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God of War III |OT|


leng jai said:
Okay we know the graphics are nuts, what about the audio?
I'm actually finding the audio mix to be really off and poorly balanced. I had to turn up the volume on my 5.1 setup way higher than I do on every other PS3 game, and also make some drastic adjustments in the options menu. The music and speech completely overwhelm the sound effects, so I had to turn those way down (to around 30 - 40%).


y'all should be ashamed
Nafai1123 said:
Titan is starting to kick my ass :lol
Me too. Spent almost an hour at the chain part. You know the one.



Couldn't even get past the first boss after five tries on Titan difficulty! Good thing it didn't take too long to get back to the boss after I restarted on normal...loving the game now though :)

leng jai

eshwaaz said:
I'm actually finding the audio mix to be really off and poorly balanced. I had to turn up the volume on my 5.1 setup way higher than I do on every other PS3 game, and also make some drastic adjustments in the options menu. The music and speech completely overwhelm the sound effects, so I had to turn those way down (to around 30 - 40%).

God I hope you are joking. After FFXIII I don't think I can take another AAA game with a borderline crap audio mix.


Animator said:
It will be topped in the following hours over and over and over again. The beginning is nothing compared to some of the shit I have seen later and I havent even finished the game yet.
that is unpossible, sir


-DarKaoZ- said:
Yeah got him, I was using the Lion Head attacks, they are quite powerfull and I just keep hitting him and not letting him get life. Still it was a fucking pain in the ass.

Ah -- I loved sticking with the original blades for most fights because of their insane range. Switched to the other weapon you mention when I was going to be at close range anyway.

The first 30 minutes is still the chief spectacle in the game for me, bizarrely. There are plenty of amazing moments afterward, but something about the rush from that fight just works for me. And it's up there in terms of the game's main "holy shit scale is crazy" moments.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
chubigans said:
Me too. Spent almost an hour at the chain part. You know the one.


After I died there the first time I expected it to be hell, but it really isn't too bad if you don't go for the QTEs. I also keep forgettingto use Rage of Sparta.


Loser slave of the system :(
One addition I absolutely loved that wasn't in the demo was when
Helios attempts to blind Kratos with the sun
. That was an amazing touch.
Just played the game. 2 hours and 20 minutes in
I'm at Hephaestus
. Fuck the game is amazing totally worth the 3 years wait :D

When Kratos lunged to Poseidon like a spear and grabbed his body out of that elemental I was amazed !!

Like it have been said before the graphics, epic scale and art are second to none. Sony Santa Monica thank you !!

side note: It's almost as if Sony is using GOW as a Trojan horse with 4 trailers for their games and Gran Turismo 5 & Heavy Rain ads in the manual.
Y2Kev said:
Are you kidding? GoW1 and 2 flash large semi-transparent icons that obscure the center of the screen. You cannot watch the action on screen at all. This game not only displays the icons on the sides of the screen (which I think it smart), it also flashes white light on the appropriate side. You only have to look for flashing in your periphery, which is very effective anatomically because our rods see in black and white and are very sensitive to changes in light (like a flashing black and white).

Heavy Rain's QTE method would not really work in God of War 3. The camera is too zoomed out and static during QTEs.

Even if it obscured the center of the screen, I was still always looking at the center of the screen. So far in GoW3 QTE prompts were on the top, bottom, side to side, bottom right, and bottom left. I get the whole idea that you're supposed to catch it in your periphery vision, but I can't help to look at around the screen for the next prompt and miss what is happening on the screen.

and Heavy Rain QTE style could work just fine. They could even just have prompt over Kratos, not the enemy, and there wouldn't be a problem. It's not like they don't overlay prompts in the game when an enemy is in their dazed state.

This is my only real problem with the core gameplay. I didn't like that intro sequence, but it was brief and everything since then has been great. The QTEs are the only things that still bother me.

To make it clear, the QTEs aren't Bayonetta bad or that hard, they're just not what I would prefer. I don't feel like I'm able to take in the scene and I want to because GoW3 looks so good.


time to take my meds
The audio does have that unmastered/balanced feel at times. Like it it'll be low bass and low sound, and then kratos will scream loud as fuck something during a cut scene and I'm like wtf.

But other times the 7.1 audio really kicks in,
like Hades Place when bodies are dropping all around you. And the Poseidon boss fight, the sounds wrap all around you. .
(early game spoiler) Not to mention the musical score is awesome.


Linkzg said:
Even if it obscured the center of the screen, I was still always looking at the center of the screen. So far in GoW3 QTE prompts were on the top, bottom, side to side, bottom right, and bottom left. I get the whole idea that you're supposed to catch it in your periphery vision, but I can't help to look at around the screen for the next prompt and miss what is happening on the screen.

and Heavy Rain QTE style could work just fine. They could even just have prompt over Kratos, not the enemy, and there wouldn't be a problem. It's not like they don't overlay prompts in the game when an enemy is in their dazed state.
Im actually finding it a lot easier to watch the screen and actually focus on what is going on. The fact that the sides of the screen always relate to a specific button means all i gotta do is notice just a slight change and i know what button to press. Lets me focus on the action. I much prefer this to any other type of QTE stuff. Heavy rain was pretty decent, but i was still forced to focus hard on what buttons to press.
~Kinggi~ said:
Im actually finding it a lot easier to watch the screen and actually focus on what is going on. The fact that the sides of the screen always relate to a specific button means all i gotta do is notice just a slight change and i know what button to press. Lets me focus on the action. I much prefer this to any other type of QTE stuff. Heavy rain was pretty decent, but i was still forced to focus hard on what buttons to press.

I think the obvious thing I was forgetting was the size of your TV and how far you sit away from it. I sit close to my TV, so that may be throwing it off.


Spasm said:
It's been kicking my ass for 3 hours, and I'm still in Hades.

There were a couple times when I was thinking
and wanted to switch difficulty, but then I thought to myself "I'm fucking KRATOS, I ain't no bitch."


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Just fought Hades. I found him pretty easy (sounds weird after having so much trouble with Poseidon for no good reason).

Hades was a fantastic boss, though.

Double D

thetrin said:
Just fought Hades. I found him pretty easy (sounds weird after having so much trouble with Poseidon for no good reason).

Hades was a fantastic boss, though.

He's kicking my ass. I can get past the first part no problem, but I can't get past the second part. Help a brother out
So I guess everyone stopped using spoiler tags and this is the spoiler thread now? I don't feel like coming in here till I beat the game. Happy gaming.
Just beat Hades on Titan. Jesus was that difficult, but it was very well worth it.

This is my first God of War game (I played GoWII for about 45 minutes and kept dying at the first boss so I gave up), and I'm absolutely loving it. The epicness of the game is incredible.


Just killed
. I was laughing my ass off when I started to
turn his face into a bloody mush.
And nice touch getting
Kevin Sorbo to do his voice
Can someone tell me how
to get past the initial platforming in Hades?
It's driving me crazy cuz I can't move the camera to see where I'm supposed to jump. Yes, I know I'm weaksauce.

leng jai

Bad_Boy said:
The audio does have that unmastered/balanced feel at times. Like it it'll be low bass and low sound, and then kratos will scream loud as fuck something during a cut scene and I'm like wtf.

But other times the 7.1 audio really kicks in,
like Hades Place when bodies are dropping all around you. And the Poseidon boss fight, the sounds wrap all around you. .
(early game spoiler) Not to mention the musical score is awesome.

I'll have to see (hear) for myself tomorrow. This may seem petty to others but a lacklustre audio mix is one of my pet peeves in games, especially ones with "amazing" graphics.


Over the weekend I played through and beat God of War, then tonight I finished up God of War II, only to pop in God of War III. Just made it to Hades.


I know it has been said a thousand times, but the sheer scale, art, and everything make this so good and I just arrived in hades.
Wow, just wow.


holy shit the combat in this game is so much more improved/flexible! I'm just past the past where you
beat hermes pussy bitch ass and snatch his kicks
. I've been doing A LOT of experimenting with the combat and I've come up with a lot of stuff only using the first two weapons you receive. Percentage wise though, I'm not sure how far I'm into the game. I played this for like 4 hours straight today.

The Poseidon fight was epic as expected (shit popping out of everywhere and camera's panning in and out/switching views) and the Hades fight was awesome!

I love the sound effects

I love how smooth the combat is

The visuals are really great, but I seem to just be ignoring that aspect because I'm more about the fun brutal gameplay. I know it looks great, but that "omg this is amazing" effect
has worn off. That effect comes back when I other games in comparison to GoW III.

The voice acting is pretty solid and there is indeed a heavy focus on the story.

The pacing so far is excellent as you never feel like you're in one area too long and epic moments are blended in with the puzzles and regular combat moments nicely.

Lastly, I haven't seen any sex mini game yet. Did I accidently pass it some point or is it still coming sometime later? Lemme know.
AgentWhiskersX said:
One addition I absolutely loved that wasn't in the demo was when
Helios attempts to blind Kratos with the sun
. That was an amazing touch.
yeah it was, awesome lighting. wish I could screencap that moment.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Stayed awake the whole night for this game! 3 more hours and I'll be able to grab my ULTIMATE TRILOGY FUCKING EDITION!

Expensive? Yes, but it's God of War. Come on!



reKon said:
Lastly, I haven't seen any sex mini game yet. Did I accidently pass it some point or is it still coming sometime later? Lemme know.
You'll hit it eventually, you have to pass that area to continue in the game. It's pretty funny too :lol


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
templeusox said:
Just beat it.
Impressions? Have you played the previous GoWs? How does it hold up?


I'd be in the dick
Finished it in two sittings. Haven't done that with a non-FPS game in years. Game clock said about 12.5 hours but it was probably closer to 14 or so including restarts. Absolutely incredible game from beginning to end. I liked the other GoW games but this one is easily one of my favorite games ever. Nearly every part of it left a lasting impression on me.

The last few hours were not a direction I was expecting the series to take. The first half, while awesome, really played up the angry, over the top, and uncaring side of Kratos as I expected. While that was still present throughout the rest of the game I really liked how naturally Kratos was humanized a bit, especially toward the end. His interactions with Pandora were really interesting, it was nice to see Kratos really care about someone for once. I also loved how the Heart of Gaia had the scribbles from Zeus' childhood in it. A fitting place for the final battle. The whole stylized section and the first person fight with Zeus really impressed me and Kratos' suicide caught me entirely off guard. It was a ballsy ending for sure, but I thought it was fantastic.

Can't wait to jump back in and try out some of the challenge rooms and watch the Making Of.
Yoshichan said:
Impressions? Have you played the previous GoWs? How does it hold up?
Amazing. Still taking it in. I don't like to give thoughts shortly after I do something, because I end up sounding like dognezaka.


Cronos fight was pretty epic, I just wished it was longer. But I guess they couldn't really do much more than what they did, since fighting him like normal things isn't really possible, with him being such a big fucker and all.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
templeusox said:
Amazing. Still taking it in. I don't like to give thoughts shortly after I do something, because I end up sounding like dognezaka.
I completely understand, same with me :lol Give us your impressions when you feel ready!


RoboPlato said:
Finished it in two sittings. Haven't done that with a non-FPS game in years. Game clock said about 12.5 hours but it was probably closer to 14 or so including restarts. Absolutely incredible game from beginning to end. I liked the other GoW games but this one is easily one of my favorite games ever. Nearly every part of it left a lasting impression on me.

The last few hours were not a direction I was expecting the series to take. The first half, while awesome, really played up the angry, over the top, and uncaring side of Kratos as I expected. While that was still present throughout the rest of the game I really liked how naturally Kratos was humanized a bit, especially toward the end. His interactions with Pandora were really interesting, it was nice to see Kratos really care about someone for once. I also loved how the Heart of Gaia had the scribbles from Zeus' childhood in it. A fitting place for the final battle. The whole stylized section and the first person fight with Zeus really impressed me and Kratos' suicide caught me entirely off guard. It was a ballsy ending for sure, but I thought it was fantastic.

Can't wait to jump back in and try out some of the challenge rooms and watch the Making Of.

Dude, check "The Making of GOW3", is long and is fucking awesome. It starts off after they finish GOW2, so you know the controversial thing that happen.


FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU WOW GAF was not kidding about how amazing this game plays and looks!! GOTY contender for sure! How the fuck they do these things on PS3??? played on my hometheater and my couch was fucking shaking with the awesome DTS sound effects. Amazing!!!

Now for the bad part .... FUCK#@$#@$#@$@ my game hangs around gaia's heart where you have to press R1 to catch a shiny thing and go outside. I see the loading sign keep on revolving but nothing happens. Screen is frozen and I can still hear sfx but nothing happens. Has happened to me twice on the same exact spot. Has any one seen this problem??? WTF !!!!!!! I want to play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :((


Normally I would hate watching people play game, but I wouldn't mind sitting back, relax and watch somebody play God of War III while I admire the work Sony Monica have done. :D


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I'm fucking so sick and tired of the half circle QTEs not registering for me. This shit is starting to really piss me off.


I'd be in the dick
thetrin said:
I'm fucking so sick and tired of the half circle QTEs not registering for me. This shit is starting to really piss me off.
I had trouble with them too. It was most noticeable during the finisher on
. Thankfully the ones later on that were more important to hit registered fine.
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