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Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel. 1400+ killed, 2400+ wounded, 240+ abducted. Israel declares war

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I'm no fan of AOC, believe that, but what she's said here is right. The Israeli policy of collective punishment is something that needs to be discussed, and a cease-fire can allow the literal dust to settle, maybe for that discussion to take place.

And the CNN interviewer isn't really putting her on the spot. She's asking questions and barely allowing time for an answer.
Nah, she doesnt get the luxury of trying to be "reasonable" when her, her peers, and voting base have literally spent years calling anyone who disagrees with them on anything Nazi's and terrorists and claiming that those who disagree with her should be treated as such.

Hamas are actual terrorists who act and did things actual Nazi's did. She also stays silent while her squad pals promote provable lies and antisemitic rallies. She is one of the reasons we see so much outward antisemitism in the West right now.

She is a clown who should be treated as such and doesn't get a pass for trying to come off as reasonable to protect her image.


Gold Member
I get that, but I feel like we're missing some details.

To elaborate on my previous WTF post:

Who is making these people this way and how is it even being effective? Most people don't listen to a goddamn thing you tell them, so how are these people getting so aligned?
Surely if there were big meetings at every organization where they're like "We're pivoting our business toward hating the jews, how can we best serve that goal", that somebody would call that out? What even is the end goal?

Why not just hate everyone like proper racists? Maybe they do? Are they focus-firing on one group at a time? When they're done with this campaign, they'll turn their attention to, I don't know, Unitarians or something?

The last 200 hours or so have been absolutely surreal. The naked bloodlust on display is terrifying and how the fuck did we miss it boiling away just under the surface this entire time.
Ah, yes. Fair point.

Well, I thankfully had the good sense to get out of academia when I realised no other human (including me), had any interest in my luke warm philosophical ruminations. I also had a deep dislike for my peers.

Universities are a strange place. The work is poorly paid, unstable, dispiriting and hierarchical. They’re all lefties, because they believe in the inherent value of theory over practise. Importantly, as they are usually book smart, they can often be physically feeble and cowardly. My utterly unsubstantiated prejudice is that the academy is inherently feminised, so slander and reputation destruction is the main currency of conflict.

In short, they’re pussies.

They hate Jews because they regard them as white and successful. They peddle poison to our youngsters - hatred of any form of Western civilisation. They offer nothing constructive. Just permanent revolution.

It’s communism. They want to kill their enemies.

Jinzo Prime

I get that, but I feel like we're missing some details.

To elaborate on my previous WTF post:

Who is making these people this way and how is it even being effective? Most people don't listen to a goddamn thing you tell them, so how are these people getting so aligned?
Surely if there were big meetings at every organization where they're like "We're pivoting our business toward hating the jews, how can we best serve that goal", that somebody would call that out? What even is the end goal?

Why not just hate everyone like proper racists? Maybe they do? Are they focus-firing on one group at a time? When they're done with this campaign, they'll turn their attention to, I don't know, Unitarians or something?

The last 200 hours or so have been absolutely surreal. The naked bloodlust on display is terrifying and how the fuck did we miss it boiling away just under the surface this entire time.

People have been taught that black and brown people are always innocent and that the Whites and the West are to blame for everything.

So they see a group of brown "indigenous" people being trapped by their "white" oppressors and they feel that they have to defend them. There is more nuance to it than that, but this is the heart of the matter.


ידע זה כוח
I'm no fan of AOC, believe that, but what she's said here is right. The Israeli policy of collective punishment is something that needs to be discussed, and a cease-fire can allow the literal dust to settle, maybe for that discussion to take place.

And the CNN interviewer isn't really putting her on the spot. She's asking questions and barely allowing time for an answer.
She gave her enough time to answer. AOC called for a ceasefire and deescalation like a day after the massacre. Only Jews can't defend themselves, while it's ok for violent riots go on for 2 months in the US.
She gave her enough time to answer. AOC called for a ceasefire and deescalation like a day after the massacre. Only Jews can't defend themselves, while it's ok for violent riots go on for 2 months in the US.
It's like calling for a ceasefire in early 1942 when Japan had reached their war goals and now of course wants to stop fighting.

You can always tell when Israel is getting close to winning when the international community starts calling for a cease fire.
The Six Day War in 1967 had a UN resolution calling for a ceasefire after a day. But in 1973 it took two weeks as the Arabs looked like they could win. But when they started losing the UN sprung into action.
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She gets away with so much. Is collective punishment? Also I really think somebody needs to address White phosphorus being used by israelis. I haven't seen any actual evidence that it's been used. And read that the roof knocker is used, phosphorus for visibility. But really can't see any definitive investigation either way.


Gold Member
But there isn't even the fig leaf of ideology or a better future there. It is purely about hating the west and wanting genocide.
You’re right and I was being glib.

I suppose one of the many drawbacks of social media is you end up hearing the ramblings of the plebs (me included) when decades ago we would have only heard from the party leaders.

There are a lot of very stupid, very angry people about. It has the feel of religious zealotry, with colonialism being the original sin. All they want to do is destroy. They can worry about building stuff afterwards.


Perpetually Offended
I remember seeing this stuff too. I never knew the mid east seemed so open and westernish way back.

I can only assume (I know assumptions are bad) that corrupt government took over. Somehow all those wacky cleric dudes in robes got in power in a shady way and pushed all their hardcore religious stuff. I cant see how anyone would voluntarily vote in a government wanting a crackdown on women's freedom like that. Might as well add a ball and chain to the dress code.

Blame the West's coup of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mossadeq ... Threw Iran into chaos which eventually resulted in the rise of the Ayatollah.

Mossadeq was trying to nationalize Iran's oil industry. That would have benefited the entire country and not just a few at the top.


I remember seeing this stuff too. I never knew the mid east seemed so open and westernish way back.

I can only assume (I know assumptions are bad) that corrupt government took over. Somehow all those wacky cleric dudes in robes got in power in a shady way and pushed all their hardcore religious stuff. I cant see how anyone would voluntarily vote in a government wanting a crackdown on women's freedom like that. Might as well add a ball and chain to the dress code.
It's not rocket science. Religion is the strongest tool to brainwash and control the masses. Combine that with poor education and you have idiots ready to kill themselves without a hesitation for the religion they have been fed.


Watching for pentagon briefing, also has an eye on Gaza live

I think part of it is to avoid an algo from punishing the tweet/account. The word threaten might be on an advertising naughty list and they might essentially demonetize themselves using it.

I thought about that but a news source saying "threatened" should definitely not be penalized, and I've also seen pages doing that on other words like "murdered" or "god"

If that is the case it smells like the ambiguous art of AI prompt engineering lol
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325K people potentially saved from Ilhan and Rashida's lies at least


Hold onto your panties
Fired already. StopAntisemitism putting in work.

I'm sure it happened within minutes after her first 'Tweets' too. A large portion of the BoDs w/ Citi are Jewish and I'm sure she'll have the #openforwork tag on her LinkedIn for a few months...or years :)
I just can't quite put my finger on what seems to have caused all these "radical" views in the middle east. I think it may be a "religion" that has caused this? 🤔


Lebanon too but maybe a bit further back. Read a book by Brigitte Gabriel some years ago about how it was before and her experience being forced out once the Jihads took over with sharia.



Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
It's still being reported all over as an attack that destroyed the hospital and killed 500 people. CBS just had a new piece with that headline on the evening news a couple hours ago.

Completely insane, but here we are.
I'm sort of out of the loop what wasn't it already shown that it wasn't the IDF and that it was a misfired rocket from Gaza?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I'm sort of out of the loop what wasn't it already shown that it wasn't the IDF and that it was a misfired rocket from Gaza?
Yes, all very firmly verified. It was a misfired rocket from an Islamic Jihad attack on Israel that landed in a parking lot. The hospital nearby was undamaged aside from some broken windows. Latest reports from European intelligence agencies state that between 10-50 people may have died at the most, not 500. Hamas reported the death count less than an hour after the explosion, so they did not count any bodies and are making everything up to feed to credulous Western press.


Cretinously credulous


Gold Member
I got good news for y'all

based Citi!
In that article, another article link below it had this dirtbag. With all this stuff coming out, it goes to show how mouthy and vile all the anti-Israelis are, but just hidden. They needed a big event to pour their rotten hearts out showing their true colours.

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Gold Member
China’s gotta just be licking their fucking chops right now thinking we’re sending so much of our ammo to Ukraine and we might get pulled into a greater conflict in the Arab world. I don’t like where any of this is headed
Nah, neither of these conflicts are likely to expend much, if any, naval ordnance. I'm sure we have 2-3 688s or Seawolf class subs hanging out around Taiwan, plus any aircraft carrier battle group, full stocked. It won't be rifle bullets, tank rounds, or artillery shells for Taiwan, it's all about popping troop carriers and striking naval/air bases. Most of the countries that could weigh in against Israel have little or no ability to actually get there, there would be trail of broken down or out of gas vehicles and bodies burnt by the sun. As the Ukraine has shown, it takes a LOT of effort to even encroach on your direct neighbor, for China that includes a 100ish mile strait of water as well. VERY tough logistically.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Yes, all very firmly verified. It was a misfired rocket from an Islamic Jihad attack on Israel that landed in a parking lot. The hospital nearby was undamaged aside from some broken windows. Latest reports from European intelligence agencies state that between 10-50 people may have died at the most, not 500. Hamas reported the death count less than an hour after the explosion, so they did not count any bodies and are making everything up to feed to credulous Western press.
Do you have a link to a good news link source about it? I believe you but I'm asking because I know there's people who are still buying the narrative that it was Israel and I want to show them they are wrong.
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China’s gotta just be licking their fucking chops right now thinking we’re sending so much of our ammo to Ukraine and we might get pulled into a greater conflict in the Arab world. I don’t like where any of this is headed

We've only sent like 2% of our old arsenals and we're rebuilding the Iron Curtain, Russia being the supplier of iron in the millions of tones. With a few bones and brains mixed in.

Don't be afraid, just saw an Orc in Aadvidka using a rusty metal pipe with a handle soldered onto it as a 'mortar'. The mortar shell is probably a NK one more dangerous to the one launching than to anyone downrange.


We're in no way under a kaboom shortage. And we're emptying the arsenals of their friends 🤭


Hi all! Long time no speak! While I was away I moved to Israel and got married! Had to leave my consoles behind, so I'm moving onto pc gaming with the Lenovo Legion Go once that bad boy comes out.

ANYWAY. These last week and a half or so has not been easy. I'm way up in the North, about 2 hours away by car from the Lebanon boarder, so while we don't have Hamas to worry about we do have Hizbollah to be concerned with.

If G0D forbid they decide to get involved then I will most likely be dealing with rocket attacks by them. Last week our Government alert system for times of war which notifies you with a siren sound on your phone (as well as sirens all around town) started on my phone and in town. Our apartment has our own private bomb shelter, which is really great as once you hear that siren you only have 30 seconds until the rocket lands. The sirens go off and we run to the bomb shelter, I call my friend who doesn't have a bomb shelter and tell him to get over to my one ASAP with his family. He comes with his 2 friends (his wife and kids were out at the time), we take our weapons (Home Front command actually says to have weapons for self defence), unfortunately no guns but we had knives, and we waited. All of a sudden the alarms went off again on our phone. Telling us that their were drones flying in. A few minutes pass and then another siren, this time telling us that Hizbollah had inflitratred my town using ultra light weight planes. We had turn off our lights, grab our knives and just wait. This lasted for an hour. Then we had the all clear. It turned out it was 'human error' and someone had pressed the wrong alert button.

I was traumatised from the experience. I'm better now but it wasn't easy to say the least.

Just one personal story from this whole thing. No one should ever have to say goodbye to their friends and family like I had to go through. Ever.
Glad it was a false alarm. Like the false take cover from inbound icbm alert in Hawaii a while ago. Sorry you only had knives to defend yourselves with. I was always under the impression that you guys could walk around with sub machine guns for protection but maybe that's just certain areas or for the politically connected?
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