if your neighbor's house is on fire, you don't haggle over the price of your garden hose.
if your neighbor's house is on fire, you don't haggle over the price of your garden hose.
if your neighbor's house is on fire, you don't haggle over the price of your garden hose.
This is more like the house is already burnt down and now the neighbor is asking you to pay to rebuild it for him.
You're going to haggle over that.
This is more like the house is already burnt down and now the neighbor is asking you to pay to rebuild it for him.
You're going to haggle over that.
I am with you on the first point, however, for as long as Greece remains a democratic country, such action would only damage any government who implemented such measures.The green parts.
This is more like the house is already burnt down and now the neighbor is asking you to pay to rebuild it for him.
You're going to haggle over that.
Sounds like Varoufakis was never interested in negotiating any deal. Listen to what he said in 2013: https://youtu.be/MEUWxNifJJ8?t=43m30s
He is basically saying that Greece should default and thus give the Eurozone an ultimatum (well...): We are defaulting and we are not leaving the Euro. "All hell would break loose." And now either the European Union has to bailout Greece or the Euro will die, and then we can still go back to the Drachme.
So unless he changed his mind, suddenly confronting the Eurozone and letting Greece default has always been their goal. In that case, all these negotiations would have been smoke screens.
no, i think mine is way lousier
The enmity this is causing between Greece and Germany is insane.
Everyone in Europe wants to be in one united country called Europe but they don't seem to understand just what it takes.
But the EU got the Nobel prize for peace : (.The enmity this is causing between Greece and Germany is insane.
Everyone in Europe wants to be in one united country called Europe but they don't seem to understand just what it takes.
Efkouts: #EU source says that president @JunckerEU sent a last hour offer to the Greek gov. #Greece #Greferendum
Efkouts: Last #juncker prop: if @atsipras campaigns for YES for last proposal, then #Eurogroup, commitment for debt measures Oct 2015 #Greferendum
https://twitter.com/efkouts/Efkouts: Last @JunckerEU proposal already rejected by the gov acc to Greek gov sources. "We go for No" is the msg. #Greferendum
No they do not.
Greek people are asking themselves the same thing this very moment.Then what's the fucking point?
Everyone in Europe wants to be in one united country called Europe but they don't seem to understand just what it takes.
It is a distant dream, but one European nations will have to accept if they want to remain relevant on a global scale.Hell no. That is what the ridiculous politicians want us to believe but down on the ground, no way. If you ask anyone in my country (UK) whether they want to be in one country called Europe I'd think the 'fuck no' response would be in the high 90%s.
It is a distant dream, but one European nations will have to accept if they want to remain relevant on a global scale.
The enmity this is causing between Greece and Germany is insane.
It is a distant dream, but one European nations will have to accept if they want to remain relevant on a global scale.
Yes, I still live and I've been a little shit.We must not exaggerate that. It's not like any Greek would have to fear for his health or life here. Many Germans are generally supportive. The current government has rustled a lot of jimmies with their aggressive rhetoric and blame shifting.
Have fun trying to learn Chinese I guess!Sounds like a total nightmare.
It is a distant dream, but one European nations will have to accept if they want to remain relevant on a global scale.
It is a distant dream, but one European nations will have to accept if they want to remain relevant on a global scale.
Then what's the fucking point?
About as distant (and desirable) as a One World Government,thank fuck!
A free trade bloc that can align and co-operate, occasionally, for global political purposes is all that's needed for Europe, everything else can go take short jump off a tall cliff.
From all of the reading I've done on the subject in the last 24 hours I haven't seen any real indication of how the Greeks are likely to vote on the referendum. Do we have no idea/polling whatsover?
It is a distant dream, but one European nations will have to accept if they want to remain relevant on a global scale.
The closest thing we have was a poll of sentiment towards remaining with, or leaving the Euro which was published a day or two before the referendum announcement.
It had support for staying in the Euro at 57%, however that was before the whole referendum shitstorm started and the campaigning began, so how relevant that poll is now is anyone's guess.
Why? People always just say that as if it requires no explanation. There have always been huge empires and smaller nations and often empires crumbled whereas smaller nations were responsible for notable advances, such as in trade.
Essentially, it becomes very difficult to provide the same protections to your home markets as you could before the current globalised economy. Uniting is just one way of adapting to modern realities. Simply put the rules of the game have changed significantly.In previous eras, such things were possible because locomotion and the exchange of information were far more controlled affairs. Nowadays it is considered that if you can do something new or exceptionally well... why in blazes would you do that in, say, the French Guiana? Fuck that, take a plane and go somewhere with better growth prospects.
In the case of the EU this is an even harsher prospect, since why should you stay in, say, Bulgaria working for a pittance with far lower quality of life when you can just hop on a train and go to a country that's far better off? If you can move, you *will* move.
Thus, brain drain and similar problems. If all else fails, power players can just buy whatever made you good.
It's a very complex problem.
OK. I will admit this made me laugh pretty hard.I think the need for a person to be in a giant super-state to have a great life is a) a historic relic if it were ever true and b) even were it true, certainly a declining truth now. The nature of technology and business and the manner in which we conduct it (ie more frequently electronically and across borders with hardly a consideration for it) means that being in France or Germany or Belgium or Ireland specifically is less important than it used to be. In that sense, the EU is useful as a trading bloc but not as some giant Wielder Of The Continental Dick in the world stage. Why the fuck would anyone want Juncker waggling his dick about anyway? Put it back in your swimmies, son, and get your arse to Rhodes on holiday - help the Greeks out.
I think the need for a person to be in a giant super-state to have a great life is a) a historic relic if it were ever true and b) even were it true, certainly a declining truth now. The nature of technology and business and the manner in which we conduct it (ie more frequently electronically and across borders with hardly a consideration for it) means that being in France or Germany or Belgium or Ireland specifically is less important than it used to be. In that sense, the EU is useful as a trading bloc but not as some giant Wielder Of The Continental Dick in the world stage. Why the fuck would anyone want Juncker waggling his dick about anyway? Put it back in your swimmies, son, and get your arse to Rhodes on holiday - help the Greeks out.
In previous eras, such things were possible because locomotion and the exchange of information were far more controlled affairs. Nowadays it is considered that if you can do something new or exceptionally well... why in blazes would you do that in, say, the French Guiana? Fuck that, take a plane and go somewhere with better growth prospects.
In the case of the EU this is an even harsher prospect, since why should you stay in, say, Bulgaria working for a pittance with far lower quality of life when you can just hop on a train and go to a country that's far better off? If you can move, you *will* move.
Thus, brain drain and similar problems. If all else fails, power players can just buy whatever made you good.
It's a very complex problem.
I can see how a country with a large population speaking the same language, using the same currency and under the same legal system provides a lovely market in which companies can grow, but on the other hand it seems to me that the diversity of cultures, legal systems, policies and so on, you find in a collection of small countries could provide opportunities for companies etc. that wouldn't survive, be popular or be allowed in a single large country. It's like a testing ground for ideas.
That dynamic changes entirely when you start dealing with less developed (or flat-out exploited) countries, fwiw.
You really think that? I think there are more European people who want to succeed from their current country (Scots, Catalans, Basqs, Flemish, etc.) than people who want to live in a United States of Europe.Everyone in Europe wants to be in one united country called Europe
Well, there is *some* data to back that up, but... if you're tiny, unless you're in europe or an asian tiger, seems you'd be SoL.
There are quite a lot of Europeans and Asian tiger people, though. And to be fair you would have to collate the patent grants of several small nations and compare that to those of a big nation with a similar total population, or indeed look at the per capita list, on which both very big and very small countries seem to do quite well.
I think the need for a person to be in a giant super-state to have a great life is a) a historic relic if it were ever true and b) even were it true, certainly a declining truth now. The nature of technology and business and the manner in which we conduct it (ie more frequently electronically and across borders with hardly a consideration for it) means that being in France or Germany or Belgium or Ireland specifically is less important than it used to be. In that sense, the EU is useful as a trading bloc but not as some giant Wielder Of The Continental Dick in the world stage. Why the fuck would anyone want Juncker waggling his dick about anyway? Put it back in your swimmies, son, and get your arse to Rhodes on holiday - help the Greeks out.
Then what's the fucking point?
This is only true for people using the Euro. Which England is not.
Pish posh, there's Golden Dawn aaand the communists! Ample choice!
Not quite... this is how deep the rabbit hole goes and how twisted and sick this whole deal is. They (EU) already have a "chosen" yes man/strawman to replace Syriza since PASOK and ND are dead in the water: