I found Toshley's Station in WoW, so I now know where Toshley comes from. It's really weird that he looks like the gnome version of Brian Kibler in game, while his card looks like a completely different person. It's especially funny that they had enough attention to detail to make him be fighting the same enemies that are right outside his camp, but enough creative freedom to randomly give him an eyepatch.
Also, his camp is the first time I've heard the Gnomeregan music, and it's cool and weird to hear all the various GvG legendary entrance music mashed up into one coherent song.
It's a lot of fun exploring WoW when you have these characters stuck in your head from hearthstone. I'm sure I'd forget most of these quest givers and enemies if I was going from WoW to hearthstone, but it's impossible to forget any halfway decent hearthstone card. Might need to go on a search for some of the biggest named hearthstone legendaries that doesn't seem big in wow, like Dr Boom, just to see them.
Aggro shaman became t1/t2 when tunnel trogg released.Totem Golem came first, though, and shaman only got really out of control once they got stuff like the 4 mana 7/7.
Mind breaker can prevents 2/4 damage from razakus priest.I don't have shaku on my eu account, replaced it with mindbreaker, it's the most stats you play without any downside in rogue on 3, it doesn't matter your hero power is disabled when you dagger up on two almost everytime in prince deck.
I know it doesn't do shit against priest but holy shit, it completely destroyed this shaman. I clear his board and played this on 3, he couldn't kill it, he couldn't roll totem. it was hilarious how strong it is against shaman. It doesn't die to jade lightning, basically you gotta devolve it if you don't have a board. Not having totem pressure on me turned the match up from unfavored to a joke. lol
This warlock couldn't kill it too, couldn't tap, pretty funny. I don't mind it against hunter either when you get board control and they just try to steadyshot you down, It's only useless against priest lol. So overall the value is there imo, if you don't have shaku, I'd say it's a better replacement than Xaril or whatever else in this deck since I'm playing prince4 too.
to add a little more that is in the thread, this is the artwork of the card:
just a little nugget while we wait for the announcement since there isn't anything revealed about what the card does.
I was playing a couple fun games with my fiance to finish our quests together and she proposed an idea for a game mode that I hadn't considered.
Essentially a mode where Nozdormu is active all the time. Every turn begins with the rope. I think that might be really fun to have as a tavern brawl. No more counting to see if you have lethal, there's no time! Just make good plays and hope that it works out. LOL.
You guys want me to curse Pavel, right?
Speaking of big priest, why do the 1/1 from Barnes get their normal stats when you silence them?
challenge a friend quest, help please!
Chmstry #11169
Trying to add you, are you on NA and is that the correct battletag? 5 digits?
Blizzard hosts a "Design Summit" every few years, where designers from around the company get together and share ideas. I gave a talk back in 2015 about lessons I learned from my time doing Improvisational Comedy.
It all makes sense now.Improv
No wonder there is so much RNG
Metalists are getting a really beefy competitor.
This seems a lot better than vs but for the fact that you have to have premium membership to access all the data.
I frankly prefer larger trends rather than narrower windows so it'll probably be good enough to me.