The fact that Freeze Mage is still allowed to exist just shows Blizzard has no fucking clue what they're doing.
This thread makes me sad. : (
The fact that Freeze Mage is still allowed to exist just shows Blizzard has no fucking clue what they're doing.
So, a "better" Hero ability for Warrior = 4 armour, for Priest = 4 health, for Hunter = ... 3 damage?
So, a "better" Hero ability for Warrior = 4 armour, for Priest = 4 health, for Hunter = ... 3 damage?
Assuming you run two of both, there's about a 25% chance of not drawing either until Turn 7 (assuming no other card draw). Unlikely, but not improbable.
Even if it was 4 dmg Hunters wouldn't use Justicar anyway
Assuming you run two of both, there's about a 25% chance of not drawing either until Turn 7 (assuming no other card draw). Unlikely, but not improbable.
It's the same reason that heals in World of Warcraft are larger than damage output; reactive abilities (Such as healing and armoring up) need to be better than pro-active abilities.
So karma does work. Maybe try to actually EARN wins?i cant even win with face hunter. wtf is going on tonight. ive lost like 6 games in a row now
So karma does work. Maybe try to actually EARN wins?
What's the rogue deck where you aim to overload your opponents hand? I've run up against it twice and smashed it.
This is funny coming from a guy running a deck that uses Knife Juggler + Implosion.So karma does work. Maybe try to actually EARN wins?
If you are losing as Hunter then it's helpful to post what you are losing against and the list that you are using. Most likely the problem lies in your plays, your mulligans and how you react to different match ups.
This is funny coming from a guy running a deck that uses Knife Juggler + Implosion.
ill try to record a video, but Ive been playing midrange hunter for this ladder season and it just doesnt seem to work well for me. I dont think Im playing each turn right since it always seems like I never have an answer to what other people drop. Especially later turns. I definitely have no idea on what to do against grim patron.
I see the problem already.ill try to record a video, but Ive been playing midrange hunter for this ladder season and it just doesnt seem to work well for me. I dont think Im playing each turn right since it always seems like I never have an answer to what other people drop. Especially later turns. I definitely have no idea on what to do against grim patron.
That's a pretty weird list honestly.
For midrange I would ditch Glaivezooka, Call Pet, Explosive Trap, one King's Elekk (maybe both).
I'd add second Freezing Trap, Bear Trap/Snake Trap, second Mad Scientist, second Piloted Shredder.
I'm not too familiar with Hunter honestly but that's what my initial changes would be.
I see the problem already.
Remove Call Pet and put in a second Mad Scientist. Then remove the two King's Elekk for two Knife Jugglers instead. I would also weave in a second Freezing Trap in there if possible or a 2nd Shredder.
For this deck you aren't the person who is supposed to be answer what the other guy throws at you... you are the one who knocks. You are the one answering questions and they have to answer you.
t's turn 2, you play Scientist they play Juggler and some other minion. On turn 3 you trade with Scientist into Juggler then kill his other minion with the Eaglehorn Bow, Mad Scientist spawns a Freezing Trap. Next turn they play a Shredder, you play yours... and you hold the bow. They are forced to either hold the Shredder attack and play another minion or they try to attack with Shredder and it goes back in to their hand, giving you tempo and extra bow charge to hit face with.
Freezing Trap + Bow play is what allows this type of Hunter to play its game. Mad Scientist enables it. You just keep playing threats on curve. 1 drop Webspinner, 2 drop Creeper or Scientist (try to save Jugglers for UTH combo if possible or other combos with the juggles like after you play a Creeper and trade it in), 3 drop Animal Companion, 4 drop Shredder, 5 drop some combination of spell/hero power or Loatheb, 6 drop Highmane, 7 drop Dr Balanced. Use Quickshots/Kill Command to remove crucial minions only. Play proactive not reactive.
You should be saving Knife Jugglers more often than not for UTH. Knife Juggler is only played when you have nothing better to play. On turn 2 you should be playing Creepers and Mad Scientist, after that Animal Companion then Shredder etc.I had two jugglers in there, but I guess they never really did much for me so I took them out. I put in call pet b/c of draw but that was just like 5 minutes ago
You should be saving Knife Jugglers more often than not for UTH. Knife Juggler is only played when you have nothing better to play. On turn 2 you should be playing Creepers and Mad Scientist, after that Animal Companion then Shredder etc.
You also use Juggler comboed with Hunter's Mark. It's a very efficient way to kill a minion with some luck.
Juggler + UTH is crucial in this Paladin meta. I would even consider Powershot over Explosive Trap just so you have more control when you get that AOE clear.
This deck doesn't need draws. You are playing like one card a turn for the most part and you generally want to finish the game by turn 8-9 and that's usually before you run out of cards. You aren't vomiting your hand like the other aggro decks but you aren't playing for the late game either.
It absolutely does. That's not just his (And my) opinion: actual data suggests that Patron has a very low (As in sub-50%) win rate on ladder, according to hearth stats.
Which suggests that the deck is actively bad unless you know what you're doing. That doesn't mean the deck isn't OP, but it's not easy to play well.
Yeah, patron sure does require a lot of skill
Yeah freeze mage isnt that hard really, but cant see what else go there, maybe oil then.Patron is the hardest deck ever to pilot well consistently tbh
Freeze Mage is actual solitaire with the occasional difficult clutch turn
Yeah Oil is a good call, you don't have the insane removal options of old Miracle and need to hit very unique push timings.Yeah freeze mage isnt that hard really, but cant see what else go there, maybe oil then.
It's always Face Hunter.What's the fastest competitive deck out there at the moment? I'm impatient in gameplay and research.
What's the fastest competitive deck out there at the moment? I'm impatient in gameplay and research.
What's even the fucking point of expansions when I go into ranked and 6 of the 7 games I play today are face hunter.
Dear diary today was a good day for Hearthstone.