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Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel. 1400+ killed, 2400+ wounded, 240+ abducted. Israel declares war

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Right now the whole world is on the side of Israel except the usual dictators and fuckwits (again if you need to know who the "bad side" is just look at who is supporting them, iran, syria, russia), Israel appeciates it is in a unique situation where it can bend things a bit after the horrific murders that hamas terrorists did. But there is a limit to that and the minute Israel starts lobbing nukes around they would see their support vanish pretty damn fast. Then you got the whole radiation thing.

No I think even Israel would agree nukes are a step too far especially when Israel doesn't even need to resort to them. I don't want people thinking I am yelling for an all out genocide of the Palestinian people that just isn't on. But hey you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. I want Hamas pounding into the motherfucking ground and for that to happen civillians are going to be caught up in it especially with Hamas using civvies as shields. Yet even after all that the Israeli people have suffered over the weekend they are still showing restraint. They are still doing "roof top knocks" to warn residents before the big bomb hits. Yes they give people warning to get out of the way before the building is blown up. How much warning did those Hamas pigs give ?


Reseterror Resettler
I've noticed people simping for Hamas are almost always people who have an "oppression olympics" belief system/world view. I don't think it's a coincidence, I think it's very much directly linked.

Once you adopt that belief system, you start to believe that the only way to make up for past injustices is future injustices. Once you do that, you're basically foregoing morality at that point. You noticed this in 2020 when a lot of these same people were applauding innocent people having their businesses and restaurants destroyed and burned because "What do you expect these people to do? They're angry and they want justice."

The question is: once someone adopts this world view, is there any coming back from it? This isn't changing your opinions on nuclear energy. That really doesn't involve morality, at least not nearly to this degree. Once you turn off your own morality to where you're willing to accept violence and terror, are you too far gone? If so, we're in a lot of trouble, because unfortunately a lot of people have adopted this oppression olympics belief system. And genuinely believe that someone's identity alone makes support for them necessary, and they're not to be judged on their actions. I still believe the oppression olympics crowd is a minority, but there's more people who think this way today than there were 10 years ago, that's for damn sure.

I think it's possible to go back, involvement depending, of course. People grow up, mature, graduate college, move away from their mob mentality groups. When there's no one riling you up, it's sort of the natural modern humans nature to be pretty chill and docile. There are exceptions to everything, but by and large, the visible demographics should be clear: you very rarely see these counter culture freedom fighter contrarian people a single day above 40 years old.

Casuals and people who do nothing with their time hear big words and see passion and want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Progressivism seems to be a two tiered system of older people up top laying the narrative that the less intelligent and larger group of social media buzzflies memorize like scripture. Irony there.

The big question I think is really "is there a world where those who come back from that mindrot are capable and influential enough to keep the fires going in a younger generation,"


Gold Member
Being anti religion is not bigotry, dumbass.

I didn't say that being anti-religion is bigotry. I said that you are anti-religious, and that you are a bigot. Those are two separate statements, both of which are true. As to what a bigot is:

obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

Your remarks fit the definition of bigotry to a tee.

It's being critical of those who engage in bigotry.

Like you, who are lumping every Israelite into the category of a bigot? You're too blind to see your own prejudice against people that follow a religion. And I'm not even talking about specific acts that you're putting down. You're just saying that because they are religious they are bigots and terrible people.

No atheist ever feels any animosity towards religious people...

This is patently untrue, even by atheists on this site.

...but very definitely reserves the right to be deeply critical of the religions themselves.

Everyone reserves the right to be deeply critical of religion, including atheism which is a religion by itself.

You might as well call someone a bigot for being anti-government.

Being anti-X isn't the same as being prejudice. Some of my close friends are anti-alcohol, but they don't put people down who consume alcohol. Stop with the false equivalency.

Also: how about not wading into to defend religion in a thread all about women being raped and babies being slaughtered in its name, eh?

First, this thread isn't all about women being raped or babies being slaughtered in the name of religion. The thread is about a terrorist attack, and Israel declaring war. Second, no part of what I posted had anything to do with rape or murder. I am against acts of violence. I am also against individuals trying to force their beliefs on others. You're free to believe what you want, but you have no right to dictate what others should/shouldn't believe. And you certainly don't have a right to say that Israelites should be displaced from their holy land simply because you are anti-religious.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
The IDF has stated that Hamas as an organization will cease to exist. Take that as you will.
I wonder what this means in relation to their Lebanon and Syria offices?

i offered a solution for the conflict, u didn't.

I don't talk about deleting all the people over there, i talk about deleting hamas, if they hide behind the people and those people do absolute jack shit about it, then its hamas to blame for there deaths.

U think this shit is going to stop with hamas? 1000+ people already died on the side of isreal, what's next? a raid that kills 10k of them? u can bet your arse iran is already mass producting 10th fold amounts of rockets for there next attack.

The only clowns here are people that sit on there ass pretending, doing nothing is going to solve this.

If the people in gaza don't want to life together with isrealiers then they are free to fuck off to another place that fits them. Which is iran.
Isn't hard to read between the lines and you're just attempting to back pedal from your stupid post.
Earlier you said israel should remove all Palestinians against their will.
Now you are suggesting they should just bomb them until nothing left..
Just because you offered a solution doesn't mean jack, its the dumbest suggestions for everyone involved, including Israel.

your posts a stupid and deserved to be called out.
I didn’t say they should, you fucking twit. I wondered if they would.
easy fella. The only 'twit' here is you for even musing the idea of nukes.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Local casinos had to secure their resorts because we had protests going on in Vegas on the Strip.
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Hamas terrorists have done some truly horrific things.

But people advocating for the complete destruction of gaza world be advocating for one of the worst human rights abuses in the modern era. Gaza is filled with terrorists. But it's filled with innocents too.

Israelis think their bombings are justified. Palestinians think their murdering is justified.

Responding to revenge and violence with more revenge and violence is not gonna end the violence. Its just preputating the violence.

Muslims and people all around the world will see it as genocide. The same kind of genocide that Israelis fear from Palestinians. It would be a direct sequel to 9/11 and the war that resulted from it.

Its just gonna breed more terror around the world as people will use the event as justification for their own brand of revenge.

I don't know what the answer is unfortunately. The whole situation is an absolute mess.
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Reseterror Resettler
Local casinos had to secure their resorts because we had protests going on in Vegas on the Strip.

Yeah, you tumblrtards, fight for the cause of Palestinian peace in what is CLEARLY the most powderkeg, tumultuous area of religious and civil unrest, fucking Nevada. I'm glad the real perpetrators of these war crimes are being held accountable: redneck 56 year old white women at the slots interred indefinitely in their hoverrounds.

(Unless it's Pro-Israeli, then I suppose that's....different? Still kind of weird, but)


Isn't hard to read between the lines and you're just attempting to back pedal from your stupid post.
Earlier you said israel should remove all Palestinians against their will.
Now you are suggesting they should just bomb them until nothing left..
Just because you offered a solution doesn't mean jack, its the dumbest suggestions for everyone involved, including Israel.

your posts a stupid and deserved to be called out.

easy fella. The only 'twit' here is you for even musing the idea of nukes.

U think what u want to think mate, i told u what i think. Spinning it towards your own bullshit is on you.


Gold Member
My family has always thought I was a little on the odd side for building a hardened bunker beneath our garage when we added on but I would much rather have it and not need it then need it and not have it.

Have enough supplies for about a year plus a small arsenal down there and actually spent a few nights in there when a nearby city was full on rioting a few years ago

This world is crazy
Yeah I got to say I was absolutely staggered at that staff post. Hey guys whilst there is clear evidence of mutilated bodies, womens bodies brutalised and put on display, throats slit and heads brutally decapitated there is no evidence of rape so lets cut the "Hamas Heroes" some slack. Seriouly that is the impression you get from that other site. Jesus fucking H christ some people.
Muslims and people all around the world will see it as genocide.
So how it is different from the current state of the world? People who view Israel as an apartheid state that kills and oppresses Palestinians won't change their opinion.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion

Five minutes after the mass murder: time for peace and a return to victim narratives.

The absolute nerve to even voice that is a joke. You brutalized and murdered countless innocent civilians and now that the sword is starting to drop you want to come to the table talking about peace.

Of course they know Israel will not negotiate now, but they get to pretend they tried to be diplomatic and play the victim card.


ידע זה כוח
Yeah I got to say I was absolutely staggered at that staff post. Hey guys whilst there is clear evidence of mutilated bodies, womens bodies brutalised and put on display, throats slit and heads brutally decapitated there is no evidence of rape so lets cut the "Hamas Heroes" some slack. Seriouly that is the impression you get from that other site. Jesus fucking H christ some people.
There's a video of a woman with blood around the you know where, indicating she was raped. They are the worst people.


ידע זה כוח
The absolute nerve to even voice that is a joke. You brutalized and murdered countless innocent civilians and now that the sword is starting to drop you want to come to the table talking about peace.

Of course they know Israel will not negotiate now, but they get to pretend they tried to be diplomatic and play the victim card.
As an Israeli, we should go for a truce. Get the hostages back, all of them, and then continue pummeling them.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
According to the Sun Hamas has already begun beheading hostages. Supposedly uploaded to Telegram.

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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
give me the tldr on why reeeeeeeeeeee and others like hamas
It's not Hamas they like. It's the Palestinian civilians that Hamas uses as human shields they like.

Unfortunately there is no good way around that for Israel. If they try to avoid civilian targets then they allow Hamas to escape and thrive. If they go directly after the places that Hamas is hiding then they accumulate many unfortunate civilian casualties.
My family has always thought I was a little on the odd side for building a hardened bunker beneath our garage when we added on but I would much rather have it and not need it then need it and not have it.

Have enough supplies for about a year plus a small arsenal down there and actually spent a few nights in there when a nearby city was full on rioting a few years ago

This world is crazy
Thanks, I now know where to go if WW3 starts.



Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
One thing that bothers me is all these people saying Gaza is a prison, as if to say it is completely blocked off and there is no helping it until Israel is powerless.

Ummm, okay so how did they get a massive war cache to make this assault? If you can get help for that, you could get help for making the society healthier. If you can get organization and training for this war, you can get it for something productive.

But oh, your “allies” don’t want to help you for that, do they? They want to act like you can’t be helped until you own the entire holy land, yeah? And they want you to fight that war for them? And you think it won’t become a faction war to take it from you the minute you have taken it from Israel?

Come on, man. These wars are too expensive even for western nations to keep fighting. It’s a massive, stupid waste of money for these Arab nations, who used to be more prosperous before taking on these ideas. They aren’t being held captive by anyone but themselves.
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Ummm, okay so how did they get a massive war cache to make this assault? If you can get help for that, you could get help for making the society healthier. If you can get organization and training for this war, you can get it for something productive.
Well it is always easier just to spend some money buying guns, enriching higher ups and keeping people in poverty by blaming everything on XXXX. I am pretty sure that Israel would be happy to help if Hamas was building schools, hospitals and other stuff.


Gold Member
It's not Hamas they like. It's the Palestinian civilians that Hamas uses as human shields they like.

Unfortunately there is no good way around that for Israel. If they try to avoid civilian targets then they allow Hamas to escape and thrive. If they go directly after the places that Hamas is hiding then they accumulate many unfortunate civilian casualties.
ok then why is reeeeeeeeeeeeee and others not posting about hope that israel people to be safe as well.


Reseterror Resettler
Expel them.

I doubt Northwestern alumni or their boosters wants to be associated with that kind of statement.

With how many years have passed since this lunacy started, surely hundreds/thousands of these activists must have graduated. Surely another four years from now, we'll have enough of an army of world changing activists that war will essentially end in modern society, right? Right?
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