it is a guy or a girl. Do you work? If you do and it happens to be in customer service, TALK TO YOUR CUSTOMERS. Ask them how their Thanksgiving was, ask them what they did this weekend, tell them an interesting story about your day. Usually, people will enjoy the conversation. If they don't, who gives a fuck you know? You'll never see them again.
Also, stop being outcome dependent. When a girl comes and talks to you, don't immediately start to think, "what should I say" or "what if I say the wrong thing." Talk to her like she is your best friend, make eye contact, smile, just relax bro. Girls are harmless, insecure, nervous, and irrational just like everyone else. Convince yourself that she's as nervous as you are and go from there.
You have to take baby steps, and you need to look at every step as an accomplishment. This skill isn't going to come over night. Read books, internalize everything you read, work out, become a better person. In the process of doing this, you will come to like yourself, find yourself interesting, and women will find you interesting. Trust me man.
I used to weigh around 260 lbs, zits all over my face, and not a friend in sight. I decided to get in the gym, lost around 100 lbs, bought new clothes, took up a hobby, found friends doing said hobby, started going out, and on a typical night out in a club I'll average around 4-5 numbers (when I was single). This didn't happen over night and I didn't expect the results. I changed for me, because I was unhappy with myself, and the other things came. You can do it man, you really can.