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God of War III |OT|

alr1ghtstart said:
Are the gorgon eyes/feather chests hidden really well or something? I had no problem finding them in 1+2, but I'm probably half way through
(just pleased Aphrodite :p)
, and I only have a few.

are you using Helio's head?
Are other people having issues with downloading the soundtrack that came with UE? I'm downloading the two soundtracks and they stop short. I'm worried I'm going to lose them if I exit the window. Any help?


Is this game from the future? Once again Sony 1st party have absolutely outdone themselves. The tech driving this game is in another league. My god.


Zeliard said:
Maybe you should stop listening to developer hype that causes you to develop unrealistic expectations prior to the game's release, only to take it out on the game itself once you realize the reality of it?

People really never learn. Stop listening to fucking developers and producers. They are marketing, and they are almost always full of shit.

The problem is, what makes it unrealistic? We saw
The first hour of the game which has a magnificent amount of stuff going on, and I just got done beating the crap out of Cronos and that was by far the most epic "scale" ever seen in video game bosses.
I don't think it's impossible for them to have incorporated more of this magnificent "scale" we see in the beginning and in
the Cronos fight
. They didn't even use all of the blu-ray. They just didn't do more with what they had.
When only 2 sections of the game incorporate these massive "Titans" and the rest is small room and corridor gameplay, it is definitely under-utilized potential, in my opinion.

Anyway, the plot is really starting to shine now. It's become extremely interesting. I just beat the 5th boss
and killed
and got the 4th weapon. Holy moly it is awesome!


Will drop pants for Sony.
KratosKilla said:
Are other people having issues with downloading the soundtrack that came with UE? I'm downloading the two soundtracks and they stop short. I'm worried I'm going to lose them if I exit the window. Any help?

keep refreshing that's what i did now i have the trilogy and blood/metal soundtracks.
Why don't these costumes codes work on the website? it's now saying that one of mine isn't valid! the website crashed!

also, the game is pretty fun so far. Looks incredible. QTEs suck big time, though. Edges of the screen prompts suck especially on the lft side when there is a combo counter and other shit there.


hide your water-based mammals
JB1981 said:
Is this game from the future? Once again Sony 1st party have absolutely outdone themselves. The tech driving this game is in another league. My god of war.

Linkzg said:
Why don't these costumes codes work on the website? it's now saying that one of mine isn't valid! the website crashed!

also, the game is pretty fun so far. Looks incredible. QTEs suck big time, though. Edges of the screen prompts suck especially on the lft side when there is a combo counter and other shit there.
Actually the way it's set up in this game makes the most sense and takes you out of the experience less. You're not wondering a buttong but see a prompt come up on the top of the screen so you know you have to press traingle. Works great.


Dogenzaka said:
You could have mentioned before hand that you were on like a final boss or something....:( thanks

Sorry, I didn't know it was the final boss... =/
Still that is why I spoiler tag it.

Magnus said:
My experience on normal difficulty:

Tons and tons of use of right-analog stick dodging, and air dashing with hermes' boots was necessary. You have to stay stupidly mobile. Every time the heart glows, beat Zeus to it. If he gets there first, nail him and stop his drain.

Gang rape is best avoided by a jump + air dash, or a circular attack spin with the blades followed by the Magic Spartan Shield move. I don't know the names of any attacks in this game. :lol

Yeah got him, I was using the Lion Head attacks, they are quite powerfull and I just keep hitting him and not letting him get life. Still it was a fucking pain in the ass.


are you using Helio's head?

I've only found one chest using that. I have Sixaxis so I lack rumble, so maybe that's why? :l

The textures in this game are so sharp my eyes are bleeding. The
fight running at a rock-steady framerate with those knife-sharp textures was astounding.



Will drop pants for Sony.
JB1981 said:
Is this game from the future? Once again Sony 1st party have absolutely outdone themselves. The tech driving this game is in another league. My god.

I agree. my friend just called me after he was done with the first boss, which is funny since he did the same thing when he beat the first boss in god of war 2, telling how freaking awesome it was.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Dogenzaka said:
Anyway, the plot is really starting to shine now.



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
neojubei said:
I agree. my friend just called me after he was done with the first boss, which is funny since he did the same thing when he beat the first boss in god of war 2, telling how freaking awesome it was.
The more I play it, the more I like it, but I can't imagine anyone actually liking the mechanics of the Poseidon fight. It's fucking gorgeous, but it's also incredibly boring and tedious.


to be honest i am more impressed by the graphics in the first boss sequence than the actual gameplay. too much auto-pilot. game is more fun when your abilities are paired down a bit and things slow down


Will drop pants for Sony.
thetrin said:
The more I play it, the more I like it, but I can't imagine anyone actually liking the mechanics of the Poseidon fight. It's fucking gorgeous, but it's also incredibly boring and tedious.

I didn't think it was boring or tedious. oh well.
LiquidMetal14 said:

Actually the way it's set up in this game makes the most sense and takes you out of the experience less. You're not wondering a buttong but see a prompt come up on the top of the screen so you know you have to press traingle. Works great.

It totally takes me out of the experience and has me watching the edges of my TV instead of, you know, the action going on in the center.

Heavy Rain does it the best by embedding QTE prompts into the game and not jus the hud. GoW1/2 was at least better than what GoW3 does, but at least it just seems to be a lot of button presses and not analog motions.


Also, screw GameTrailers. Keighley's wording in the GoW3 preview they had weeks back made it seem like first-person kills were now "implemented", as in
I would get to use it more than once. But so far, only Poseidon was killed that way. :( I would have loved to see Kratos slice my legs off as Hermes

It totally takes me out of the experience and has me watching the edges of my TV instead of, you know, the action going on in the center.

Heavy Rain does it the best by embedding QTE prompts into the game and not jus the hud. GoW1/2 was at least better than what GoW3 does, but at least it just seems to be a lot of button presses and not analog motions.

I agree. The team should have taken a hint from Heavy Rain. These peripheral-QTE's are easy to hit, but they cause me to not focus on the center where all the action is going on sometimes. Wish they just put the button right on where I'm killing something.
Dogenzaka said:
I've only found one chest using that. I have Sixaxis so I lack rumble, so maybe that's why? :l

The textures in this game are so sharp my eyes are bleeding. The
fight running at a rock-steady framerate with those knife-sharp textures was astounding.


look for gold dust floating around too, that's a hint that something's hidden.
I think I'm screwed now. Is there anyway to go back to the page after you redeemed your soundtrack code? I refreshed the page because the albums weren't downloading all the way and now it says my voucher was already used.


JB1981 said:
Is this game from the future? Once again Sony 1st party have absolutely outdone themselves. The tech driving this game is in another league. My god.
I've been on the Sony hate wagon for some time given their questionable decisions for the console, but Sony is killing right now with a crazy successful payoff from investing in some really talented first-party guys and letting them do their thing.

Killzone series, Uncharted series, GoW series, hopefully GT series, and the Quantic Dream guys all now boast the best technology on consoles today. Most of those are also just generally more impressive than games found on the PC, if only for the scope and conceptual ideas they have.


KratosKilla said:
I think I'm screwed now. Is there anyway to go back to the page after you redeemed your soundtrack code? I refreshed the page because the albums weren't downloading all the way and now it says my voucher was already used.

I don't know, but this is the reason why DLC collector's items are stupid. Why can't they afford to just give you a nice CD? It's like you're paying $40 for codes and a flimsy art book :l

Alrighty... so I just got the part in the demo... please tell me I have lots of the game left! Fucking love this game!

You've only passed a fraction of the total game.

I'm probably 2-3x as far as you are right now and I still have a ways to go.


Got the Canadian collector's box today... shit box with no inside art confirmed. =(

Well, I can put a lot of GOW goodies in that box though, it's pretty awesome.:D

And the game? Well, I'll play it in about 1 hour... I was moving for the last 2 days and I'm so fucking tired, but I need to play this masterpiece before going to bed. This is my most anticipated title since the PS3 exists.
This is one of those games you just have to take back in time with you, to show our younger selves what awaits us.

Hot damn I didn't even dream this big as a kid. I feel almost jealous of kids studying mythology while being able to come home and kill whole pantheons in glorious one-on-one battles. All I got was Clash of the Titans... man what a jip.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Linkzg said:
It totally takes me out of the experience and has me watching the edges of my TV instead of, you know, the action going on in the center.

Heavy Rain does it the best by embedding QTE prompts into the game and not jus the hud. GoW1/2 was at least better than what GoW3 does, but at least it just seems to be a lot of button presses and not analog motions.
Are you kidding? GoW1 and 2 flash large semi-transparent icons that obscure the center of the screen. You cannot watch the action on screen at all. This game not only displays the icons on the sides of the screen (which I think it smart), it also flashes white light on the appropriate side. You only have to look for flashing in your periphery, which is very effective anatomically because our rods see in black and white and are very sensitive to changes in light (like a flashing black and white).

Heavy Rain's QTE method would not really work in God of War 3. The camera is too zoomed out and static during QTEs.
Jesus fucking christ, this has been an amazing year. My weekend is ruined now, what with FFXIII and this. AND I DOWNLOADED SPACE RANGERS 2 ON STEAM. :lol


Ok that is enough for me. I have to watch Lost before I go to bed. This is amazing. I can't say enough about this game that someone else hasn't said.

Oh, I do have one complaint.
The first boss encounter with Poseidon kind of depressed me. Poseidon has always been my favorite Greek god and it was kinda sad to see him go out like a punk. He is one of the big 3, Zeus big brother. At least be a challenge. Ah well. Back to Hermes chasing I go.


Got the game after work Played up till
Hades boss battle
, them quit for the night. The most over-the-top shit I've ever seen in a video game. The first boss battle was mind boggling. Titan mode is kicking my ass though :(

Graphics wise, it's like Sony isn't even competing with anyone else but themselves. The game is so far ahead of every other game on consoles, only Uncharted 2 and KZ2 are in the same hemisphere as GOWIII, it's unreal. I have to keep telling myself that what I'm seeing is real time and NOT a CG cutscene so that I keep playing and don't get killed by some random enemy.


Ending Spoilers

So... that was the ending? What happen to Athena?! What happen to the world?! Why is Athena the only one that turn into a spirit (besides Zeus)??? Why the fuck Kratos needed the pandora box to kill Zeus? I mean he was able to kill the rest of the gods, but for Zeus and Ares he needed Pandora WTF!? ... I don't know wtf happen...


Junior Member
Dogenzaka said:
Also, screw GameTrailers. Keighley's wording in the GoW3 preview they had weeks back made it seem like first-person kills were now "implemented", as in
I would get to use it more than once. But so far, only Poseidon was killed that way. :( I would have loved to see Kratos slice my legs off as Hermes
They should have done it for all the bosses I think.


I hope people from SSM are reading this thread. I want them to know how good of a job they did on this game. Shit, I hope other devs are paying attention and realize THIS is the quality that they should aspire to. If only other teams had the time and the budget :(


Just beat the game,

Sony Santa Monica just raised the bar so fucking high that won't even be matched or passed until they make another game.
I haven't read the last four pages because I'm trying to play. :lol Anyway, sorry if it's been mentioned already, but I thought I would share what helped me with the
fight since so many people have struggled with it on Titan.

Stay back and use your bow the whole time. Fire 10 shots, then wait for it to recharge. Repeat. Upgrade it if you want to, it's only 2000 orbs or so, but I didn't even need to.

It still took me a good 15-20 tries, but once I figured out that strategy I spoilered, it was much easier.
Played only an hour so far. Just past when you receive the bow (still really early), and already this game is blowing my mind. The graphics are just INSANE. Like really insane. The gameplay is classic God Of War, and I find myself wanting to do stuff I can do in Bayonetta, but the full package still makes this a great experience.


hide your water-based mammals
leng jai said:
Okay we know the graphics are nuts, what about the audio?
Superb. Love the output options too. Got it on DPLII, amazing.

And wht Y2Kev said about the QTE's on the borders is exactly what I was saying. It could not be any better and the past games kind of got in the way at times and made it hard to know which button to press with all the action going.

And I'm happy to see the demo area is not even 1/3 the same sequence of events that happens in the demo. So cool


~Kinggi~ said:
Finally started, played the first 40 minutes


good lord man that was the most amazing game sequence i ever did play. That shit was bonkers, it was crazy HAHA /nelson fuck you motherfuckers look what i made!!

Anyway, i am sad though as it will be all downhill from here. There is no way the perfection of the first 40 minutes will be topped in the next couple of years. People that dont own a ps3, you must buy one now.


Also, anyone know how long that Making Of Documentary is that is unlocked at the start? The game has a really shitty video playing system with no time marker.

It will be topped in the following hours over and over and over again. The beginning is nothing compared to some of the shit I have seen later and I havent even finished the game yet.


Animator said:
It will be topped in the following hours over and over and over again. The beginning is nothing compared to some of the shit I have seen later and I havent even finished the game yet.
This. I'm about 5 hours in, and I still keep getting wowed.
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