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God of War III |OT|


I wanna play but I don't wanna finish it so soon. Played like 5 hours yesterday. Wish they didn't make these games so short. Ugh.

The Chef

Fimbulvetr said:
Nope sorry, I misread you. All is right with the world.

Ha no problem. I just got to the where the demo begins.
I was not expecting the whole switch-up with Gaia. Thats so bad ass that SM threw us off.

SolidEyeSystem said:
Holy shit.

I had a smile on my face throughout almost the entire game. I really wasn't prepared for the game to be this damn satisfying.

No kidding. I am getting my ass absolutely handed to me on Hard but everytime I hit "Restart from last checkpoint" I still have a stupid grin on my face. I don't know how they do that.


Animator said:
I am at that spot right now and share your sentiment. I am about to break the damn controller after doing a near perfect run in phase 1 and missing both gorgon flashes afterwards. I am quite sure the game is impossible to beat in chaos mode because of this battle alone. Fuck the stupid game designer who made this battle. hope he gets fired.


Here, this is the way I did it with keeping over half of my health and not using any Rage of Sparta
Stage 1: All Three Heads-
Use the Cestus (fully upgraded if possible) to attack the Cerberus. Always be dodging and attacking from behind on its tail. Make sure you are always dodging or the little vermin children of his will catch up to you and explode on you. Pummel on his back end with the Cestus, and if you dodge carefully enough constantly, you should be able to get the Circle prompt to come up with hardly any of your health taken away.

Step 2: Two Heads Left-
Select the Gorgon Flash in your souls inventory, and quickly switch to the Claws of Hades, because one of those pole-dancing acrobat swordsmen will spawn. They are almost impossible to take down with that Cerberus running about, spewing his death children, so the only way I found able to kill him was to Gorgon Flash him and destroy him as a statue quickly. If you do that, you can focus on the Cerberus once again, following the same strategy as Step 1. Switch back to Cestus and pummel the Cerberus. Hopefully, you still have at least half your health by the time the second Circle prompt appears.

Step 3: Only One Head Left-
This is where it gets very tricky, and where luck and careful positioning played in quite carefully. I wasn't even intending on this to happen, but it worked out perfectly and I wasn't sure why I didn't think of it before.

You only have enough magic for one more Gorgon Flash, yet there are two new pole-dancing acrobat swordsmen that have spawned while the one-headed Cerberus flounders about. Well, like I said, it's nearly impossible to kill them. So you have to Gorgon Flash them. But you only have enough for one!

Well out of dumb luck, I used mine when they were both very close to each other. They both got frozen by the Gorgon Flash and I smashed them both in one hit.

Now all you need to do is focus on the Cerberus with the Cestus again for one last home stretch. Keep dodging carefully and attacking from behind. You don't want to die here after all the hard work you just had. Use Rage of Sparta if you absolutely must. One more Circle prompt, and the battle is over


DiddyBop said:
any tips for the fucking
boss fight?!

I played on Hard Mode and this is what I did
Use your Hermes Dash like CRAZY. From the moment the fight begins, Hermes dash to the right, knocking all of the soldiers in the air. Equip the Claws of Hades (hopefully they're well-upgraded) and use your L1+Triangle or Triangle attack in the air until you land safely on the ground. Then use L1+Triangle on the ground to clear out all the common soldiers. If Hercules is getting too close to you, jetboot in a different direction, rocket up into the air, and take out his soldiers from the sky with Triangle or L1+Triangle again. You have to repeat this very carefully, making sure not to get much health taken off.

Once Hercules rams into you and button prompts appear, complete them and ram him into the spiked vines. You will have to repeat this process twice before Hercules is bare and naked to fight you without his armor. Continue to carefully jetboot away and attack from the sky.

When he's bare before you, his minions will no longer spawn and it will just be you and him. At this point, just use your square-square-triangle or triangle-triangle-triangle with the Claws to take him down fairly quickly, keeping your distance. The wonderful thing about the Claws is their power at keeping distance from enemies.

After this, there's a cinematic sequence and some button prompts, and the fight's pretty much won


Animator said:
I am at that spot right now and share your sentiment. I am about to break the damn controller after doing a near perfect run in phase 1 and missing both gorgon flashes afterwards. I am quite sure the game is impossible to beat in chaos mode because of this battle alone. Fuck the stupid game designer who made this battle. hope he gets fired.

My strategy for that part on Hard... as posted earlier.

Form 1 (Cerebus + firehounds) - It's easy... you should be able to get by w/o getting hit. I used a triangle x 2 into a HOLD square combo frequently, and rolled back/air dashed when he used the air fireball attack, and parried/rolled when he moved around and swiped at me. Just hit him with whatever strong combos you have that aren't too time consuming, so you have time to get out of the way. Kick the hounds at him if they bother you. DON'T use magic. Use the chains. Be patient here.

Form 2 (Cerebus + 1 Satyr) - Jump and do some good triangle combos in air, get some quick hits on the Cerebus... when the Satyr gets near, use magic to hit the cerebus and him (which juggles him and pushes him away), and get in some quick combos, and repeat. It's really easy to out-manuever the Satyr, just dash to the opposite side of the cerebus and he'll sometimes hang back. If the cerebus leaves you alone for a few seconds, you can circle grab the Satyr and beat on him, but the damn hounds sometime interrupt it. The use of the phallanx magic and a few cheap hits should take him out as you beat on the cerebus. Save at least 2 more shots of magic for form 3.

Form 3 (Cerebus + 2 Satyrs) - Same thing, get a strong combo in right away then unleash the magic when the Satyrs close in (jumping in close and doing it in the air helps), another strong combo, magic again, and a few more hits should give you the final QTE prompt. If you're out of magic, do the triangle air combos when they get in too close, with or w/o L1. Be aggressive here.

And seriously you DON'T have to kill
the Satyrs (pole dancers)
, just mostly avoid them and focus on the

Lemme know if anyone gets stuck on the Challenge of the Gods stuff. VERY fun, and a little less frustrating after Titan, hah.
oh for fuck's sake, can someone please direct me to an UK online shop (which also ships to Europe) selling this:

don't want to buy the german version and I only managed to find a website selling the Australian version which is even more expensive.
Now I should mention I never ever look at game manuals these days because of the prevalence of in-game tutorials but I wanted to see if there would be any interesting story notes or artwork in the game manual. Instead what I found was 5 pages of barebones gameplay directions and 4 pages worth of ads including Kratos's hand holding a red dualshock controller :)lol ), Bradygames strategy guide (with hidden treasures from Olympus itself!), Heavy Rain, GT5, and a few others. The glory days of game manuals are as dead as the Gods of Olympus ::anger::
SolidusDave said:
oh for fuck's sake, can someone please direct me to an UK online shop (which also ships to Europe) selling this:

don't want to buy the german version and I only managed to find a website selling the Australian version which is even more expensive.

I'd prefer that over my Ultimate Edition....


What the heck? There's a limit to the saved games.

I just hit it... and no it's not my harddrive space. I got like 100gigs left.

I count 32 saved games.
About Helios...

I just finished ripping his head off and IMO this "God" is so fucking weak. I thought I would actually get to fight him at his full power, but he was already weakened by the Titan. Anyone else think that's pretty lame? I wanted all my (God) boss fights to be like Poseidon and Hades (when they are the stongest, in their full God form). Don't you guys think Sony Santa Monica could have done a much better job with him?

This is probably my only (small) complaint so far. Everything else is awesome.
IronFistedChampion said:
About Helios...

I just finished ripping his head off and IMO this "God" is so fucking weak. I thought I would actually get to fight him at his full power, but he was already weakened by the Titan. Anyone else think that's pretty lame? I wanted all my (God) boss fights to be like Poseidon and Hades (when they are the stongest, in their full God form). Don't you guys think Sony Santa Monica could have done a much better job with him?

What part of ripping someone's head off with your bare hands could have been done better?


Santa May Claus
JWong said:
What the heck? There's a limit to the saved games.

I just hit it... and no it's not my harddrive space. I got like 100gigs left.

I count 32 saved games.

Just curious, why would you need 32 saved games?
NinjaCodah said:
What part of ripping someone's head off with your bare hands could have been done better?
If you read my post over again, you would realize I wasn't referring to Kratos, but I was instead referring to SSM doing a better job at showing the prowess of Helios. He looks fucking weak.


I didn't read my own avatar and now everyone knows I'm not too bright. :(
finally got passed the trial of hades part. but what the hell do you do after that? im behind the 3 statues and theres a ledge where you can see a chest across on the other side.

but you can't glide to it or get close enough to grab the edge.



JWong said:
Because I made a new save every time I hit a save point?

There's about a save slot for every save point. But you hit certain save points twice, so yeah, you'll hit the limit then.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
JWong said:
Because I made a new save every time I hit a save point?
You don't even really need one save point as the game autosaves as you just walk through those light beams. The manual saves here are only really worth it if you want to be able to jump back to memorable places and such.
IronFistedChampion said:
If you read my post over again, you would realize I wasn't referring to Kratos, but I was instead referring to SSM doing a better job at showing the prowess of Helios. He looks fucking weak.

That's because he is weak. And Kratos is a fucking badass. You should really finish the game before questioning what the devteam did or didn't do.


This game is on another level, seriously. Had to give my eyes a break after the first 40 minutes. In
Realm of Hades
right now.

I picked up my copy at Gamecrazy. There were only 3 left, guy there said they sold 60 copies.

The Chef

I swear this damn Centaur is giving me more problems than any of the bosses so far.
The half circle motion with the left joystick doesn't seem to register half the time for his counter either.
IronFistedChampion said:
About Helios...

I just finished ripping his head off and IMO this "God" is so fucking weak. I thought I would actually get to fight him at his full power, but he was already weakened by the Titan. Anyone else think that's pretty lame? I wanted all my (God) boss fights to be like Poseidon and Hades (when they are the stongest, in their full God form). Don't you guys think Sony Santa Monica could have done a much better job with him?

This is probably my only (small) complaint so far. Everything else is awesome.

Well Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus are the top 3 mainstream gods. Making the other Olympians as strong/stronger than them would feel weird.


I jut played an hour. What did I just witness? My mind has never been blown so hard by a video game before. (Maybe, GTA III, dunno).


I'd be in the dick
Deepack said:
I jut played an hour. What did I just witness? My mind has never been blown so hard by a video game before. (Maybe, GTA III, dunno).
I had that same reaction when I started. Trust me, it'll happen again more than once throughout the rest.
The only problem that I have is that they made us spend too much time in a certain important area.

Other then that, the bosses are all awesome and this game never fails to impress.


JWong said:
What the heck? There's a limit to the saved games.

I just hit it... and no it's not my harddrive space. I got like 100gigs left.

I count 32 saved games.

Same here. Ugh :(

Also I'm short ONE GORGON EYE until full health and I just reached the final boss stages. FUCK

I know which one it is too, it's from the beginning where there was a fork in my climbing path, and I picked one, planning to go to the other after seeing what was there, but it triggered a set path and I couldn't go back >:l

NinjaCodah said:
What part of ripping someone's head off with your bare hands could have been done better?

Actually getting to fight the God of the Sun and THEN rip his head off? What part about that don't you understand?


Fimbulvetr said:
Well Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus are the top 3 mainstream gods. Making the other Olympians as strong/stronger than them would feel weird.

A real boss fight is not too much to ask.
Even Hercules, the stupid bastard demigod child of Zeus got a fun and tough boss fight. It wouldn't have been difficult to do something like that for Helios, especially with the whole light gameplay mechanic. I even expected something more interesting from Hermes than just platforming :l but oh well. It wasn't even like a race...I could take my time if I wanted to. At least cutting off his legs was awesome

This is the only game where we get to murder Greek Gods in a brutal fashion, so obviously we would want the best boss fights possible.

Also, I really enjoyed
snapping Hera's neck and shutting that drunk bitch up.
KnightM7 said:
Guys quick question
I just beat hades and Im about to leave the underworld. Was I suppose to help heph find persephone before I leave through the portal?

Spoilers for the PSP God of War Chains of olympus
You actually kill persephone in that game. She's the queen of the underworld and wanted to punish the gods for letting her rot in Hades

Spoilers for the GOW 3 game
It's actually Pandora your looking for


Why is Kratos such a moron.

voice actor in GoW3 sucks. :(

(General observations about GoW3 so far)
The entire world is falling apart from killing the gods, just as Athena said. Yet he continues his stupid quest for vengeance. What's he going to do after he kills Zeus and the world turns into a primordial ooze? He'll die alone, but at least he'll have his vengeance? :l

Also I still don't understand the psychology behind Athena in GoW3 suddenly going "I thought about it, and you're right, let's kill Zeus." after she was so adamant about wanting to protect him.

The Chef

I just ripped
Helio's head
off and my lord I just cant believe the spectacle of this game. Holding your arm
in front of you to get to him made that encounter even more personal than it was in the demo.

I am so damn impressed with this game. I mean its God of War I should have expected epic but this is just ridiculous.


After finishing God of War 2, I posted on various forums my silly(yet still awesome) request of having
Kevin Sorbo to voice Hercules

.. I can't believe it actually happened. :lol


This is the first game in quite some time that has given me the dreaded "sweat hands". I think I need an air flow controller or something! :lol


Leatherface said:
This is the first game in quite some time that has given me the dreaded "sweat hands". I think I need an air flow controller or something! :lol

I thought I was the only one... :lol I'm just in awe of everything this game presents.
Hmmm...kinda underwhelmed by
fight in terms of challenge. He went down pretty fast. Nonetheless, that fight was graphical art. Love the
tug of war
part :lol .
I don't wanna end up beating the game with a gorgon eye or phoenix feather short :( I dont wanna follow guides and shit either...but something tells me 3 gorgon eyes instead of 6 means they're much harder to find.


Don't have a PS3.. but thankfully my brother does, gonna go over friday(rent it) and play the crap out of it.

hopefully I can beat it in 1 day. lol
Just came in today and I played it for a while in Hard mode and I keep getting my ass kicked by the Leviathan :lol

Damn, looks so fucking good. I wish I didn't give my HDTV to my brother :| It's a pain playing this on a regular tv..
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