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Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel. 1400+ killed, 2400+ wounded, 240+ abducted. Israel declares war

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You don't understand why we don't want our money going to other people we have nothing to do with?

Americans are suffering here. We're in mountains of debt, expensive education, Healthcare, housing, childcare etc etc.

The average Americans life is degrading in quality at an alarming rate. It absolutely makes complete sense to be mad at all this money going away to other countries.

Hell, as a black American I get told my people don't deserve reparations for the crimes committed against us. But Israel, Ukraine deserves billions of our money unquestioned? Fuck off. And I support Israel but its still unbalanced bullshit.

Tell me, these reperations you are talking about, you were sold in to slavery? Did you work on those fields? No... so you deserve as much as any other person born in your lifetime...

A lof of the billions is in military material and if you don't see how helping Ukraine / Europe benefits the US, I don't know what to tell you. Tell me, who will you trade / do business with if the whole of Europe is under Russian command. What if Taiwan is attacked, you don't care about that either?

You sound selfish as fuck and seem to have a huge victim complex.
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What does the kraken or octopus represent in terms of anti-Semitism?

I asked ChatGPT and while they said it wasn't a direct sign of anti-Semitism, it seemed to have contradicted immediately after saying "Some anti-Semitic propaganda, especially during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, has used octopus imagery to depict Jews or Jewish influence in a negative light, suggesting a conspiracy or undue influence over global affairs."
Maybe the explanation is simpler than you think, the octopus has tentacles with which it can reach for everything around it. So when you draw a caricature of something you recognize as controlling everything, the octopus is the best way to present it. The octopus has often been used as a caricature of the Russian Empire, the British Empire, etc.


Gold Member
It’s a fully staged photo, everything included deliberately, against a bare white wall.

Nazi propaganda of the blue kraken:

Call me naive, but I'm not buying it. Why would she put an obscure anti-semitic symbol in her picture?

I am no fan of Greta. In fact I'm highly suspicious of her motives, but let's not overreact. As I said, sometimes a stuffed animal is just a stuffed animal.


Hold onto your panties
She deleted her first tweet because oops, antisemitic signaling. Now she claims it was some kind of emotional support stuffed animal, not intended to be antisemitic, even though it was specifically put there for the photo op.


Emotional support stuffed animal? Goodness, how disturbed is she? I couldn't help but laugh at their 'photo op' looking like everyone just woke up from a slumber party and decided: 'let's post something edgy on social today for points.' But seriously, a blue kraken plush?
Call me naive, but I'm not buying it. Why would she put an obscure anti-semitic symbol in her picture?

I am no fan of Greta. In fact I'm highly suspicious of her motives, but let's not overreact. As I said, sometimes a stuffed animal is just a stuffed animal.
I'll call you naive ;)

Greta's ignorant but not about her agendas and knows very well what she was doing. We're seeing celebrities, politicians and common people coming out as opaquely anti-Semitic in the light of everything. This is not beyond her...


ידע זה כוח
And why are they conflating climate change with Palestine?
Because this is just being a performative activist. The West have brought the destruction of men, not the actual men who brought slaughter.

I have yet to find any recent use.
I couldn't care less about the puppet. The fact they brought a token "Jew" to say they support Palestine, and not a word on what Hamas did to Jews, is antisemitic in itself.


Gold Member
I am afraid that by classisfying this as anti-semitism, the word loses it's meaning.

Not everything that has any anti-semitic connotation is if fact anti-semitic. Sometimes things are just coincidental
Let's not get confirmation bias in the way of addressing true anti-semitism.


Gold Member
Pretty much.

Just imagine how kick ass that entire mid east region would be if they were peaceful and werent into draconian religious scripture and government policies. They could had used all the oil money over the past 100 years to build up their economy, infrastructure and education. You got countries in the world with a fraction of the resources and people power doing way better.
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Gold Member
Wasn't it shown or implied that her parents are essentially her handlers?

Either way, the odds of that stuffed animal being in the shot......WTF!!!!
Totally. Her parents took her out of high school to focus on her eco crusade. I think it was grade 11. She hasnt even graduated high school last time I read about her.

She's so dumb she doesn't know her parents and activists use her. She just puppets what she is told and can rant it. Watch those hilarious videos where she does Q&A (off script). She cant even answer random basic questions most of the time.
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Gold Member
Wasn't it shown or implied that her parents are essentially her handlers?

Either way, the odds of that stuffed animal being in the shot......WTF!!!!
As a professional, I come across a lot of young women with mental health problems and let me tell you, having stuffed animals is very common among those girls/women.


Gold Member
How in the world has someone this unbelievably stupid become so widely known.
If she was a normal kid crusading for the ecosystem, nobody would care.

But she got popular because she's basically half retarded, has awkward mannerisms and can uncontrollably rant on stage. She's kind of like the student in the handicap class in grade school. On one hand, nobody would trust her doing any normal school work and the kid is weird so everyone stays away. But on the other hand it's like Milhouse in the Simpsons saying "I dont dare to look but I cannot turn away" because despite the creepiness of not knowing what the kid will do if he or she is near you (it can be anything from slobbering, or doing a random running hug of you just because you looked at them and smiled, or they just randomly go flailing their fists and everyone runs), but despite this everyone is kind of interested in what thing the kid does next because it'll likely be wacky and funny.


She deleted her first tweet because oops, antisemitic signaling. Now she claims it was some kind of emotional support stuffed animal, not intended to be antisemitic, even though it was specifically put there for the photo op.


Not to defend her bullshit in any way, those are real things. My wife uses them with kids she counsels who can’t or won’t express verbally.
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