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Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel. 1400+ killed, 2400+ wounded, 240+ abducted. Israel declares war

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ידע זה כוח
ok then why is reeeeeeeeeeeeee and others not posting about hope that israel people to be safe as well.
They view Israel as white, and Palestinians as brown people. Even though there are Arab Jews & Black Jews (from Ethiopia). Most of the Jews they see like Seinfeld are Ashkenazi Jews who are usually white because they came from Europe.

Also, they have worms for brains. Same as any liberal who supports the Palestinians, because they will hang LGBTQ+ people, and women are second class. Here's a story from last year I think, if you're there may ask them how they feel about it:


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
We have Palestinian supporters dancing and lighting flares in London outside Israel's embassy. Fucking outrageous



Gold Member
They view Israel as white, and Palestinians as brown people. Even though there are Arab Jews & Black Jews (from Ethiopia). Most of the Jews they see like Seinfeld are Ashkenazi Jews who are usually white because they came from Europe.

Also, they have worms for brains. Same as any liberal who supports the Palestinians, because they will hang LGBTQ+ people, and women are second class. Here's a story from last year I think, if you're there may ask them how they feel about it:
ok thank you


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
ok then why is reeeeeeeeeeeeee and others not posting about hope that israel people to be safe as well.
Do you really need them to clarify? Of course everyone hopes that innocent civilians are not involved in this mess on either side.

No sane functional adult is actively rooting for the deaths of civilians on either side.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

How Hamas duped Israel as it planned devastating attack​

By Samia Nakhoul and Jonathan Saul

Oct 9 (Reuters) - A careful campaign of deception ensured Israel was caught off guard when the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas launched its devastating attack, enabling a force using bulldozers, hang gliders and motorbikes to take on the Middle East's most powerful army.

Saturday's assault, the worst breach in Israel's defences since Arab armies waged war in 1973, followed two years of subterfuge by Hamas that involved keeping its military plans under wraps and convincing Israel it did not want a fight.

While Israel was led to believe it was containing a war-weary Hamas by providing economic incentives to Gazan workers, the group's fighters were being trained and drilled, often in plain sight, a source close to Hamas said.

This source provided many of the details for the account of the attack and its buildup that has been pieced together by Reuters. Three sources within Israel's security establishment, who like others asked not to be identified, also contributed to this account.

"Hamas gave Israel the impression that it was not ready for a fight," said the source close to Hamas, describing plans for the most startling assault since the Yom Kippur War 50 years ago when Egypt and Syria surprised Israel and made it fight for its survival.

"Hamas used an unprecedented intelligence tactic to mislead Israel over the last months, by giving a public impression that it was not willing to go into a fight or confrontation with Israel while preparing for this massive operation," the source said.

Israel concedes it was caught off guard by an attack timed to coincide with the Jewish Sabbath and a religious holiday. Hamas fighters stormed into Israeli towns, killing 700 Israelis and abducting dozens. Israel has killed more than 400 Palestinians in its retaliation on Gaza since then.

"This is our 9/11," said Major Nir Dinar, spokesperson for the Israeli Defence Forces. "They got us."

"They surprised us and they came fast from many spots - both from the air and the ground and the sea."

Osama Hamdan, the Hamas representative in Lebanon, told Reuters the attack showed Palestinians had the will to achieve their goals "regardless of Israel's military power and capabilities."

In one of the most striking elements of their preparations, Hamas constructed a mock Israeli settlement in Gaza where they practiced a military landing and trained to storm it, the source close to Hamas said, adding they even made videos of the manoeuvres.

"Israel surely saw them but they were convinced that Hamas wasn't keen on getting into a confrontation," the source said.

Meanwhile, Hamas sought to convince Israel it cared more about ensuring that workers in Gaza, a narrow strip of land with more than two million residents, had access to jobs across the border and had no interest in starting a new war.

"Hamas was able to build a whole image that it was not ready for a military adventure against Israel," the source said.

Since a 2021 war with Hamas, Israel has sought to provide a basic level of economic stability in Gaza by offering incentives including thousands of permits so Gazans can work in Israel or the West Bank, where salaries in construction, agriculture or service jobs can be 10 times the level of pay in Gaza.

"We believed that the fact that they were coming in to work and bringing money into Gaza would create a certain level of calm. We were wrong," another Israeli army spokesperson said.

An Israeli security source acknowledged Israel's security services were duped by Hamas. "They caused us to think they wanted money," the source said. "And all the time they were involved in exercises/drills until they ran riot."

As part of its subterfuge in the past two years, Hamas refrained from military operations against Israel, even as another Gaza-based Islamist armed group known as Islamic Jihad launched a series of its own assaults or rocket attacks.

The restraint shown by Hamas drew public criticism from some supporters, again aimed at building an impression that Hamas had economic concerns not a new war on its mind, the source said.

In the West Bank, controlled by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah group, there were those who mocked Hamas for going quiet. In one Fatah statement published in June 2022, the group accused Hamas leaders of fleeing to Arab capitals to live in "luxurious hotels and villas" leaving their people to poverty in Gaza.

A second Israeli security source said there was a period when Israel believed the movement's leader in Gaza, Yahya Al-Sinwar, was preoccupied with managing Gaza "rather than killing Jews". At the same time, Israel turned its focus away from Hamas as it pushed for a deal to normalise relations with Saudi Arabia, he added.

Israel has long prided itself on its ability to infiltrate and monitor Islamist groups. As a consequence, the source close to Hamas said, a crucial part of the plan was to avoid leaks.

Many Hamas leaders were unaware of the plans and, while training, the 1,000 fighters deployed in the assault had no inkling of the exact purpose of the exercises, the source added.

When the day came, the operation was divided into four parts, the Hamas source said, describing the various elements.

The first move was a barrage of 3,000 rockets fired from Gaza that coincided with incursions by fighters who flew hang gliders, or motorised paragliders, over the border, the source said. Israel has previously said 2,500 rockets were fired at first.

Once the fighters on hang-gliders were on the ground, they secured the terrain so an elite commando unit could storm the fortified electronic and cement wall built by Israel to prevent infiltration.

The fighters used explosives to breach the barriers and then sped across on motorbikes. Bulldozers widened the gaps and more fighters entered in four-wheel drives, scenes that witnesses described.

A commando unit attacked the Israeli army's southern Gaza headquarters and jammed its communications, preventing personnel from calling commanders or each other, the source said.

The final part involved moving hostages to Gaza, mostly achieved early in the attack, the source close to Hamas said.

In one well-publicised hostage taking, fighters abducted party-goers fleeing a rave near the kibbutz of Re'im near Gaza. Social media footage showed dozens of people running through fields and on a road as gunshots were heard.

"How could this party happen this close (to Gaza)?" the Israeli security source said.

The Israeli security source said Israeli troops were below full strength in the south near Gaza because some had been redeployed to the West Bank to protect Israeli settlers following a surge of violence between them and Palestinian militants.

"They (Hamas) exploited that," the source said.

Dennis Ross, a former Middle East negotiator who is now at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said Israel had been distracted by violence in the West Bank, leading to a "thin, under-prepared presence in the south."

"Hamas probably succeeded beyond their expectation. Now they will have to deal with an Israel determined to decimate them," he said.

Retired General Yaakov Amidror, a former national security adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told reporters on Sunday the assault represented "a huge failure of the intelligence system and the military apparatus in the south."

Amidror, chairman of the National Security Council from April 2011-November 2013 and now senior fellow with the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, said some of Israel's allies had been saying that Hamas had acquired "more responsibility".

"We stupidly began to believe that it was true," he said. "So, we made a mistake. We are not going to make this mistake again and we will destroy Hamas, slowly but surely."


One thing that bothers me is all these people saying Gaza is a prison, as if to say it is completely blocked off and there is no helping it until Israel is powerless.

Ummm, okay so how did they get a massive war cache to make this assault? If you can get help for that, you could get help for making the society healthier. If you can get organization and training for this war, you can get it for something productive.

But oh, your “allies” don’t want to help you for that, do they? They want to act like you can’t be helped until you own the entire holy land, yeah? And they want you to fight that war for them? And you think it won’t become a faction war to take it from you the minute you have taken it from Israel?

Come on, man. These wars are too expensive even for western nations to keep fighting. It’s a massive, stupid waste of money for these Arab nations, who used to be more prosperous before taking on these ideas. They aren’t being held captive by anyone but themselves.

This is a pretty naive view.

Israel frequently removes Palestinians from their land and builds new settlements, moves in Israelis and comes with force over the top of anyone who attempts to resist. Passage in and out of Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem is patrolled and operated by Israeli forces who can turn people away or blockade access at a whim for whatever reason they see fit. The IDF is also routinely accused of taking Palestinians into custody where they can be held merely on suspicion of aiding or being complicit in terrorist action with no recourse, often times this can include children.

Hamas actions the past few days are barbaric, but Israels crimes are well documented within the UN and numerous attempts have been made to hold them accountable but are routinely vetoed by the US.

By all accounts, Israel has the entire Palestinian region by the balls and know they are largely able to do what they want.

Iran and co. are largely in it for themselves and likely don't give two shits about Hamas or the Palestinians but let's not pretend Israel isn't a perpetual agitator in this mess; hell even a sizeable portion of the Israeli population agree to that.
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So how it is different from the current state of the world? People who view Israel as an apartheid state that kills and oppresses Palestinians won't change their opinion.
I mean yeah, a lot of people already think that.

But there's also plenty of people who view Palestine as a terrorist nation. And you see some people even view all Muslims as potential terrorists.

Opinions won't change. But the death count would. Whatever side loses more will use it as justification for further action.

The victims aren't Israel or Palestine.
Its the innocent people getting murdered.

Palestinians think that taking down Israel will fix their problems. While Israel thinks taking down Palestine will fix their problems.

It's foolish to think it'll stop the violence.
Instead it'll cause a chain reaction and spread to the entire world. It'll start a new wave of terror and racism across the world.


Because their mindset sees everything through a the lens of power. Israel = rich and Palestine = poor. Poor is always morally correct. That’s pretty much it at its core.
Yeah. The woke/social justice mental framework has no objective morality, everything is relative to power relations. So, stealing is not wrong if it's a poor person stealing from a wealthy corporation, murder isn't wrong if it's committed by an oppressed population against a more powerful one, etc. etc.


Gold Member


It goes both ways, who knew?


ידע זה כוח
The Israeli security source said Israeli troops were below full strength in the south near Gaza because some had been redeployed to the West Bank to protect Israeli settlers following a surge of violence between them and Palestinian militants.
Hopfully this ends the settlements shit. Most Israeli's don't agree with it. We don't need 6 Messaihcol (?) idiots living in caravans being safe guarded by an entire platoon. This is why this goverment is so bad, they are off the rocker in protecting the settlers and not the citizens, I hope Israelis will vote accordingly.


Yeah, guys. It was a concert. They get rowdy. The videos of women naked, Bloody and broken could TOTES be a consensual deal. They could have been giving her a ride home, she was clearly intoxicated! Stop being Islamophobes, this ain't it, chief!
Islamic terrorists kidnap women. Bodies naked. But no confirmation that rape has taken place guys. We need proof. We need to see the rape on video before we believe. In 4k uhd. And even then it could just be deepfakes.


Reseterror Resettler
Islamic terrorists kidnap women. Bodies naked. But no confirmation that rape has taken place guys. We need proof. We need to see the rape on video before we believe. In 4k uhd. And even then it could just be deepfakes.

I've seen talk on there about "having to wait for medical reports to verify,"

Like....the fuck? They can concoct any number of doomsday situations based off of no other information than a black man, a shooting, and police, but now - NOW we have to step back and logically assess things. Guilty until proven innocent.

If these fuckers could draw a single line in the sand, it'd be one thing. This goal post shifting in mass is the reality of it, though.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Well it is always easier just to spend some money buying guns, enriching higher ups and keeping people in poverty by blaming everything on XXXX. I am pretty sure that Israel would be happy to help if Hamas was building schools, hospitals and other stuff.
I grew up in the hood and it’s the same thing with all the gang shitheads. Too hard to get a job on their own so organize to be criminals? If they organized to help each other live a legitimate lifestyle it would go much better for them. And if everyone in our neighborhood did that instead of joining gangs, the reputation of the area wouldn’t be a deterrent to hire people from it. I know what’s possible because I developed my life out of there myself.

This is a pretty naive view.

Israel frequently removes Palestinians from their land and builds new settlements, moves in Israelis and comes with force over the top of anyone who attempts to resist. Passage in and out of Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem is patrolled and operated by Israeli forces who can turn people away or blockade access at a whim for whatever reason they see fit. The IDF is also routinely accused of taking Palestinians into custody where they can be held merely on suspicion of aiding or being complicit in terrorist action with no recourse, often times this can include children.

Hamas actions the past few days are barbaric, but Israels crimes are well documented within the UN and numerous attempts have been made to hold them accountable but are routinely vetoed by the US.

By all accounts, Israel has the entire Palestinian region by the balls and know they are largely able to do what they want.

Iran and co. are largely in it for themselves and likely don't give two shits about Hamas or the Palestinians but let's not pretend Israel isn't a perpetual agitator in this mess.
See above. Israel has been heavy-handed no doubt, done many wrongs themselves, yes. But also maybe they could chill a bit if Hamas could go two weeks without firing some rockets at them. It’s really hard to act like all of it is completely unjustified when there are actual terrorists regularly supported in the area. Why is it that the last few days are because of how Israel was rather than Israel was how they were because they knew people wanted to do stuff like the last few days?

Police in my neighborhood were assholes and always harassing us about did so-and-so go here or there as if we were all friends or something, but you know? Maybe if the gang shitheads weren’t constantly beating and shooting each other and everyone in the entire hood was wasn’t constantly lying to the police to cover for literally anyone who wanted to do wrong because they were scared of being considered a snitch, the police would have been nicer.


Gold Member
Yeah, guys. It was a concert. They get rowdy. The videos of women naked, Bloody and broken could TOTES be a consensual deal. They could have been giving her a ride home, she was clearly intoxicated! Stop being Islamophobes, this ain't it, chief!

The disconnect they have between the established image they have of Palestine, and the truth, is made glaringly obvious when atrocities like this happen.

They convince themselves that Israel is evil, so therefore Palestine must be good, it’s the moral logic of five year olds.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
This is a pretty naive view.

Israel frequently removes Palestinians from their land and builds new settlements, moves in Israelis and comes with force over the top of anyone who attempts to resist. Passage in and out of Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem is patrolled and operated by Israeli forces who can turn people away or blockade access at a whim for whatever reason they see fit. The IDF is also routinely accused of taking Palestinians into custody where they can be held merely on suspicion of aiding or being complicit in terrorist action with no recourse, often times this can include children.
You don't seem to have much of a sense of what is necessary to maintain security when there are literally thousands of would-be terrorists in a population, attempting attacks on a daily basis. When it's not bombs, it's guns, when it's not guns, it's cars, when it's not cars, it's sharp objects and ambushing people unaware.

Daily occurrence:

So yes, people get detained.


ידע זה כוח
You don't seem to have much of a sense of what is necessary to maintain security when there are literally thousands of would-be terrorists in a population, attempting attacks on a daily basis. When it's not bombs, it's guns, when it's not guns, it's cars, when it's not cars, it's sharp objects and ambushing people unaware.

Daily occurrence:

So yes, people get detained.

What actually happens: Palestinian tries to stab soldiers.
What people read on the news: IDF gunned down Palestinian.

Tweak this to "IDF kills teenager" when it's a 16yo trying to kill them.
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I just saw a video on twitter of those Hamas pigs shooting a fucking dog. I didn't even think about that, Absolutely fucking vile pigs they really are. I really hope Israel can wipe Hamas off the face of this earth.



How Hamas duped Israel as it planned devastating attack​

By Samia Nakhoul and Jonathan Saul
This is a fuckup of cataclysmic proportions for the Shin Bet. They were completely in the dark regarding what was going on. None of their informants was worth shit.

And this can be linked to the shitshow of the past couple of years, when Bibi was more concerned about escaping prison, than he was about ensuring Israel's security.
The internal security apparatus was tasked with monitoring anti-Bibi sentiment, instead of being aware of what Israel's real enemies were plotting.
Bibi must go and stay go, and the Shin Bet has to be taken apart and reorganized.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
You don't seem to have much of a sense of what is necessary to maintain security when there are literally thousands of would-be terrorists in a population, attempting attacks on a daily basis. When it's not bombs, it's guns, when it's not guns, it's cars, when it's not cars, it's sharp objects and ambushing people unaware.

Daily occurrence:

So yes, people get detained.

Most people who haven’t lived in a violent place don’t know. It’s a lot easier to throw a deck of cards across the room than it is to pick them up and put them in order. That’s how violence is in reality. Once it goes from people fantasizing to people doing, it’s much more chaotic and difficult to manage than anyone imagines. And when they use deception to effect their violence? Losing that basic trust in people is a hell of a thing. I’m 10 years out of the hood now and I still struggle with it.


Gold Member
I grew up in the hood and it’s the same thing with all the gang shitheads. Too hard to get a job on their own so organize to be criminals? If they organized to help each other live a legitimate lifestyle it would go much better for them. And if everyone in our neighborhood did that instead of joining gangs, the reputation of the area wouldn’t be a deterrent to hire people from it. I know what’s possible because I developed my life out of there myself.

See above. Israel has been heavy-handed no doubt, done many wrongs themselves, yes. But also maybe they could chill a bit if Hamas could go two weeks without firing some rockets at them. It’s really hard to act like all of it is completely unjustified when there are actual terrorists regularly supported in the area. Why is it that the last few days are because of how Israel was rather than Israel was how they were because they knew people wanted to do stuff like the last few days?

Police in my neighborhood were assholes and always harassing us about did so-and-so go here or there as if we were all friends or something, but you know? Maybe if the gang shitheads weren’t constantly beating and shooting each other and everyone in the entire hood was wasn’t constantly lying to the police to cover for literally anyone who wanted to do wrong because they were scared of being considered a snitch, the police would have been nicer.
Police follow where the action is. Where there's smoke there's fire. And for police that stuff is crime. Thats why police never waste time patrolling nice neighbourhoods. There's nothing bad going on to guard.

And when to comes to police action, just follow the rules and be chill. Trying to drive off, get into foot chases and wrestling matches will likely have the cop(s) winning and pissing them off. People and groups get labeled. That's life.

It's no different than being at work. Marketing department has 50 people in. Five people in that department are bad at their jobs. The other 45 seem decent. What happens? Blanket statements like that marketing department is shit when really it's just a small group screwing up the image of the entire department. The same goes the other way. A department can be seen as pretty good even if nobody in their department does a standout job. Just a bunch of average workers. But since nobody screwed the pooch, it's good enough to get a clean image.

In other words, dont fuck it up or else the people you represent will get the same shitty label.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I don't have anything of substance to add, but I just wanted to thank the people here for posting regular updates as things unfold.


Yeah. The woke/social justice mental framework has no objective morality, everything is relative to power relations. So, stealing is not wrong if it's a poor person stealing from a wealthy corporation, murder isn't wrong if it's committed by an oppressed population against a more powerful one, etc. etc.
Its just the reality of the situation. This is a gray situation.

Literally any side can justify their actions by pointing to history. Hamas murdering innocents and making horrific videos about it make Israel feel justified for retaliation bombings. Palestinians feel like they are the ones who are being caged and killed by Israel.

Who you view as the victim depends on your interpretation of who's right or wrong.

The only objective truth is that the real victims are all the dead innocents.

Its such a painfully frustrating situation with no way to actually resolve it.
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