3.5% primary surplus? Schauble is a fool.
He's not, but whoever trust him is. The whole plan falls apart from that number onwards.
3.5% primary surplus? Schauble is a fool.
You still haven't addressed the humiliation part. I wonder why.
It won't be Greece's fault if Europe is destroyed for the 3rd time in the last 100 years...
Why does this thread read as if Germany is all to blame for this and they are the big, bad bully?
So Finland saw the 3,5% and all of a sudden it's totes cool with a third bailout?
And Greece went like "more austerity, k cool?"
So Finland saw the 3,5% and all of a sudden it's totes cool with a third bailout?
And Greece went like "more austerity, k cool?"
Wait, did the EuroGroup just ask the Greek government to find ways to weasel out of upholding their own country's Constitutional Court ruling?carry out ambitious pension reforms and specific policies to fully compensate for the fiscal impact of the Constitutional Court ruling on the 2012 pension reform and to implement the zero deficit clause;
So Finland saw the 3,5% and all of a sudden it's totes cool with a third bailout?
And Greece went like "more austerity, k cool?"
Shouldn't the Greece parlament vote this new draw?
That would be fun to see.
He's not, but whoever trust him is. The whole plan falls apart from that number onwards.
That's the deal that was being discussed earlier, which Finland apparently wasn't very cool on. Not that Finland matters given how low their capital contribution is.
Crazy fucking rich, if the privatisation of the electricity transmission network goes through. That's a complete monopoly, since wide area electrical networks are immensely expensive to set up from scratch.The plan is irrelevant, i honestly don't think they care. Privatisation is the key. Some people are about to get rich. Well, richer.
Fascinating to read a German's take on it. You're incredibly wrong, this reads like fanaticism (and xenophobia). Really gives insight to the kind of drivel your context feeds you.
Finland has an internal problem in that the third government party, the populist True Finns, has said that a yes vote for any bailout means they're pulling out of the government.
Getting in bed with nationalist populists rarely produces good outcomes.Finland has an internal problem in that the third government party, the populist True Finns, has said that a yes vote for any bailout means they're pulling out of the government.
Seriously, the hyperbole and the comparisons to WW1/WW2 are getting ridiculous.
If evil Germany really wanted to fuck up its European partners, they could have just bailed out their own banks and ignore everything else. (No, not all the money was spend to bailout Germany's own banks. For instance, at least a third of that money was spent to refinance Greek banks, allowing the Greek people to continue to withdraw money. That's not unimportant as we have learned over the past days.) Greece would then have gone through some real austerity when left alone with no access to the capital markets.
Instead, German politicians have taken significant political damage to help the Eurozone. The majority of the German public, like every other public in any other nation, doesn't follow such issues in detail. All they take from this is "lulz, we are spending hundreds of billions of tax payer monies, and Greece still wantz moar." The only reason to act for years in a row against the mob is because you actually believe in the European project. Especially because of Germany's history.
Blame those who thought that harsh austerity would have helped everyone for being incorrect, if that's your verdict, but not for being evil, especially after Greece's governments and administrations didn't do a stellar job over the last five years.
Portugal, Spain and Ireland are all on the road to recovery or are doing better than they were back in 2008. Why can't the Greek get with the program? The rest of the EU cannot continue to put money in an abyss.
So no decision today. The definition of the words "final" and "deadline" really have lost all their meaning. Guess this all will go on at as long as the ECB is keeping the banks alive. The 20th likely doesn't matter too much, too.
Seriously, the hyperbole and the comparisons to WW1/WW2 are getting ridiculous.
If evil Germany really wanted to fuck up its European partners, they could have just bailed out their own banks and ignore everything else. (No, not all the money was spend to bailout Germany's own banks. For instance, at least a third of that money was spent to refinance Greek banks, allowing the Greek people to continue to withdraw money. That's not unimportant as we have learned over the past days.) Greece would then have gone through some real austerity when left alone with no access to the capital markets.
Instead, German politicians have taken significant political damage to help the Eurozone. The majority of the German public, like every other public in any other nation, doesn't follow such issues in detail. All they take from this is "lulz, we are spending hundreds of billions of tax payer monies, and Greece still wantz moar." The only reason to act for years in a row against the mob is because you actually believe in the European project. Especially because of Germany's history.
Blame those who thought that harsh austerity would have helped everyone for being incorrect, if that's your verdict, but not for being evil, especially after Greece's governments and administrations didn't do a stellar job over the last five years.
Getting in bed with nationalist populists rarely produces good outcomes.
How very typical. Provide the howling monkey gallery, but when asked to show their worth they slither out because reasons.The funny part is that they refused the finance minister post, so in this crisis they basically only exist to shit things up in reaction.
A permanent Grexit. Why the hell Greece needs the EU when they have plenty of oil/gas reserves in the Aegean sea?heh so if my business partner cannot be trusted and yet comes up every time with new plans for improvement just to exhort money out of me but has no intentions of implementing said improvements, clearly what should my answer be?
No, you didn't. You also tend to "forget" what happened in 1953. Germany has no right to lecture anyone (not just Greece) about debt. Especially when their economics "knowledge" seems to be religion-driven. I'd rather trust Americans when it comes to economics.I addressed the humilation part just fine.
I'd say that Schäuble's proposals are nonsensical, but you seem to be a Schäuble fanboy. You also don't like to discuss the Siemens bribery scandal.So your history repeat nonsense is nonesense.
At some point when reality is looking you in the face and you don't care about the harm to the people and keep pushing even harsher for the point of punishment it is less about "I didn't know" and yes evil does enter into play. Especially when to justify fucking over Greeks you use racist propaganda full of lies.
this propaganda is madness, Greece don't retire at that age
The current crop of German politicians (this also includes Schroeder's coterie from the early 00's) would barely qualify to shine Adenauer's shoes.The thing is, the damage they're taking is a trap of their own devising. They have had literally a decade to say "hey look, one of the reasons we have a massive export and industrial sector compared to most other developed economies is because our currency is cheaper than it should be, and it's cheaper because countries like Greece drag it down. Your job working in the Mittelstand? You owe that to Spain. We benefit hugely from this, guys!".
Instead, they've spent the last decade, and especially the last five years, pretending to be put upon and blaming the European union for domestic failings (they're not alone in this, it happens in e.g., the United Kingdom too and it infuriates me). Obviously they're not evil, and the World War II comparisons are just annoying as fuck, but Germany's politicians have proved themselves utterly incompetent at a pretty basic level.
Now common sense must prevail and an agreement must be reached. Italy does not want Greece to exit the euro and to Germany I say: enough is enough.
Now that Tsipras has made proposals in line with the European demands, we must absolutely sign a deal. Humiliating a European partner after Greece has given up on just about everything is unthinkable.
Their Finnish name is more like normal/traditional Finns and their English name was changed a while ago to Finns Party.If a party called "True Germans" became part of the government I'd leave Germany immediately.
Germany has no right to lecture anyone (not just Greece) about debt. Especially when their economics "knowledge" seems to be religion-driven. I'd rather trust Americans when it comes to economics.
What are you even talking about?
"Debts are immoral". This isn't a good foundation for basing economics discourse on.Uhhh....what? Care to explain that?
The current crop of German politicians (this also includes Schroeder's coterie from the early 00's) would barely qualify to shine Adenauer's shoes.
Dude they did that from the start. Many proposals are unconstitutional. And the government held coups to pass the passing 150 laws at a time without debate.Wait, did the EuroGroup just ask the Greek government to find ways to weasel out of upholding their own country's Constitutional Court ruling?
Basically giving them the entire Balkan infrastructure on a platter.Crazy fucking rich, if the privatisation of the electricity transmission network goes through. That's a complete monopoly, since wide area electrical networks are immensely expensive to set up from scratch.
That demand alone should make this charitably-called 'offer' unacceptable.
"Debts are immoral". This isn't a good foundation for basing economics discourse on.
Conservative politicians tend to forget conservatism should not strive to become house_on_fire_dog.png.The issue with Merkel is her political philosophy of just coasting along with as little change and drama as possible, keeping everything as it is until something forces you to act. Not just in this issue, that's her general strategy for domestic issues as well. Her party is conservative after all...
Uhhh....what? Care to explain that?
A permanent Grexit. Why the hell Greece needs the EU when they have plenty of oil/gas reserves in the Aegean sea?
Why Norway hasn't joined the EU yet? (nobody has answered this question)
Greece getting another 100 billion loan and kicking the GDP/debt ratio up to 200% is absurd.
No, you didn't. You also tend to "forget" what happened in 1953. Germany has no right to lecture anyone (not just Greece) about debt. Especially when their economics "knowledge" seems to be religion-driven. I'd rather trust Americans when it comes to economics.
I'd say that Schäuble's proposals are nonsensical, but you seem to be a Schäuble fanboy. You also don't like to discuss the Siemens bribery scandal.
This neoliberal nonsense will end once and for all.
Southerners aren't going to endure more austerity/unemployment. It's the Northerners that'll have to suck it up and accept a transfer union (along with a political/fiscal union) or else this entire EU circus will end prematurely.
Our debt keep on raising the deficit keep raising, unemployment raised in the last months
You should really check portugal last numbers.
Basically giving them the entire Balkan infrastructure on a platter.
Forget all the prejudices you have towards Greece, Germany, North or South.
In the end of the day what matters are economic facts and here's the truth: Austerity does not work.
What the fuck? How can you be completely unaware of the racist propaganda full of lies against Greece and Greeks?
Lazy Greeks trope.
It's not a quote, it's the general guiding principle for a lot of German politicians (and more than a few regular Germans). Making a cheap morality play out of economic principles.Not familiar with that quote, who said that and in what context?
The thing is, the damage they're taking is a trap of their own devising. They have had literally a decade to say "hey look, one of the reasons we have a massive export and industrial sector compared to most other developed economies is because our currency is cheaper than it should be, and it's cheaper because countries like Greece drag it down. Your job working in the Mittelstand? You owe that to Spain. We benefit hugely from this, guys!".
Instead, they've spent the last decade, and especially the last five years, pretending to be put upon and blaming the European union for domestic failings (they're not alone in this, it happens in e.g., the United Kingdom too and it infuriates me). Obviously they're not evil, and the World War II comparisons are just annoying as fuck, but Germany's politicians have proved themselves utterly incompetent at a pretty basic level.
Like with OTE and all other sales, the only people buying are looking for a firesale, and the Troika doesn't allow them to say no if the terms aren't mutually beneficial. Basically opening the door for pro corporate profiteering on the guise of competition.I wonder what price it would sell for. Would it be a fair price, or "fire sale" style because "we need the money immediately in order to satisfy the Eurozone" ?
nstamouli: #Eurogroup Draft Statement Mentions Greek Time-Out #Greek from Eurozone as Potential Option—Sources #Greece via @WSJ
nstamouli: #Eurogroup Draft Statement Still Being Discussed by Finance Ministers, Could Still Change #Greece via @WSJ
https://twitter.com/nstamouli/nstamouli: #Greek Time-Out Included in Draft Statement at German Request—Source #Eurogroup #Greece via @WSJ @gksteinhauser