Yep, this is me too (though I haven't gotten TLOU for PS4... yet).
Honestly, I'm not surprised. GTA is the kind of game that is a lot more replayable, especially if you are creative about how you play.
TLOU was an awesome game, and it edged out GTA for GOTY for me last year, but it's a very story oriented game so replaying it is never going to be as good as the first time unless you can forget the story. I mean the gameplay was fun and all, but story was still an important part of the experience.
Which is why I'm waiting until I can find TLOU for PS4 for 20 dollars and cheaper *and* it's been so long since I played my memory of the story is muddled (with how good it told the story thought that is going to take a while as it really did leave a lasting impression.. which is the hallmark of a well told story).
And actually, come to think of it, GTA's story is more forgettable so it's easier to replay the SP part and have it feel fresh (which is what I'm doing now

). I mean it's a decent story but don't kid yourself, it's not along the level of TLOU. Which is partly how TLOU edged out. I just felt for everything TLOU did it did it so well (I'm not going to take points against it being so linear, it's a linear game and was designed as such). GTA did a lot of stuff really well but I wouldn't say everything. Story was good, especially for GTA and for a game, but not near the level of TLOU.