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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Trying out HOTS and wow this game has stats.

WTB HOTS stats dev to do this for Hearth!

I've always, always lamented the lack of stats in Hearthstone. I thought for sure I'd be able to go back and watch my games on Day 1, amongst other things. Nope. And here we are 1.5 years after launch and still can't.

P.S. Murloc decks suck.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Shield Slam
Brawl (1 or 2)
Shield Maiden
Death's Bite
Acolyte of Pain
Sludge Belcher

And at least 4 legendaries, some mix of Sylvanas, Boom, Grom, Alex, Ysera, Justicar and Ragnaros. Then fill in the rest of the slots with whatever you can get.

That'll give you like a Tier 3-4 CW deck.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's a base card, I only included stuff that needs to be crafted/bought.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Oh yeah, Geddon is another good option but he's useless elsewhere so I'm reluctant to craft him ever.
Shield Slam
Brawl (1 or 2)
Shield Maiden
Death's Bite
Acolyte of Pain
Sludge Belcher

And at least 4 legendaries, some mix of Sylvanas, Boom, Grom, Alex, Ysera, Justicar and Ragnaros. Then fill in the rest of the slots with whatever you can get.

That'll give you like a Tier 3-4 CW deck.

Thanks......I've been using Sylvanas, Boom, Ysera, Justicar and Ragnaros

I can't believe I don't have a shield slam yet =/


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You really need the Shield Slams to be honest. It's crucial.

Playing Warsongless Patron is a bit like playing Secret Paladin. You're just hoping to overwhelm them with value at some point, except instead of slotting in 6 cards and playing 1, you're slotting in 10 cards and playing all of them. Oh and you fold to Flamestrike.

It's still passable as a deck, so that's something.

I was playing against a Tempo mage and it was the funniest thing in the world. I could smell the Arcane Missiles and Flamewakers sitting dead in her hands because I had Patrons on the board. That awkward pause when she couldn't play anything but Apprentices and Mirror Images said it all.
This new cut of tempo rogue is working for me for some reason. It doesn't even have a 4 drop though lol. I was thinking about doing some type of shadowstep build but I ended up not having the room or really the desire to play that.

When I was making this deck I had a lot of ideas but quickly ran out of room. I wanted to include violet teacher as well but the list filled up quickly. I'm not even sure what I am comfortable cutting yet to include VT or shredder.

I've already managed to take down a fatigue/control warrior, secret paladin (sap on MC so clutch), dragon priest (he had a really solid start too), and a ramp druid.


Additional kills:
Face hunter
patron warrior (control warrior? it was debatable, I killed him before he could play ET or patrons but he was running shredder and unstable ghouls and shredder is pretty unique to the new patron deck and I don't think I've seen that ran in CW seriously).
Lost to a tempo mage who had coin and seriously too good of a draw, both flamewakers within first 6 turns. I would have demolished him if he didn't get the second flamewaker.
Then I demolished a secret paladin. I remember someone saying that divine favor nullifies bad starts. What a load of BS. This guy had divine favor and drew 3-4 cards off it and got his ass handed to him. I even ended up with a bad mulligan getting sprint azure drake (2 of 3 of my 5 and higher cards).


If there was a brawl that were "Choose a class and build your deck without its class legendaries, get the 3 legendaries from a random different class"

Which combinations would be great?

I got the idea from the guy up in this thread that was asking what to do with its acidmaw, in rogue it would be crazy good, or Gahrzilla (?) on Warrior would be broken
If there was a brawl that were "Choose a class and build your deck without its class legendaries, get the 3 legendaries from a random different class"

Which combinations would be great?

I got the idea from the guy up in this thread that was asking what to do with its acidmaw, in rogue it would be crazy good, or Gahrzilla (?) on Warrior would be broken

Antonidas in rogue. Turn 7 antonidas, prep, conceal. Next turn prep fireball, fireball, fireball.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You would win more with Face than anything else.

Priest might fair okay, they're the best at milking value out of legendaries.


What do you guys consider to be must haves for control warrior?
Brawl for AOE clear
Weapons (Fiery War Axe and Death's Bite) for spot removals
Executes and Shield Slams for big removals
Shield Maidens, Justicar and Shield Block for armor gain (also to enable Shield Slam)
Acolyte for draw
Alexstraza and Grommash for game finisher
A few high end Legendaries (aka Dr Balanced, Geddon, Sylvanas)

Other is the usual stuff that other decks use. Sludge Belcher, Shredder, BGH etc.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
8 mana 1/1 that fills the board with boom bots

Actually, when you have that much randomness put together it kind of all evens out. That would be a fairly consistent way to clear an opponent's board if you were proactive enough.


agro druid is the real deal, the guy has better tools than before to finish the game by turn 9

I think that we will see soon (which by blizzard standards means april 2016) of force of nature.

I like a nerf from kripp that proposed that FoN summoned 3 trents without charge and than die by the end of the next turn.
Guy filled the board with murlocs, I had Ysera on my side

Brawl ftw! Lost my Ysera but he was left with a 1/1 and no cards left in his hand :D
That moment when you're playing a control warrior who just alex'd himself for 7 mana and tanked up to 19 and you do the calculations on lethal 3 times in 3 different card combinations... and you're one damage off lethal.

Then you notice you have prep.


This was an intense ending. I full mana sprinted and had 3 mana and a short time to figure out lethal if it was possible and the best move if it was not possible.



Actually, when you have that much randomness put together it kind of all evens out. That would be a fairly consistent way to clear an opponent's board if you were proactive enough.

you're right... spawns 3 boomier bots. boomier bots can hit any target on either side of the board for anything between 1 and 8 damage.
New card: Boomiest Bot

10 mana 1/1, Battlecry: deal 30 damage to a random hero

Only if it can also hit heroes in other games. Think about it. Pure skill.

And since sometimes people have more than 30 health due to armor, it must do damage ignoring armor +immune and now bolf ramshield is the number 1 card in the game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Big Bot
5 Mana
Deathrattle: Deal 4 damage to a random character. Summon 2 2/1 Mini Bots.

Mini Bot
3 Mana
Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to a random character. Summon 2 1/1 Micro Bots.

Micro Bot
1 Mana
Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to a random character


Played Patron Warrior today a bit more. Very good against Hunters still but it's not cheap enough. Against decks with good removals/clears it's just dead in its tracks. Most of the minions aren't that stick/beefy. I think I need one Belcher in there. I also really want to put in a Shield Block because there have been a couple of Hunter matches where I lost just as I stabilized and they won by top dicking Quickshot into a charger when they had no hand.

Beyond rank 4 you hit more players that are willing to play Control decks. It's not a lot but it's enough where it can stop you in your tracks. Where as I know I would whoop those decks if I was still playing Secret Paladin.

I did manage to completely demolish a few Paladins today though including a time where I completely dealt with a turn 6 MC.


Big Bot
5 Mana
Deathrattle: Deal 4 damage to a random character. Summon 2 2/1 Mini Bots.

Mini Bot
3 Mana
Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to a random character. Summon 2 1/1 Micro Bots.

Micro Bot
1 Mana
Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to a random character

they should be dolls. or doll-bots. big matryoshka doll-bot.


ugh, i play dragon priest and i get all the weirdo fucking decks, shamans and rogues, and control paladins and freeze mages, and they all have exactly what they need all the fucking time tonight. turn 5 nova doomsayer into turn 6 thaurissan into i'm just fucking dead. 2x earth shock and 2x hex in the top 15 cards of the deck. go fuck yourself shaman, any one card difference in your draw and you lost that fucking game.

oh look turn 9 alex into fireball fireball frostbolt from the same guy who had turn 5 nova doomsayer into turn 6 doomsayer into frost nova blizzard.

falling 5 fucking stars because i run into opponents with shitty decks that only win because they literally draw the fucking nuts against me every time is pretty fucking depressing.

aaaaaand then it's walking facefirst into control warrior. because i'm going to win that matchup.


Freeze Mage isn't exactly weird past rank 5. It's effective against a large portion of the decks that are being played. Already talked about this a few times.


Freeze Mage isn't exactly weird past rank 5. It's effective against a large portion of the decks that are being played. Already talked about this a few times.

maybe the second time i've seen one in the last 5 days. I don't know where you're getting your information from but in my experience playing on ladder at rank 1-2 they're not common.
maybe the second time i've seen one in the last 5 days. I don't know where you're getting your information from but in my experience playing on ladder at rank 1-2 they're not common.

Dragon priest will beat shit decks, or people who do not know how to play.

You shouldn't get salty when you finally run into one of them at lower ranks.

Try netdecking something stronger, anything before TGT should do.


Dragon priest will beat shit decks, or people who do not know how to play.

You shouldn't get salty when you finally run into one of them at lower ranks.

Try netdecking something stronger, anything before TGT should do.

..I'm not salty about running into somebody's tier 3 shaman deck, i'm salty about losing a long string of matches in a row where my opponent draws the nuts, playing the absolute best card every turn until I lose.
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