About 3 hours of playing in the solo campaign had lead to this.
This is what ruined Xbox's "upload" feature. Games thinking they should record for you.
haha yeah, it is fucking ridiculous. every time I crash my car or snipe someone it records
About 3 hours of playing in the solo campaign had lead to this.
This is what ruined Xbox's "upload" feature. Games thinking they should record for you.
Would you say this and TLOU would be worth getting a PS4? Just noticed a Black Friday bundle with them, and I'll have enough money, I'm just not sure. An xbone with it costs less than the PS4 bundle, but I'm not sure I want to go xbox again either.
Agreed.Best 2 games of the year 2 years in a row.
I can't recommend it highly enough.
You can fix it there's a little spring that you take off trigger. Oddly enough when you remove it the trigger works again. They used plastic pin and I guessing the left one broke on your trigger. I youtubed a fix mine has worked great since the fix. You wouldn't think it only needs one side of the pin to work, but it absolutely does.
Do the Killer Whales say, "Eat Shit" when they make their noises? It sure sounds like it to me.
I recorded a clip on my Xbox One but I don't know how to share it here.
Just started and I'm having severe audio issues. Don't know if it's the game or my TV/HDMI.
Spent the entire evening walking around Los Santos as a pig, cow, bunny, deer and golden retriever.
Glad I already finished the story in the lastgen version cause just walking around in this version is way too much fun.
*fetchTook Chop for a walk and things got weird quick
Pedestrians usually give me a lot of the time to get out the way but they were giving the paramedics of all people 0 leeway.
Haven't started this up yet...but I mean to.
Are there any impressions of the First Person Gameplay?
Is it equally as compelling as third person (if not moreso) or largely a gimmick?
Haven't started this up yet...but I mean to.
Are there any impressions of the First Person Gameplay?
Is it equally as compelling as third person (if not moreso) or largely a gimmick?
Would you say this and TLOU would be worth getting a PS4? Just noticed a Black Friday bundle with them, and I'll have enough money, I'm just not sure. An xbone with it costs less than the PS4 bundle, but I'm not sure I want to go xbox again either.
My lord why hasn't R* learned from last year? The connection for GTAO is so unstable. I haven't been able to get on it the last 10 tries in a row. All other online games work and PSN is working just fine. It's just R* and their shoddy servers that are keeping me off now.
They are both the best games of last gen and look fantastic on ps4. You won't be disappointed, unless you want to be blown away visually. They both looks awesome but they're obviously last gen games that have been enhanced.
Best 2 games of the year 2 years in a row.
I can't recommend it highly enough.
Yes, both games are masterpieces. You will not be disappointed.
They are both the best games of last gen and look fantastic on ps4. You won't be disappointed, unless you want to be blown away visually. They both looks awesome but they're obviously last gen games that have been enhanced.
Hell yes. Two of the best games not just of last year but from all of last gen is a no brainer.
Both remasters have been top notch too.
Would you say this and TLOU would be worth getting a PS4? Just noticed a Black Friday bundle with them, and I'll have enough money, I'm just not sure. An xbone with it costs less than the PS4 bundle, but I'm not sure I want to go xbox again either.
So I downloaded my free money on PSN but it hasn't shown up in game for me yet. Does it take a while after it downloads and installs?
Watch_Dogs had a campaign before it got delayed.
It thought it was a direct rival to GTA V. It did some things beautifully, but the cities can't really be compared.
Alright I know it has been asked but can anyone Exxon to me what I need to toggle to have driving third person when I am on foot in first person?
I have been messing around for like twenty minutes and am giving up.
This happened to me, as well. Redeemed my voucher code but received no money.
I missed out on playing GTA V on last-gen. If I buy the PS4 version now, is there any way I can unlock the content for returning players after I start my game?
Like, can I borrow a friend's last-gen version, create a save file, and unlock the new content on PS4 at any time? Or do I have to do that before I start?
Only thing I can say about watch dogs is it felt more alive I guess. Then again the next gen version of GTA has alot more pedestrians doing things.
I finally started and messed around a bit tonight. Just walking around in first person gave me these uncanny glimpses of real life and being out in public. It's a real trip and offers up a totally different level of immersion in this game. If anything, it does a better job of showcasing how alive the world really is. Rockstar are wizards.
I did do that. I just thought them at you could also program it so i can be first person on foot and then default to third person when entering a vehicle.Hey man. It should be under DISPLAY and the first option - individual camera(?) - ON
What? You can play as animals in GTA 5?
Say waaaaat?
Watch Dogs had amazing driving. And I liked the "hiding in the car to evade cops" thing. Watch Dogs cops felt more real. Besides that, all other elements were generic to the core.Only thing I can say about watch dogs is it felt more alive I guess. Then again the next gen version of GTA has alot more pedestrians doing things.
Watch Dogs had amazing driving.
Watch Dogs had amazing driving.
So I downloaded my free money on PSN but it hasn't shown up in game for me yet. Does it take a while after it downloads and installs?
This happened to me, as well. Redeemed my voucher code but received no money.
It's under your respective network's in-game store.
i can't play any other open world driving game after playing GTA V... don't know how you believe this.
Other games can't have amazing driving? I think Watch Dogs was a good game until I realized how stupidly linear it is for an open world game. Everything is 1s and 0s in that game, and there is no organic flow to it. That said, it had some great features, and playing Cops and Robbers was fun, and so was driving.
Of course GTA driving is great, but I had a lot of fun driving in that too. Maybe it was the hacks that made it fun but it was fun to me.
I said to hell with it and am sticking with 3rd person view for driving. It sucks, but when the alternative is crashing into shit you can't see on either side, what are you going to do?
oh god does first person driving ever get more manageable? I can't drive for shit because of how twitchy the cars handles. Really frustrating.
I'm streaming first person free aim on Twitch if anyone is interested in checking it out. First person is such a damn revelation for GTA