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Halo 5 Review Thread


Yup. Would be surprised if Gamespot and IGN gave it less than a 9.

What's most important now, more so than any review score, is whether the multiplayer has legs.

That's really the most important thing for Halo 5. Halo 4 did really well review-wise, but it's online community didn't stick around for nearly as long.

343's commitment to Halo 5's multiplayer content is a very good step in making sure they avoid that happening again.


95% is more than 0. Simple math comparing separate battlegrounds across mission structures.
Halo 3 has three Scarab engagements. Three.

Otherwise, it is actually more linear than Halo 5, which has more open spaces, especially in missions like Sword of Sanghelios. Halo 3 is largely linear corridors or pathways. Halo 5 has the Kraken, while not as fun as the Scarab, is definitely a similar concept.

Sierra 117: Almost entirely linear
Crows Nest: Linear
Tsavo Highway: Open, but linear
The Storm: Linear with one Scarab battle
Floodgate: Linear
The Ark: Open, with a couple of big engagements
The Covenant: Linear with one big Scarab battle
Cortana: Extremely linear
Halo: Linear

Halo 3 has much better highs, but on average it is linear.


Halo 3 has three Scarab engagements. Three.

Otherwise, it is actually more linear than Halo 5, which has more open spaces, especially in missions like Sword of Sanghelios. Halo 5 has the Kraken, while not as fun as the Scarab, is definitely a similar concept.

Lol. Sure man.

That's really the most important thing for Halo 5. Halo 4 did really well review-wise, but it's online community didn't stick around for nearly as long.

343's commitment to Halo 5's multiplayer content is a very good step in making sure they avoid that happening again.
I am hoping this is what occurs too. Warzone alone is more than enough to keep me coming back for a long damn time. I just hope others feel the same.
Great gameplay improvements help bolster what is other wise a weak or just alright story. Spoiler thread looks a whole lot like the MGSV one to me.

This is going off topic quite a bit, but I did just finish MGSV(just in time for Halo 5 release) and man, was I disappointed in chapter 2, and I wasn't exactly over the moon regarding the gameplay either. It's definitely solid, but it's a little suspect when you get to the actual ending, and you're sitting there wondering if there's more to the story, and you have to grind out more side ops or finish the repeats to maybe unlock something else. It left me unsatisfied, but I could see myself grinding out the aforementioned side ops missions someday just because.
I'm late to the party lads but I'm getting the impression this thread could reach Uncharted 3 review thread levels of awesomeness. Anyone got a wall of shame up and running yet?


Lol. Sure man.

Sierra 117: Almost entirely linear
Crows Nest: Linear
Tsavo Highway: Open, but linear
The Storm: Linear with one Scarab battle
Floodgate: Linear
The Ark: Open, with a couple of big engagements
The Covenant: Linear with one big Scarab battle
Cortana: Extremely linear
Halo: Linear

Halo 3 has much better highs, but on average it is linear. No asymmetric objective design, no major playing spaces like the Silent Cartographer, etc
I thought campaign was supposed to be huge. I remember numbers being thrown around from 12-20 hours. Biggest ever for a halo game.

And websites are saying its short?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
My Halo 5 campaign review:
Gunplay: Best Ever
Sandboxes: So-so
Story: Incomprehensible
Read the following paragraph

Yeah, that few lines is not all and unfair to eurogamer.

Throughout it all, I couldn't help but notice this nagging feeling that Halo 5 was old-fashioned. In the age of open worlds, hub and spoke designs and persistent, experience point-powered shared-world shooters, Halo 5's linear, cut-scene-packed campaign just doesn't cut it. There's no levelling up here, nor are there materials to farm, public quests to soldier through, or talents to unlock. At first, I thought, Halo could do with all these things. I enjoy these things, and Halo doesn't have them.

But perhaps the fact Halo 5 doesn't have these things is its strength. Perhaps because every triple-A game nowadays has the same underlying mechanics, those same soft-grind, RPG-lite bits and bobs designed to prey on the bit of our brain that demands the numbers always go up, Halo 5's eight hour long campaign stands out. 343 might have played it safe here in an attempt to get the Halo hardcore back onside, but the result is pure, unadulterated, old-fashioned Halo fun - and that's great.

Perhaps the most important thing to say about Halo 5's campaign is it's a substantial improvement on Halo 4's campaign, which I've always maintained was a decent first effort from a new developer still finding its feet. Halo 5's missions do not revolutionise the FPS genre, or even the Halo series, but they are a welcome return to form. For me, that's good enough.


I'm really looking more for the illusion of nonlinearity in my Halo games. It's true that CE only really had a couple of nonlinear levels, and even those really didn't go that far with it. But I still like being able to get lost in the world sometimes without instantly knowing where the critical path is.


There's still time.

Well sure but it seems wildly odd to announce it when so far there hasn't been any indication of it yet. Then again we may now do that with all review threads lol.

I'm really looking more for the illusion of nonlinearity in my Halo games. It's true that CE only really had a couple of nonlinear levels, and even those really didn't go that far with it. But I still like being able to get lost in the world sometimes without instantly knowing where the critical path is.
No where near Halo 1. I still liked the game though.


sitting at an 86 right now. sounds about right for halo. campaign co-op is usually a good time regardless of story. its the mp that needs to hold up for this game to have legs.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
It seems like 343 has redeemed themselves in a few aspects with this new Halo. I just wish it had split screen so i could play it over a friend's house. Now even he won't buy it. Shit.

It looks stunning from the few level's i've seen though.



"My quick take on Halo 5: MP is the best since Halo 2, but campaign is the WORST in the series. Story, mission design, & more are all a mess."

He is not doing the review this time but thats pretty strong for someone who GAF has accused in the past as being a halo fanboy.
Oh wow, wasn't expecting that from him
Cool to hear about mp feeling like halo 2, that was the last time I was really into halo


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
How did you like Halo 4s story? Or Halo 2s?

I had no idea what was going on in Halo 4's story, either. Given that that was the primary critique people had about 4's campaign, I'm very surprised 343 opted to double down on this storytelling "method" in 5.

The guns all feel great - universally. I never felt like I was using anything useless or underpowered. Aim down sights fits right into Halo, the new vehicles great... the list goes on. Core gunplay is very polished and very satisfying.

Everything outside of that? Eh...

Edit: We talked about it at work the other day, and I like the Halo 5 campaign more than Ryan M quite a bit. Although I respect his opinion. He's right it's lacking big, iconic "Halo moments," but I still found it very fun.

if you account for franchise fatigue and the general negative trend in metascores recently it doesn't seem too bad when compared to the rest of the franchise.

though, the fact mcc has a 85 metacritic and this, what sounds much, much better than that mess, has a 86, just shows how irrelevant metacritic really is.


Noticing a common theme in the negative campaign / story reviews. Most mention the hype or the build up about the story, the hunt the truth and mastercheif/locke antagonistic struggle. Sounds like they had high expectations and that's costing Halo5 slightly in reviews. Maybe MS marketing has backfired a bit, at least in terms of campaign critics.


Ya absolutely. Its most definitely a familiar feeling to the Halo 4 design. Nothing near H1 or even the Scarab H3 stuff

The love H1 gets is just a huge mystery to me. I've seen a fair few people say that assault on the control room is their favourite halo level, and that's literally a whole hour of running through the same room and identical open fields over and over again. And it's pretty much the same for the rest of the game. Can someone explain what still makes H1 so appealing to them today, as I am genuinely interested to know.
For me it not only fills that a bit but makes its own really comfortable spot. Its just...damnfun.

I never cared much for Big Team Battle anyways, so Warzone does look a bit more entertaining, and Arena, while lacking a bit in the map selection, seems real solid to me. I usually have major issues with all Halo multiplayer on release, and it could take a lot of updates and playlist(and loadout) fine tuning to get it more where I want it, but this looks satisfying right out of the gate.


I never cared much for Big Team Battle anyways, so Warzone does look a bit more entertaining, and Arena, while lacking a bit in the map selection, seems real solid to me. I usually have major issues with all Halo multiplayer on release, and it could take a lot of updates and playlist(and loadout) fine tuning to get it more where I want it, but this looks satisfying right out of the gate.

I am exactly the same. I expected a bit of a clumsy slog and instead lots of it was just great.
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