Well, it was a comment in the context of using it together with Auctioneer and Malygos in my Spell Druid deck. Something to the tune of Auctioneer not being useful because Druids have the worst 0 mana spells (he wasn't referring to moon-fire). I take it he probably meant in the context for using them to draw, but even then I still would disagree obviously.
Any aggro deck that dumps its hand will destroy them. I don't think you even need a good zoo deck. Just play warlock/paladin and fill your deck with 1-3 mana creatures. Whatever cards you own that are cheap just put them in the deck and slap them on the board.man this first wing is bullshit, they use so many cheap cards.
beat the first guy but the second one...
don't have a legendary deck, just decks from casual play for the last 6 to 8 weeks?
1) Use Zoo,
2) ???
3) Profit
Any aggro deck that dumps its hand will destroy them. I don't think you even need a good zoo deck. Just play warlock/paladin and fill your deck with 1-3 mana creatures. Whatever cards you own that are cheap just put them in the deck and slap them on the board.
The only real context I can think of would be that Innervate is a bad standalone card to start a draw engine.
But, y'know, so is Prep as the only spell in your hand. In many ways, Innervate is a worse Prep for Miracle draw setups. Which is fair, though largely in part due to the worse spell lineup for Druid. But Innervate is about getting card advantage through accelerating a threat into play turns ahead of the curve so it forces a bad response or gets value through attacks which gives the Malygod Druid setup a better creature game. It's why that deck existed![]()
well i'm trying to zoo it now but I mainly play priest, mage and druid.
Aggro Mage is fine too.
Rain of Fire is actually one of the more managable abilities. Maexenna on the other hand? That is straight up bullshit.
I'm pretty sure it's not random. The AI is an AI and it knows what to do.I know it's just luck of the draw, but it feels amazingly accurate.
Rain of Fire is actually one of the more managable abilities. Maexenna on the other hand? That is straight up bullshit.
innervate spectral knight is going to be so much more annoying than anything a warlock can life tap.
turn 1 coin wild growth. turn 2 innervate spectral knight. turn 3 opponent deadly shots.
Rain of Fire is actually one of the more managable abilities. Maexenna on the other hand? That is straight up bullshit.
I am lonelyI don't know why Mumble doesn't work... I want to speak to people ;_;
I uninstalled it and it still doesn't workHm. Have you tried updating the Mumble client?
Also, we have a group of Hearthstone GAF on one of the Mumbles?
Argh! You speak as if Hearthstone is all I do!Go out :b
Argh! You speak as if Hearthstone is all I do!
Today, I've worked, socialized, done errands and now I just want to chill, play some video games and talk to nerds on Mumble!
And yeah don't like the whole 1week per wing stuff in terms of card release. Makes sense and all that you can't get the cards without the wing released but it's very uneven what you get every week.
Can anyone from EU see if GAF Mumble works for you?
Yay! Thank youGAF 1 is down but GAF 2 works ok
quote to see the info
There's no reward for beating the first wing on Heroic but I think you get a card back if you beat all the wings on heroic or something.
yes. specifically this one:
The sense of entitlement by some of the vets in this thread... Smh
Yay! Thank you
Edit: can you quote me GAF 1 as well? I might have the wrong one for some reason...
yeah, you probably have the right one though since its down
Rain of Fire seems like it hits my 1 HP minions every single time. I know it's just luck of the draw, but it feels amazingly accurate.
I'm pretty sure it's not random. The AI is an AI and it knows what to do.
Everyone testing warlock decks in casual. I like the nerubian egg + void terror combo.
You get a card back for clearing all wings on heroic. Some Blizz dev apparently tweeted about one for each wing but, at the moment at least, that's not the case.Is there no reward for clearing the heroic quarter?
It'd actually be kinda fun if they had the resources to just do a PVE wing every week of the year with even just 4 cards per wing/week. At least that'd mean we'd be getting ~200 new cards a year anyway (in the case of a real expansion missing a year). And they'd have a long term financial boost, as most players probably couldn't keep up the 700g per week indefinitely.
As it stands on the iOS Top Grossing charts (in the US), Hearthstone has gone from 29th place the day before Naxx to 11th place now, and that's just from releasing the free wing, when the paid wings come out, the increase should be much larger.
I kinda like how it makes everyone try out the new cards temporarily, even if most of them don't last in the long term.
ASH! Get on Mumble![]()
It's really fun testing out these new cards. I'd really drifted away from the game hard, but this has reminded me of the joys within.