Mysterious Challenger:
Summon a 9/8 minion
Summon a 2/1 minion
Deny an attack from your opponent
Reduce next minion played to 1 HP
Sounds fair
If I hadn't faced so many paladins in a row today I wouldn't be salty.
Mysterious Challenger:
Summon a 9/8 minion
Summon a 2/1 minion
Deny an attack from your opponent
Reduce next minion played to 1 HP
Sounds fair
If I hadn't faced so many paladins in a row today I wouldn't be salty.
Still not as bad as Dr. Boom
Honestly you could try arena but it takes seven wins to get even with the gold, if you are good enough it is worth it but if you are not it can be rough stuff. Maybe you could try arena once and see how you do?
At 3 wins you can get 50 gold, and if you consider the pack as a 100 gold investment already, you are doing okay. 7 wins can feel really daunting at first. IMO, nothing feels better than doing good in arena and getting your money back. I went 11-3 last week, and then yesterday went 0-3. It can be all over the map, just accept that sometimes you face a deck that will go 12-0 in your first round.
Edit:....I kind of should have quoted the guy you were quoting, oh well
I thought I had read that you get a pack of cards as a reward in addition to gold, as long as you win a game or two?
But you know what the secrets are, so work around that, attack with a low minion first. It summons the 2-1, it comes back, that's two secrets. The 3/2 will go on someone, kill that minion, if you cant' kill as many of the other ones you can without losing all board control because 1-1 goes on everyone next turn. And the minion played goes to 1 hp only if they have the whole tree, most people don't use it
I thought I had read that you get a pack of cards as a reward in addition to gold, as long as you win a game or two?
battle net says hearthstone team is hiring. thought I should let the thread know so ppl can get a chance to take their suggestions to the top
He's worse.
Not even close really.
Good luck to them?
I really don't ever find him as a problem, for a while I thought that it was the "inside" joke of hearthstone. Dr.Balanced is never that large of a swing.
Always expect him on mana 7, and have a strategy around him showing up before that
You do, you get a pack, which would have costed you 100 gold to begin with, and the chance to win more. So im saying if you get to 3 wins, you can get 50 gold, equaling up to the 150 gold you spent to enter, since the pack would have been 100 to begin with. That might have been explained poorly. And you get your pack even if you go 0-3 like I did the other day, but I got a legendary in the pack, so It wasn't that bad.
Also, if you haven't done arena yet, your first is free
Oh I see. So the worst thing that can happen is that I lose 50 gold because I get a pack. Is the back a basic pack, or is it from any of the sets? Random or something.
Dr. Boom doesn't draw cards, that's a big deal.
The arena packs are random.
CyGames has offered up an extremely unique title:
I'm pretty sure he's making a joke about how select posters feel they're the true visionaries who could totally whip this game into the best shape ever.
CyGames has offered up an extremely unique title:
I'm pretty sure he's making a joke about how select posters feel they're the true visionaries who could totally whip this game into the best shape ever.
I am pretty sure if MC was a neutral I would quit the game.Mitigated by the fact that MC is a class card I think.
MC might be worse if it was neutral and somehow drew neutral secrets but it's still contained to Paladin.
I'd say it's about even, but I'd give the advantage to MC in a vacuum.
Indeed. Hence my laughter. I'd love to see the immensely popular, hugely lucrative games these visionaries have designed better than Brode : p
Not even close really. said:Co-Operative Tavern Brawl Datamining
Some initial datamining of the phone patch deployed today to the Amazon App store has revealed a couple of more tidbits which make reference to a "CoOp Tavern Brawl". More information to follow, refresh for updates!
This isn't the first time we've seen references to "2P CoOP" in Hearthstone's client, but it sure has been expanded upon.
New GameType - GT_TB_2P_COOP = 18
New Boolean - is_coop = 15;
New actor reference - VictoryTwoScoop
Mysterious Challenger needs to be in a proper deck built around it, Dr Balanced can be put in whatever deck and he's OP.
But in the proper deck Mysterious Challenger is better than Dr Balanced. Not only is it better but it's more consistent as well because it's more likely to be dropped at 6. It's no wonder why it's nicknamed Dr.6, the Dr stands for balanced. In fact, I think I should start calling it Balanced Challenger instead.
In addition, in an aggro Secret deck you actually WANT to keep MC in your opening hand/mulligan phase. There are very few 6 or higher cost you want to keep in your hand when you are given the option at the start. I have played a few games with the deck and let me tell you... you absolutely should be keeping MC in your opening hand at all costs.
Mysterious Challenger needs to be in a proper deck built around it, Dr Balanced can be put in whatever deck and he's OP.
But in the proper deck Mysterious Challenger is better than Dr Balanced. Not only is it better but it's more consistent as well because it's more likely to be dropped at 6. It's no wonder why it's nicknamed Dr.6, the Dr stands for balanced. In fact, I think I should start calling it Balanced Challenger instead.
In addition, in an aggro Secret deck you actually WANT to keep MC in your opening hand/mulligan phase. There are very few 6 or higher cost you want to keep in your hand when you are given the option at the start. I have played a few games with the deck and let me tell you... you absolutely should be keeping MC in your opening hand at all costs.
They're definitely ramping up co-op options in Hearthstone.
I would be all over this, I love the idea and I hope it comes out
This Starladder is true esport so far. RNG so exciting, all that skill.
I have ran saraad in tempo but I cut it because I cut antonidas for ragnaros. And I replaced saraad with sylvanas. Could probably run any strong 5-6 drop in that slot imo. Hell, even cairne or pilotted sky golem. Or maybe even something faster.
Here is the post I made last night about the deck I ran with the list and links relevant to it:
how bad do I need to invest all my dust in tirion to try to get to rank 5 midrange paladin
Imp-plosion is such fucking garbage. Roll a 4, win the game.
Mysterious Balancer
i have 2700 dust, a mediocre hunter and a very mediocre priest and paladin. I don't want to spend dust because it's hard to come by, i'm thinking of waiting to see what the new adventure cards will be/what decks they can help before making any of mine better. I did spend 200 dust on two knife jugglers since i never got them and one unleash the hounds to help hunter. Also hesitant on crafting all the Druid epics to make a FON deck if that gets nerfed. Highest i've laddered so far is Rank 9 with hunter.
how bad do I need to invest all my dust in tirion to try to get to rank 5 midrange paladin
What? Get a legendary, what good is holding onto dust?
I did craft a Dr. Boom, but i can't decide on what legendary to get next, Tirion if i go Paladin, sylvanas or alextraza for other stuff or if i ever go Dragon Priest.
I keep running into Armor warriors, i should just give up as soon as they play Justicar as there is no way i can compete with that much armor at all times. I hate this game every other time i play it. *plays more*